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    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    @maverck: Go

    MAXScript Auto-load Script Error - C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\PlugIns\sc2_objects.ms Exception: Syntax error: at on, expected <rollout clause>

    In line: on c <<

    This error is occurring in 3DSmax8 and 3DSmax 2008 as well. It happens in the function rollout pemitsettui "Particle Parameters" under group "Particle Colour"

    I marked out all six lines where it says: on <event> changed val do (<color option> = SetP4Col val)

    (Marking out is done by adding two dashes in front of the first character in the line).

    In 3DSmax 2008 this 'plugin' script runs fine now at startup, though I'm not sure what consequences it has, to mark out these lines.

    Anyway, I think a relevant explanation can be found here: http://area.autodesk.com/forum/autodesk-3ds-max/maxscript/syntax-problem-rollouts/page-last/

    It says: ".. You can’t execute code directly within a rollout. You need to define functions or event handlers, then put the code in it. You’ll also have to explicitly state that the new variables are either local or global.."

    This would mean that these event handlers ("on <event> ..") should be placed outside of the rollout pemitsettui "Particle Parameters" if it's really necessary to execute the function SetP4Col val ..

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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