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    posted a message on [Data - Actor] Range Indicators (the best way)

    @zeropoints: Go

    Thanks very much for the feedback.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on My first video tutorial

    Hey all. I just posted my first video tutorial on making unit selection range indicators. I'm looking for feedback on it if any of you have time, on the content of the video as well as my technique, encoding, and anything else you have suggestions/ideas about.

    Here is the link. http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/tutorials/22272-data-actor-range-indicators-the-best-way/#p1

    Thanks for your time.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Data - Actor] Range Indicators (the best way)

    So, this is my first tutorial, so I apologize for any inconsistencies or missing information. Also, the sound quality and volume are a bit low.

    I have seen questions (and I have HAD questions) on how to make range indicators that activate on selection, such as on the siege tank or the sensor tower. Well, after messing around with them for a while I figured out this method. It's a fairly easy method, but not readily apparent as to make it work. This method also doesn't require using triggers or behaviors as a work around, so it will work for multiple unit selection.

    • Credit to Beider for finding the original workaround, here.
    • Credit as well to OneTwo for all his video tutorials, as without his help I would never have figured this out.

    Any comments, questions, or feedback, let me know.

    Edit: Attached the demo map made in the tutorial

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Released!] Sarah Kerrigan Ghost

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    He did change the model somewhat to make it look more like Kerrigan, as well as the re-skin. Textures are also higher res.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Create Random Unit?

    @b0ne123: Go

    Ooh, forgot about owner of triggering unit. Good catch.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Create Random Unit?

    @cstorm15: Go What xKenneth said. If you haven't initialized each unit type in RandomUnitType[x], you'll get errors.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Create Random Unit?

    @cstorm15: Go

    There is no pre-built function as far as I know. However, it's pretty easy to build one yourself. You need a variable array that holds each unit type, and then it's as easy as picking a random number within the bounds of your array and creating that unit type at your point.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit morph affecting other units?

    @PsycoticBanana: Go

    It would be a validator.

    @Myrkridian: Go

    This is a method I never would have thought of. Very nice. Probably better on the overhead as well than a period search. I'll have to remember this.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit morph affecting other units?

    @PsycoticBanana: Go

    Make a behavior, type is a Buff. In the Behavior - Modification+ field, you would go to the Unit tab and scroll towards the bottom. There is a field called "Vital Max Bonus", and you would change the Life value to be whatever you wanted.

    Edit: I have attached an example map of what you need. Basically, the set up is as I listed above, but with a vailidator in the actual buff (the one that adds life to the unit) that makes sure it's a zergling or roach. Let me know if this helps! Any questions, feel free to PM me.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit morph affecting other units?

    @PsycoticBanana: Go

    Yes, I also wrote my last post a bit off-kilter. Again, apologies. I meant to say give the buffs FROM your matriarchs.

    I see now this is a validator issue, and my question is, what kind of validator did you use? I think a Unit Type will work just fine, when used in the search effect. I will play around and get back to you later, to be sure.

    However, Kueken has the right of it as far as triggers go, so if, for some reason, a pure data solution can't be found, then his method will work just as well, and like he said, it will have minimal overhead.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How would I make it so when you build a building you cant build it anymore?

    @tohaaaa: Go

    Take a look at those tutorials I posted, specifically the zerg defense ones. That will give you all the tools you need.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit morph affecting other units?

    @PsycoticBanana: Go

    Did I misunderstand your question? If I did, apologies. I thought you were asking for a pure data way to give buffs to your matriarch unit.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How would I make it so when you build a building you cant build it anymore?

    @tohaaaa: Go

    Take a look at the default campaign requirements. That's what showed me what to do. But I'll explain it a little more clearly.

    • Create a new requirement
    • Double-Click the "Requirement +" field
    • In the new dialog that opens, you have 2 folders: Use, and Show. Right-click "Use" and click "Add Requirement Node". A green folder that says "And" will appear. Click on this to highlight it.
    • To the right of the "And", there is a field called "Type", it is a drop down list. Click this, and choose the option that says "Not". This will change the folder "And" to a folder "Not".
    • Right click the "Not" folder, and click "Add Requirement Node" again.
    • Change type drop-down to be "Count Unit". This will add 2 more drop-downs immediately below the type drop-down.
    • In the drop-down named "Alias", find the command center in the list, and select it.
    • In the drop-down called "State", choose the option called "Queued or Better"

    You're done. Click ok, and add this requirement to the build command center ability. What it does is this: If there is no command center for the player that owns the selected scv, then the scv can build one. But if one is built or has started building, the button will gray out and deactivate. This is a fairly simple concept, and, again, I highly recommend you research your questions before you ask, as there is a tutorial on this site that goes over this exact issue in detail. You will find people a lot more people willing to help you if you research before posting.

    Hope this helps.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How would I make it so when you build a building you cant build it anymore?

    @tohaaaa: Go

    No, you can use requirements to allow or disallow building as you see fit.

    For example, say you only want someone to be able to build one command center. You would create this requirement:

    Use>NOT>Count Unit Command Center Queued or better.

    There you go.

    Edit: Here's a great place for you to learn everything you'll need to complete your project. Take some time and view these video's by OneTwo. He's put a lot of time into showing people how to achieve the very things you're asking about. I hope you find it helpful.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit morph affecting other units?

    @PsycoticBanana: Go

    If you put a different periodic buff on the different matriarchs that can be morphed to, it will give the results your looking for.

    I just re-read that, realized it's a bit confusing. It's fairly simple:

    you have 1 set of behavior/effects for each type of matriarch:

    EXAMPLE: Zergling Matriarch

    • Behavior (search for zerglings): Buff, period count -1, period 1.0, periodic effect: search for zerglings.
    • Behavior (Buff the zerglings): Buff, duration 1.1, add 10 hp or whatever your buff does.
    • Effect: Search for zerglings, range and whatnot for whatever you need, effect: apply behavior (buff for zerglings)
    • Effect: Apply behavior (Buff the Zerglings).

    Add the Behavior that searches for zerglings to the zergling matriarch, and it will search every 1 second for zerglings in the range specified. If it finds them, it will apply the buff for zerglings, which will last 1.1 seconds, so the search will occur before the behavior wears off, giving the impression of a continuous effect.

    You can use this same framework for each of your specialized matriarchs, changing the search parameters to roaches or whatever, and changing the buff as needed.

    Hope this helps.

    Posted in: Data
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