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    posted a message on Attack help

    Check the flag under the Unit, "turnable" :)

    And for AoE, go to your damage effect and add a field to the Search - Area +, arc determines if it should be a full circle, or something less. Use bonus if you want the AoE to do full damage plus more, use fraction if you only want it to do a percentage of the full damage. Radius determines the size of the AoE. You can add several AoE to the same damage. If you want the initially target to avoid getting hit by the AoE, you must exclude him in the Search - Exclude + Look at my pictures.

    Oh and Maximum Count determines how many can be hit by the AoE, -1 is infinity.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Footprints and Line of Sight

    @Kazzeroth: Go

    Ahh, now I get it :P Hm, that I haven't worked with before. Maybe you need a behaviour to do it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Footprints and Line of Sight

    @Kazzeroth: Go

    What is it exactly you want to achieve?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved][Unit/Actor] ActionImpact Mesage

    I have created my own unit by adding objects, not duplicating. This is my first time trying to do so. I have created a unit with the Prisoner Zealot as model, and created a weapon that is similar to the zealot, and it does all work fine. He attacks, damage and all. But there arrives this message with every attack;

    Warning: Date configuration error: ActionImpact message arrived before commenced.

    I guess I understand what it means, but I can't find where to change this. I have searched, and tried to compare my unit to the zealot, I cant find what is wrong. Does anyone know? :D

    Apparently all the units creates this message on attack, even the ones I have not altered, standard units.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Doodad/Terrain] I want to make a bridge of bones.

    @Yeti434: Go

    Ah, now I get it! Thanks a a lot for the help :) This is a really easy way to do this.

    @Mozared: Go

    Yeah, I found a thread, where he had made a really nice looking bridge. http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/terrain/17780-bridge-help-needed/ But I still don't quite get all the stuff. I have yet to work with doodads, terrain objects and all the other terrain stuff, apart from the basic stuff. If you know of any good tutorials on how to do this kind of bridge/terrain work, I would really appreciate a link! I am eager to learn :D

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Battle Planets - Beta Release

    Don't have the time to play, but based on the videos it looks cool! :) Nice to see some new game modes.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on [Attachment Points] <- This

    I still need help, if anyone knows? :/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Doodad/Terrain] I want to make a bridge of bones.

    @Yeti434: Go

    Thanks for the replies! Based on all the other threads I read, I didn't assumed anyone had anything new to add to the subject. But that worked great! I have attached a picture for those who might be interested to know a small portion of the possibilities. I know the bridge isn't something worth bragging about, but I am about to rush out the door so I do not have the time right now to make something awesome, but I will, tomorrow maybe!

    Just one thing. You say "Now, afterward, you want to use the raise and lower brush to raise and lower the little land bridge you made so it JUST barely covers the bones." I have only the lower/raise option, that lowers or raises in hole sections. Not just a little. Unless you are talking about the height tools, but that would just make the bones raise too. So I don't quite understand what you mean there?

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    That seems to complicated :P

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on [Doodad/Terrain] I want to make a bridge of bones.

    Ya, I guess title says it all. I have been reading a LOT about this, but must threads are very old. Hopefully someone has figured it out :)

    I consider myself rather new to terrain, so bare over me if my questions are silly.

    Well yeah, I want to make a walk able bridge made of bones that crosses lava. So far I have been trying to mess around with some Terrain Objects, and hoped I could make doodas walk able, but that didn't succeed. And some other things, next up is trying to create a Terrain Object, and maybe just place it, and cover it with bones, so it looks the way I want. Hopefully that will work.

    I was wondering, is there anyway to make doodads walk able? Like the Ulaan Destructible Bridge, is a great model to make custom bridges, but since it isn't walk able, it is no good.

    And/or if anyone knows how I can make my bridge, I do appreciate any tips and tricks :)

    One more thing, is it possible to create such a hole as seen in my picture, but still be able to lower cliffs around it? That way I would have a invisible model, that lets you see beneath it (the lava) and I would paint it with doodads bones so it looks awesome! :D (The models seen in the picture are; Char Nydus Nest (Height 1) 001 and the other one seems to have lost its name, but I think it was a char/kerrigan/nydos thing.)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on [Solved]Black minimap when custom terrain set.

    Thank you :D

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on [Solved]Black minimap when custom terrain set.

    I duplicated a terrain set, renamed and gave I 8 terrains I want too use for my map. All good, but when I test the map the minimap is all black, except units.

    Can anyone help me?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Extra Unexplainable Weapon

    You could also try and right click the unexplainable weapon in the editor, and click explain link. Then you can see how it is attach somehow to your weapon.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Extra Unexplainable Weapon

    It is not as simply as you have the wrong UI - Damage Display Effect in the weapon it self?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Attachment Points] <- This

    I am trying to understand something about Attachment Points. I would like to use the Perdition Turret as an example. When I look in the previewer and look at its Attachment Points, I notice one called TurretZ which is center on the ground. Then the weapons are called Weapon 01 and Weapon 02. Great now I know where my firebeam should come from, right?

    So I go to my duplicated Photon Cannon with the Perdition Turret model's attack actor and change the Attachment - Launch Attachment Query + field. From the previewer I assume that I should filter weapon 01 and filter weapon 02. But that makes the attack start from the ground, if I use Pattern Missile Turret, then it shoots flame out one side, not the other.

    What is it I misunderstand about this? Why doesn't it shoot flames out both sides when I filter Weapon 01 and Weapon 02, which are consistent with the attachment points in the previewer.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Help with unit corpses decaying/dissapearing

    Maybe if you could alter the death animation, and simply cut away the evaporation scene. It seems the cruiser death, doesn't have this, so it stays in the map forever.

    Posted in: Data
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