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    posted a message on having trouble with Triggering damage amount

    I am trying to give a player a bonus for amount of damage delt but can not seem to get Triggering damage amount to work at all

    so I have two variables damage <real> and converteddamage <int> Variable - Set damage = (Triggering damage absorbed) Variable - converteddamage = (Round(Untitled Variable 001)) Player - Modify player (Damaging player) Minerals: Add {converteddamage}

    the problem here is that damage absorbed only pumps out the amount of damage taken total IE if i do 10 damage and you have 1 life, I have only done 1 damage, I have searched countless threads and forms that seem to indicate i can just use Triggering damage amount, any advice on how to get the actual damage I am dealing rather then the damage taken would be appreciated.

    Posted in: Triggers
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