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    posted a message on [Help] Automating Units with the Data Editor


    Don't use the search area effect.

    Use an (Effect - Target) Ability with auto-cast enabled and use Only Neutral and Resource (Harvestable) as the target filters. Make sure you set Auto-Cast Aquire level to defensive.

    Have the ability point toward an 'Issue Order' Effect that points back to the ORIGINAL gather ability.

    Using the gather ability as the dummy, you can use the new auto-cast button to harvest manually, without cluttering the command card.

    I've done it up quickly on a map to illustrate:

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Capturing Supply Units [RESOLVED]

    Hey there. I'm designing a map that depends heavily on capturing units from other players.

    I have several custom abilities that do this, and I'm slowly getting the hang of the data editor.

    My problem is this:

    Using the buff behavior, there is an option to change the player ownership.

    (Behavior - Player - Value)

    Now, it changes control of the unit or structure just fine, but if that unit gives supply, it does not count towards the controlling players supply. It still counts to the original player. If player one has only one supply depot, and player 2 captures it, player 1 will still read 8 supply, and player 2 will read 0.

    Is this a bug in the editor, or do I have to set a flag or another option somewhere?

    I realize I could rework it so that it works with triggers, but I'd prefer if this could be packed as a mod with as little re tailoring to new maps as possible.

    Resolved thanks to Shardfenix!

    For future reference:

    People will find that transferring unit ownership using the

    • Buff: Behavior - Player - Value:

    Field will result in the unit command being changed, but not true ownership. The units supply will still belong to the original owner. To change the unit ownership including it's supply cost use:

    • Modify Unit: Effect - Modification Flags: Owner
    Posted in: Data
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