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    posted a message on [Solved] Passive Ability/Behaviour not working


    I'm trying to make a spell that gives my unit a chance to poison other units by attacking.
    I'm stuck at the part where the unit gets the behaviour that allows it to poison other stuff.

    Here's what I did:
    -Make a button, give it a name and that green baneling explosion icon
    -Make the behaviour that gives my unit a chance to poison, also with green baneling explosion icon
    -Go to the unit that should have the ability, add the button, change the vommand type to passive, and set it to the behaviour of the last step

    As a result my unit has the button but greyed out and the behaviour icon doesn't appear in the buff bar (which it should if I change nothing, right?).

    Where could I have made a mistake?

    And another question: How can I make a behaviour that doesn't show up in the buff bar?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [resolved] Confirm entry in text box without using mouse?


    I'm trying to use hotkeys for trigger editing.
    So most of the time I confirm stuff with the enter key.

    That doesn't work when I'm in a textbox, say for a dialog label.

    Is there a shortcut/key combination that allows me to confirm wile writing in a text box?

    I'm retarded. tab + o does the trick.
    The okay even has an underlined o q.q

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Defining inside/outside of a country's border

    There is an 'Add region to region' action.
    I never used myself but it should work.

    Gonna be a pain though unless the regions are saved in arrays.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit with missile weapon duplication [SOLVED]

    To really understand this you have to know where things are linked to each other.

    For example a weapon.
    In the unit tab you can find weapon and change it. So if you just duplicate the unit and not the weapon the weapon stays the same -> no problem.

    Take actors on the other hand:
    They work the other way round. If you want to change the model of a unit you have to go to the actor. The actor decides which unit belongs to which model. So if you just copy the unit without the model actor nothing is telling the unit which model is used -> not gonna work out.
    It's not for all actors though. The missile actor for example works the same way as the weapon does. You don't have to copy it. It is called by the MarauderAttack actor.

    So to just copy the marauder all you need to do is duplicate the unit, the model actor.

    Now if you want to change something you have to duplicate everything 'above' the changed thing.
    If you go to the damage effect and right click -> explain link you see that the (Damage) is below the (Set). The (Set) is below the (Launch Missile). And the (Launch Missile) is below the weapon.
    So now you have to duplicate everything ABOVE the damage. Then you can just change the damage effect to whatever you like.

    edit: Forgot about the attack sound actors :7
    editedit: I just tried to make sure I'm not saying the wrong thing and I managed to break the original marauder just by duplicating it somehow hehe.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Defining inside/outside of a country's border


    You can merge regions by selecting all of them and then go to edit -> merge selection (numpad 0).
    Still not a perfect solution as you can only use squares and circles.

    To check you'd have to use the condition Unit -> 'Unit in Region'.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Need help understanding Actor events (of a beam)

    Thanks again :)

    I feel like I'm missing something. Google gives me no threads or tutorials or anything on that subject. Not a single thread about RefSet or Signals or any of that jazz. Should I be able to figure this stuff on my own somehow?

    Heal Ray still not working :>
    Could you (or anybody) take a look at the attached map?
    It's just my custom heal ray which is a combination between medivac heal and medic heal.
    For some reason the damn beam doesn't show up and I have no idea why not.
    Such a simple thing ._.

    Also, what's the difference between 'Animation Bracket Start', 'Animation Baseline Start', and 'Animation Play'?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Need help understanding Actor events (of a beam)


    I still don't really understand it q.q
    I think I'll just start with even more basic abilities then this.

    edit: Yay, I managed to get the + + + effect on medic while healing to display correctly :D


    6. I still dont get this RefSet which seems kind of important for Impact and Launch Sites.
    By default it's

    RefSet ::global.MedicHealImpact ::Self

    Shouldn't it say something along the lines of 'Location of spell target'?
    Where/How is the specific location stored?

    7. Also, what is the difference between Abil.X.SourceChannelStart and Abil.X.TargetChannelStart?

    8. When using a sound actor I noticed I don't actually have to add a 'play sound' into the actor but rather the actor would play the sound as long as it lives.
    Is it the same for beams? Can I just create the actor and destroy it?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Need help understanding Actor events (of a beam)

    Why does this Event: Events + menu have to be so messed up?
    It's a trigger editor within the data editor but without all the text and descriptions that make triggers understandable >.<


    I'm just trying to get a heal ray to work (just like the one of the medic). It broke when I duplicated normal medic beam.
    Basically there is no beam showing up and the heal effect on the target and the sound effect doen't vanish after the medic stops channeling.
    This spell isn't that important but I'm trying to understand the events and actions. Searching for those specific events on google/this site/awesome tutorial by prozaic didn't yield anything. If there is a tutorial please post :<

    Can somebody explain these to me?
    I have the following five actors.

    1. In ImpactSite:

    RefSet ::global.MedicHealImpact ::Self

    I understand that this entire ImpactSite actor is kind of like a variable that defines itself and is used as a 'reference' in other actors.
    So RefSet is would be the equivalent of 'set variable' in the trigger editor, right?
    What is that ::global though? I dont get it :>

    Here I only have two Events. Way less then in LaunchSite. Should it be that way? No SourceChannelStop oO

    2. In LaunchSite:

    Signal.*.HealModel -> RefSetFromMsg ::actor.HealModel ::Sender
    Signal.*.HealSound -> RefSetFromMsg ::actor.HealSound ::Sender

    What do those do? Should I change HealModel/HealSound to my actors [Heal Ray (model), Heal Ray (Sound)]?
    Also, here Abil.HealRay.SourceChannelStop -> Destroy appears three times. Why?

    3. Beam

    In Host Impact and Host Launch are the only places I ever used Actor 1 and 2.
    In Events I have this grey part.

    Actor Creation -> AnimBracketStart BSD Birth Stand Death
    ActorOrphan -> AnimBracketStop BSD
    AnimBracketState.*.AfterClosing -> AnimName BSD -> Destroy

    Can I just leave that part? Does that destroy the beam when it's no longer used? (Dont have any other 'Destroy' around)

    ActorCreation -> RefSet ::HostLaunch ????
    What is that? The actor already knows the LaunchSite from another field. Why ask for it again?

    4. Model
    Same gray part I have in Beam.
    And Signal HealModel which I mentioned earlier :>
    ActorOrphan -> Destroy just removes the actor/model if no other actor is using it anymore, right?

    5. Sound

    SupporterDestruction -> Destroy
    No clue what that does.

    ActorCreation -> Create MedicHealSoundStart
    ActorDestruction -> Create MedicHealSoundStop

    I guess I understand what this does but I dont get these actors. They don't appear linked to the actual ability, just to the sound.
    Do I have to copy them too?

    Meh, this post is way too long :7
    I'd really appreciate some help. Couldn't find anything on the web q.q

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How is unit type damage calculated?

    Thanks :D

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    posted a message on How is unit type damage calculated?


    Say I have damage effect with 10 damage that deals +1 damage to armored, -2 to psionic and +3 to massive.
    Target unit is armored, psionic and massive.

    How to calculate the damage?
    Just add all togheter (10+1-2+3)? or take the best value (10+3)?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Actor won't connect with unit :/

    Didn't consider that field.

    Turns out the entire field is empty :p
    I copy pasted a few things and that doesn't work for that field :/
    Can fix it myself.

    Thanks :D

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Actor won't connect with unit :/


    I have a unit and an actor (the kind that assigns model/portrait/icon). Both are set up as I want to be.
    But for some reason they don't connect.
    The 'unit name' field of the actor is set to the unit I want.

    But the model doesn't show and there is no link in the bottom left field.

    Any idea what could be the problem?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Efficient way to copy a unit?

    It works pretty well now but for some reason not everything works.

    In the map attached I tried to copy a marine and it all works. Except for one thing: The copied marine (called it grunt) makes no 'arrraugh' sound when dying.
    And I really can't see why q.q

    Bonus points if you can tell me a good reason why changing the target/name of an actor has to change the names of models and sounds :< This is really annoying and pointless :/

    (There isn't a lot of internet around me right now, so I may not be able to respond for a wile)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Efficient way to copy a unit?

    Ah, thank you!
    My mistake was that I added a new unit based off marine instead of dublicating and renaming :/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Efficient way to copy a unit?


    I pretty much understand the basics of data editor but I have one problem:

    If I copy a 'marine' and rename it to 'eniram' all the models and sounds change their names, too.

    And because there is no 'eniram_ready' or 'eniram_pissed' the unit loses all sounds and models.

    Of course I can fix that by just renaming everything by hand, but that takes ages if there is more then one unit.

    Is there any way to do this faster?

    Appreciate your help :)

    Posted in: Data
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