bit late and not the whole trigger but maybe some one still ask for it
Mouse Down Left
UI - Player Any Player clicks Left mouse button Down.
Local Variables
Cam Target = (Current camera target of player (Triggering player)) <Point>
Mouse Clicked = (Point((Mouse X position clicked in the world), (Mouse Y position clicked in the world))) <Point>
Player Spell Info 2[(Triggering player)].Right Pressed == False
Variable - Set Player Move and Attack Info 2[(Triggering player)].Left Pressed = True
Variable - Set Player Move and Attack Info 2[(Triggering player)].Move Direction = (Angle from Cam Target to Mouse Clicked)
Unit - Turn Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] Selectable state Off
Unit Selection - Deselect Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] for player (Triggering player)
Unit - Turn Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] Movable state On
Mouse Up Left
UI - Player Any Player clicks Left mouse button Up.
Local Variables
Variable - Set Player Move and Attack Info 2[(Triggering player)].Left Pressed = False
Variable - Set Player Move and Attack Info 2[(Triggering player)].Unit Clicked = False
Unit - Order Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] to ( Stop) (Replace Existing Orders)
Unit - Turn Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] Selectable state On
Unit Selection - Select Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] for player (Triggering player)
Unit - Turn Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] Movable state Off
allready made this u just need to copy all stuff in the ability link the stuff togheter like in the original and change the unit tjat is needet to morph and the unit that gets createt
i cleared up the triggers now a bit and made some changes working more stable now but maybe someone finds a bether way how i do merge the units the goal is to put every unit that is createt like a marine or reaper is set into an variable that counts how many of the units are on the field from one side
so if like 10 marines from one side are on the field a new lets say hero unit spawns for the team and the 10 marines are getting removed from the field
hey i got a map where u get a bether unit if u got like 10 marines etc i am using a if u nit enters event and set variable to + 1 but if there are more then like 100 units the trigger stops working becouse of to many treaths so how is it possible to make it more stable
got a problem here got a trigger that applys a 6 second buff that does nothing and makes tank sieged
stim tank
Unit - Any Unit starts attacking
Unit - Add 1 time behavior to (Triggering unit) from (Triggering unit)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Siege Tank (Tank Mode)
Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to (Siege Tank - Siege Mode) (Replace Existing Orders)
i got a trigger that tells every 2.5 seconds every unit to attack
this works perfect but what i want is after no unit is near he should unsiege and continue to walk
tank siege 2
Unit - Any Unit is issued an order to Attack
Unit Group - Pick each unit in unit group 8 and do (Actions)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Siege Tank (Siege Mode)
((Triggering unit) has time behavior) == false
Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to (Siege Tank - Tank Mode) (Replace Existing Orders)
and this is not working
he sieges but dont unsieges
same with roaches burrow unburrow
but with some strange reason roaches work somethime
you could make a tut about how to attach units with the new methods in the editor , i dont know how all my old edits are broken now
there is allready a treath with an model of the marauder head just thake that and attach it due actors
there is already a smoke model ingame just search for it its a cloud perfect for smoke stuff i use it too
bit late and not the whole trigger but maybe some one still ask for it
Mouse Down Left
UI - Player Any Player clicks Left mouse button Down.
Local Variables
Cam Target = (Current camera target of player (Triggering player)) <Point>
Mouse Clicked = (Point((Mouse X position clicked in the world), (Mouse Y position clicked in the world))) <Point>
Player Spell Info 2[(Triggering player)].Right Pressed == False
Variable - Set Player Move and Attack Info 2[(Triggering player)].Left Pressed = True
Variable - Set Player Move and Attack Info 2[(Triggering player)].Move Direction = (Angle from Cam Target to Mouse Clicked)
Unit - Turn Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] Selectable state Off
Unit Selection - Deselect Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] for player (Triggering player)
Unit - Turn Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] Movable state On
Mouse Up Left
UI - Player Any Player clicks Left mouse button Up.
Local Variables
Variable - Set Player Move and Attack Info 2[(Triggering player)].Left Pressed = False
Variable - Set Player Move and Attack Info 2[(Triggering player)].Unit Clicked = False
Unit - Order Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] to ( Stop) (Replace Existing Orders)
Unit - Turn Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] Selectable state On
Unit Selection - Select Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] for player (Triggering player)
Unit - Turn Heroes 2[(Triggering player)] Movable state Off
allready made this u just need to copy all stuff in the ability link the stuff togheter like in the original and change the unit tjat is needet to morph and the unit that gets createt
income is allready 1 just dont updated version
just need helpwith this merging trigger =/
i cleared up the triggers now a bit and made some changes working more stable now but maybe someone finds a bether way how i do merge the units the goal is to put every unit that is createt like a marine or reaper is set into an variable that counts how many of the units are on the field from one side
so if like 10 marines from one side are on the field a new lets say hero unit spawns for the team and the 10 marines are getting removed from the field
i mean in the folder hero spawn there are the merge triggers i know there are alot of ways to make this easyer but i had no internet to look in here
hey i got a map where u get a bether unit if u got like 10 marines etc i am using a if u nit enters event and set variable to + 1 but if there are more then like 100 units the trigger stops working becouse of to many treaths so how is it possible to make it more stable
sry for my dumbness wrong event and not picked unit
got a problem here got a trigger that applys a 6 second buff that does nothing and makes tank sieged
stim tank
Unit - Any Unit starts attacking
Unit - Add 1 time behavior to (Triggering unit) from (Triggering unit)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Siege Tank (Tank Mode)
Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to (Siege Tank - Siege Mode) (Replace Existing Orders)
i got a trigger that tells every 2.5 seconds every unit to attack
this works perfect but what i want is after no unit is near he should unsiege and continue to walk
tank siege 2
Unit - Any Unit is issued an order to Attack
Unit Group - Pick each unit in unit group 8 and do (Actions)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Siege Tank (Siege Mode)
((Triggering unit) has time behavior) == false
Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to (Siege Tank - Tank Mode) (Replace Existing Orders)
and this is not working
he sieges but dont unsieges
same with roaches burrow unburrow
but with some strange reason roaches work somethime
looks very good
hopfully see more
fixed this stuff now
but i got the problem that if someone wants to play 1v1 they get in the same team what i dont want
thats weard
ok i fixed this but now i got this error every time i create a carrier
i think itsa becouse i made the interceprotrs to missiles
WARNING: Trying to create a missile directly and not in the context of an attack.
okay now he says to many treaths in adding to unit group
and attack stops when he says this its after making 27 building = 27 carriers
i put them into the unit group to make it easyer to tell them to attack the opposite point