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    posted a message on Requirements do not work

    @JimyStyles: Go

    Transfer ownership of the building when the player gets near?

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    posted a message on how do i disable mineral distance

    @Nahotnoj: Go

    A player wouldn't be able to rebuild next to it if necessary would he?

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    posted a message on how do i disable mineral distance

    @predoc84: Go

    Go to each of your bases' Unit (Command Center, Nexus, Hatch/Lair/Hive) and in the Movement tab there are two Footprints, 5x5 contour and drop-off. In the Footprint there are three layers Pathing, Placement Apply, and Placement Check. You will be concerned with the last two Placement Apply and Check. In these layers there are sets. Go to Set One for each and click the Define Set button. Uncheck the boxes that say "Resource Drop Off" in Placement Apply and uncheck the boxes that say "Near Resources" in Placement Check. You will have to do this for all 4(?) Footprints.

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    posted a message on Behaviour Stops Movement

    @Xi0NsWrath: Go

    "the only abilities left (and on command card) is Stop and Attack"
    Are they grayed out or gone completely?

    Check in the buff's AbilClassDisableArray. Sounds like when the buff is active it is disabling your Move and EffectTarget/Instant abilities. Which would cause them to gray out.

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    posted a message on Virophage problems

    @Fender187: Go

    I don't know about the select problem, but the footprints for the Virophage already exist as:

    Unit Footprint: Footprint3x3CreepContour
    Unit PlacementFootprint: Footprint3x3Creep

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    posted a message on Blend data-based teleport

    @Kueken531: Go

    AbilityMorph, turn into a flyer, the flying version has high movement speed, when you reach the destination morph back.

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    posted a message on Blend data-based teleport

    @Kueken531: Go

    So then don't use the teleport effect? Apply a behavior buff that increases movement speed by a silly amount and then just move the unit.

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    posted a message on Blend data-based teleport

    @Keyeszx: Go

    "you can see them moving towards the location" wha...? He just disappears and reappears, no?

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    posted a message on Blend data-based teleport

    @Kueken531: Go

    What's a "blended" teleport?

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    posted a message on Immolate on a unit?

    @homer_3: Go


    name: Immolate

    tooltip: Deals AoE damage around the caster, drains energy while active (or whatever)
    icon: Bearclaw nozzles or something similar


    name: Immolate Damage
    (amount of damage it does per tick)

    type: EffectDamage
    amount: 10


    name: Immolate Search
    (applies the damage effect in a little radius to whatever units your specify)

    type: EnumArea
    arc: 360
    effect: Immolate Damage
    radius: 1
    exclude value: caster
    search filters: check enemy, neutral, or whatever you want it to affect. Scroll through the list and exclude things you don't want it to affect, Invulnerable for example


    name: Has Energy

    type: UnitCompareVital
    compare: GT
    compare type: current
    compare value: 0
    compare vital: energy


    name: Immolate
    (runs the Immolate Search Effect and drains the caster's energy)

    type: BehaviorBuff
    disable validator array: Has Energy
    duration: -1 (stays on until you cancel or run out of energy)
    period: 1 (time between periodic behavior effects, 1 per second)
    period count: -1 (amount of times the periodic effect can run, infinity)
    periodic effect: Immolate Search
    vital regen: energy: -1 (amount of energy it drains per second, 1)


    name: Immolate On
    (applies the Immolate Behavior)

    type: ApplyBehavior
    behavior: Immolate


    name: Immolate
    (runs the Immolate On Effect)

    type: EffectInstant (doesn't need a target)
    command button cancel: Cancel
    command button execute: Immolate
    flags: check Transient (or your unit will stop moving then cast)
    effect: Immolate On
    cost vital: energy: 20 (or whatever, the amount of energy it costs to start the effect)

    Add the ability to your unit's Command Card and you are good to go...oh wait you need a visual indicator.


    name: Immolating

    (shows a fire effect on the caster while Immolate is on)
    type: Model, ModelAddition
    ...animplay fire [probably stand]
    ...animname fire
    ...animplay fire [stand]
    model: something appropriate, terran building fire or whatever


    name: Immolate Damage

    (shows a fire effect when units take damage from Immolate)
    type: Model, ModelAnimationStyleOneShot
    model: firebat something something, makes a little fire puff

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    posted a message on Attached Actor Not Destroying Properly

    @Nahotnoj: Go

    - Validate
    - AnimPlay [death]

    - AnimName [death]
    - Destroy

    I assume you are wanting it to play some animation before it gets destroyed or you could just have the behavior.on event kill it. (Edit) Also, you are checking to make sure that Behavior gets applied and the Validator is correct right?

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    posted a message on Regenerate/Degenerate hitpoints based on current health- is this possible?

    @dubo863: Go

    Units come with their own inherent CUnit_LifeRegenRate so there are at least two ways to do it.

    Solution A

    1.) Create two Validators, one to check if the unit is over 100 life, one to check if the unit is under 100 life
    2.) Create two Behaviors, one to regen life, one to degen life

    Solution B (clunky)

    1.) Create the unit with its own regen
    2.) Create one Validator to check if the unit is over 100 life
    3.) Create one Behavior to degen life that will, in essence, cancel out the unit's regen


    • This Validator returns true when the unit has less than 100 life

    name: Under100Life

    type: CValidatorUnitCompareVital (used to compare/check things like life, shields, and energy)
    - CValidatorUnitCompare_Compare: e_valueCompareLT (this is the logic gate, less than)
    - CValidatorUnitCompareVital_Type: e_vitalTypeCurrent (the number we are checking, current life when the Validator is run)
    - CValidatorUnitCompareVital_Value: 100 (this the number we are checking against, 100)
    - CValidatorUnitCompareVital_Vital: e_unitVitalLife (this is the vital field we are checking, life)

    • This Validator returns true when the unit has greater than 100 life


    type: CValidatorUnitCompareVital
    - CValidatorUnitCompare_Compare: e_valueCompareGT
    - CValidatorUnitCompareVital_Type: e_vitalTypeCurrent
    - CValidatorUnitCompareVital_Value: 100
    - CValidatorUnitCompareVital_Vital: e_unitVitalLife


    • this Behavior sets the unit's life regen to +10/sec while it is under 100 life

    Behavior: UpTo100

    Type: CBehaviorBuff Duration: -1 (so it goes forever) CBehaviorBuff_Modification_VitalRegenArray (used to set the regen/degen of life, shields, and energy)
    - Life: 10 (+10life/sec)
    CBehaviorBuff_DisableValidatorArray (runs this Validator(s) every tick, if they return false the Behavior is turned off)
    - Under100Life

    • this Behavior sets the unit's life regen to -10/sec while it is over 100 life

    Behavior: DownTo100

    Type: CBehaviorBuff
    Duration: -1
    - Life: -10
    - Over100Life

    Find your Unit's Behavior array and add both of these Behaviors to it.

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    posted a message on Allow unit to be attacked while burrowed?

    @homer_3: Go

    Remove the Unburrow (edit: Burrow[unit]Up) Ability from the Command Card

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