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    posted a message on The Last Stand - Map release

    hey found some high templar little bugs with domination:

    1) when you have unit dominated while fighting templar boss if he dominates unit under your control you still have it under domination altough it turns to enemy. To re-dominate you must firstly undominate. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be that way or not.

    2) collosus under domination does not have boost to attack. I'm not sure if it goes also for his life did not check it. also: is it possible to make templar dominate more units? i mean like it would be nice if you could limit your dominations under supply (max 6 or so ). like instead of dominating ultra, dominate 3 zealots or 6 rines. Altough i guess 2 tanks would be rather imba.

    PS: are you going to fill those missing abbilities in classes in near future? Would be cool to see higher levels on classes as higher map levels come

    EDIT: another bug i discovered: sometimes when you die just before last enemy dies you won't respawn at end of round. You could easily fix that by adding second respawn trigger just before starting of next round. But its my blind guess. You're map maker here :D

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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