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    posted a message on iTS a rANT tHREAD!

    College is a secondary waste of time (or tertiary... I suppose elementary school largely counts as the first). The system is designed to fit you into a niche; it discourages creativity and imagination, while encouraging you to fit into a mainstream and otherwise typical lifestyle. People don't encourage you to get a degree because you care about the subject, and most times don't even encourage you to go into the subject you studied as a profession: they encourage you to do it so that you fit into the bullshit concept that holding a degree, no matter what it is, makes you an automatically better candidate for a job.

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    posted a message on iTS a rANT tHREAD!

    The issue with high school is you leave and don't know how to do anything. You have no trade. Yes, you should be able to read and dissect a sentence, and probably do some algebra, and maybe, if your lucky, manage your taxes on your own from your Economics or Personal Finance class (my teacher for Econ was a fucking ENGLISH teacher; I had to go in after class and help him with the next chapter, and in return I got an A), and maybe even know a little bit about welding or machine shop, A+, things like that. The entire school system is designed to basically force you to go into college, where you still don't really learn anything if you don't apply yourself, and if you can apply yourself to do well in college there is no reason you can't apply yourself and learn the subject on your own. And then you have to take a bunch of classes that have NOTHING to do with your major while in college. My high school also had foreign language requirements (we had Latin, Spanish, German and French; I wanted to learn none of those so didn't take them, then in my last year was told I couldn't graduate unless I did so I said fuck that. And something else about not having attended for the first semester... I stopped paying attention when they said I had to take Spanish to graduate).

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    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    I got some basic things to work with it, but I haven't worked on it for some time as I've been a little pre-occupied (I really need to get my engine working).

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on iTS a rANT tHREAD!

    And despite that there are still kids graduating who can barely read. So, no, I don't think that the skills you learn are altogether very useful; they could be if you actually learned them, but you don't.

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    posted a message on iTS a rANT tHREAD!

    What schools require you to take Calc (for the record, I use it quite a bit...)?

    The majority of the time I spent in both high school and college could have easily been accomplished in a matter of a few months at most, had I not been required to go through the tedious motions of having to wait for everyone else.

    And I have no desire to go back to school, either. I already wasted 14 or 15 years there, and amounted a great amount of debt in the last few considering I had to pay for it then, for almost no education past the fifth or sixth grade. Even then, I'm not entirely sure my education can be attributed much to the school so much as my parents....

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    posted a message on Just some market research

    I can already place all the hotkeys near my hand.

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    posted a message on Motivation

    Yes; to the extent I'm not even working on the conversion tools anymore as I don't see the point of them.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Need suggestions for a cheap laptop

    Pretty much any laptop under 900 dollars then.

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    posted a message on College Class! Help!

    Why are you in a class requiring you to make a logo if you don't know how?

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    posted a message on SC2 goes Mega Bloks instead of LEGO

    A lot of people have heard of mega blocks.

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    posted a message on time to be a soldier, not a programmer

    Again, these are not limitations on the engine; they are more likely limitations on the editor.

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    posted a message on Modding/ Portfolio vs Education?

    I have no desire to work for a company like Blizzard; thus the point of my company, which isn't even primarily involved in making games. We have schools like that here as well; I know many people that graduate from them and still know very little; same with universities and colleges. In my year or so in college, I learned absolutely nothing in any of the mathematics, CS, or engineering courses that I didn't already know, and managed to test out of several of them. The only class I learned anything in was Russian, and even that was minimal. Had I decided to go back I would have bypassed the next course of that as well, from merely self-study. If you don't have the motivation to teach yourself, you likely won't make it far in school either, anyway. As such, you may recognize that many of the larger figures in the industries haven't got college educations either; amazing how that works isn't it?

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    posted a message on Modding/ Portfolio vs Education?

    Thus a portfolio to show what it is you know.

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    posted a message on Formulating an idea (non-sc2 game)

    Quote from Keyeszx:
    Varine seems like he's trying to push his idea that java is bad just on the terms that he doesn't like it. The rest of the programming world seems completely fine with it so much to the point apps are being made with it. The games you're talking about taco probably aren't 3D games. Most likely games like angry birds and what not.

    No, they're not okay with it; there are plenty of other people who dislike it just as much as I do, to the point that there are websites and pages dedicated to talking about how much Java sucks. Apps are made with a large variety of languages, Java just happens to thrown in there and is likely popular as you can write them faster than with other languages, and because there are mass amounts of people with little programming knowledge and an idea they want to do, so they pick Java because it's apparently relatively easy to learn. And I don't claim it to be useless, I claim it to be stupid. I'm pushing anything on you, as I said I couldn't care less if you use or not, but I remain firm that it is not a good choice for game development, and it should not be the dependent language that you program in. And no, operator overloading and destructors are no the same thing. And the syntax is not the same. For instance, in Java, functions need to be a part of a class, in CPP they don't.

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    posted a message on Modding/ Portfolio vs Education?

    Poor thing that people remain oblivious to the apparent 'fact' that only those with formal schooling are capable of having an outstanding education.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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