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    posted a message on Saving Unit Inventory? (Bank)

    Welcome to the forums!

    I would like to point out that there are a lot of documentation on banks throughout the forums including tutorials.

    Banks can save the following data:

    Now i don't know much about data items (i make items in triggers), but if the item isn't already a unit (or the above mentioned format) you will need to make a system to translate the item in to a combination of these forms to be saved to the bank, then a system to retrieve and reconstitute the item

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Create a Tower (Dota style)

    Alight, Its going to get messy. But, you want 2 triggers. The reason why i wrote them like this is because they are going to need alot of... well you. You will need to identify heroes, and towers. This is a decent blueprint to work off of.

    A. Checks Targets.
    B. Changes Targets.

    A Trigger
    Use the event
    Unit - Any Unit acquires a target
    Use the condition
    (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Tower
    (unit Type of (Acquired Target))==Hero
    Use the Actions
    If (Result of B trigger){
    If(check for minions){
    Order Tower to attack minion}

    B trigger
    Use event
    Unit Attacks
    Use Conditions
    Attacking unit ==hero
    Triggering unit == Hero
    Order Tower to target hero

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Attaching Ui Elements

    I'm trying to attach game time to the menu bar. and then maybe resources. i have manage to move them around but changing the resolutions changes thier positions.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Randomly select integer array
     Set PointArray[(Random integer between 0 and 8)] = PointArray[(Random integer between 0 and 8)]  

    On the right hand side, a random point is given. on the left hand side a random slot is made available. and the right hand passes to the lefthand side of the equation.

    Create 1 unit for Player at PointArray[(Random integer between 0 and 8)] facing 0.0 degrees

    the "PointArray[(Random integer between 0 and 8)]" is what is doing the random selection.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Randomly select integer array

    Pirate in IRC pointed out that Zealot didnt have a birth animation (i was looking at the wrong zealot model).

              Actor - Create actor model Zealot Warp In at point xy)
            General - Wait 5.0 Game Time seconds
            Unit - Create 1 Zealot for player (Triggering player) at xy using default facing (No Options)

    basicaly this is the sudo code needed. a threaded function would make this very easy but doable without.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Win conditions: how to check for leavers on a team

    @Stormahawk: Go The first code is standalone, however like i said its sloppy (not efficient) . also it doesnt count ai's it filters them out via "If (Controller of player (Picked player)) == User)"

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Randomly select integer array

    Well i want to welcome you to the community!

    Quote from sirfancytoast: Go

    Okay, I hope I say all this stuff right.

    Dont say 1 line topics, and placing questions in the correct area for the forums makes a big difference. this post is perfect.

    Set PointArray[(Randon integer between - and 9)] = PointArray[(Random integer between 0 and 8)] seems to be worthless(unless im missing somthing) all your doing is duplicating a a single array slot at random??

    Quote from sirfancytoast: Go

    Also possible two for one? The unit spawning is a protoss unit, how can I get it to warp-in, instead of just poofing into existence? Would it be possible to have it warp in facing the direction I want it too? (having the warp-in effect facing the same direction that the unit will). Do I hide a unit somewhere on the map to use an ability to warp in the units, or can I just use triggers? (and avoid having to edit/make any abilities).

    Normally you could send an actor message but while testing this, i was unable to get them to birth, im sure someone knows an easy answer.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Activate Ability Using Dialog Button

    This should be in triggers not here it could have been answered by now even if the topic is 4 years old.

    This is totally possible with the only possibility being very slight delays in response.

    Basically, you use a dialog item used event. the action would be to order unit to use ability.

    for targets, same concept but u will need to relay to the order command the target, whether that be a unit or a point. for that u will need to make a trigger system to choke and receive mouse input. its not too difficult but should require its own tutorial. once the xy or unit is pulled from the system and maybe some range checks and such it is given to the order action and executed.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Win conditions: how to check for leavers on a team

    Here is example of a sloppy way todo it, just put it under your code.

            Empty Game? = True <Boolean>
            Player Group - Pick each player in (Players on team 1) and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            (Controller of player (Picked player)) == User
                            Variable - Set Empty Game? = False

    a more efficient way would be to use 2 player groups (1 for each team). everytime a player leaves u remove the player from the player group. if done this way then the code is much simpler and more efficient.

            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    (Number of players in Team A) == 0
                    Game Over
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on No partial transparency?


    Turns out its the model doing it, not the textures. IskatuMesk whipped me up a new one in irc not sure how but the following link may help


    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on No partial transparency?

    @TaylorMouse: Go Arota doesn't have all those fancy options. I downloaded the DDS plugin for gimp and experimented.

    Results: DXT5, had good quality when reopening in gimp however importing into editor causes the editor to throw an error and reject "core: invalid or unexpected object format". this error continued to happen with DTX3

    NoCompression: Had good quality when reopening in gimp and important into editor but did not solve the issue.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Get(hype)

    Pretty sure this is part of the combat system for his new game hes excited about.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Skill/Stat "points". Data or triggers?

    @JaXm666: Go Uh, is this a question or just a comment? almost all the old tutorials are still good, and if the tutorial creator is current, they usaly mark it as outdated which can still be good.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on No partial transparency?

    I've import transparent textures all the time on models. However, this is my first time importing a texture which has partial transparencies (glow effects). The texture imports and previews perfectly. but in game all the partially transparent stuff is fully transparent leaving only the non transparent parts visible. I convert PNG to DDS using aorta.

    I have attached a some screen shot of the defective spell circle which is missing a lot of details.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Selection Dialog and splitting units evenly

    i don't like leaderboard dialogs are more versatile and its easyer to stylize customize and sort.

    Posted in: Triggers
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