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    The hit point upgrade was changed so that lower tiers units could actually be used, before they were useless because almost every hero could aoe the entire wave with one ability. Also in a normal game It's pretty uncommon to see anyone manage to get 7-8 hp upgrades unless they neglect their attack and armor upgrades quite a bit, or it's extreme late game where a max attack hero can just go solo your base down in about 10-15 seconds while tanking your entire army anyway so hp doesn't matter much.

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    the 25 minerals all game was as zerg and the next game I played it was terran and they stuck at 50. Not entirely sure what caused it but The zerg and toss both had it happen to them in the terran game, toss was at 25 not sure on the zergs cost. I think my partner had some scv's queued up at supply cap while I was trying to upgrade and I canceled them out then it got stuck.

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    New map looks pretty cool, are the gold minerals going to be capturable in some way? If so I think it would create some interesting choices of trying to keep them vs keeping your short lines buff enough to survive a sudden mineral dump. Though the idea of having even more horrible unit structures to interact with is somewhat nightmare inducing. Trying to buy units as a melee hero while your base is under attack is pretty much impossible because the selection range is so small.

    Also upgrade costs seem to be horribly bugged, or they've just changed a lot very recently, few games ago they were going up like normal, then they got stuck at 25 gold all game and just now they were 50 gold all game. Are you just removing cost scaling or is this a bug?

    If the upgrades are staying so cheap the damage nerf on tier 3/4 is probably ok, but if it's a bug it makes carriers and BCs incredibly easy to armor cap and kinda useless. On a side note 20 attack 20 life upgraded marines are pretty hilarious vs things without armor upgrades.

    Also Akeru's new ability is pretty nasty, it's not so bad on ranged character just because they regen enough energy to cast all the spells they need but vs melee it's a killer. You just have to knock them off the minion line once and you can drain their energy all day since they can't get close enough again to hit things without taking tons of damage.

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    So I've only played about 4-5 games with the new changes but so far zerg is unbeatable, the buffs were a bit over the top. Absolutely nothing can beat ultra/baneling now and corrupters still own the air so that's not really an option (not that BCs or carriers were ever really good for killing ultras). Also Dorasa's ult is too good now (turns out that idea of mine was a bad one), just alternating it with life steal is enough to easily beat any hero in lane. Should probably either be reverted or given a much longer cooldown since it's essentially a free spell.

    Ultras just didn't need that kind of damage buff, and I've been wondering this for awhile but why are banelings only 350 when firebats, which is the closest terran equivalent, is 3 times that amount and HT are more and require a research. The problem with the zerg army was never that the ultra wasn't good enough, it was that they had no good high hp general purpose unit like void rays/carriers/thors/BCs.

    Edit: So I've since played zerg and it seems their upgrades are bugged to never go up in price, the new ulltras are still OP though sincethe times I faced them and lost horribly they weren't massively upgraded. Banelings have always been somewhat OP but pair with the ultra so well now. Banelings definitely need a price hike so you can't spawn so many so easily, and they probably need reduced damage to buildings and heroic.

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    So I think I found my new favorite way to play Akeru, I got nothing buy 1 level in death grip and his ultimate and leveled his speed boost whenever I could. Aside from that, I saved every point for point buy and as soon as it unlocked it was glorious. very first thing I did was go solo the zergs top spine crawler (they had built almost no troops vs us since we hadn't vs them) and proceeded to kill them 2 vs 1 then solo down the spawning pool.

    Also on a bit of a side note, I've discovered a slight respect for Valac. If you dump all his points into int he can at least keep a hero CC'd pretty much forever, well forever if his charge wasn't so incredibly buggy. It'll take you forever to actually kill anyone but they can't do anything about it. So if his charge ever gets fixed he'll definitely need a longer cooldown on his fear move since perma CC isn't really fun. As for his charge bug it seems to almost drop a stun "mine" at the end and if you're moving away it won't trigger and just sit there invisible until you walk over it again, at which point it will actually stun you even 5 minute later.

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    The starting armies do seem pretty similar in terms of combat ability, but not in reward for killing them, I'll make up some numbers to try and illustrate my point. Let's say the starting armies consist of 8 zealots 12 marines and 16 zerglings (just random convenient numbers). Let's also say that each zealot gives 4 gold and 20 exp, to make it balanced each marine would then give 3 gold 15 exp and each ling would give 2 gold 10 exp. Right now it feels as if each marine is only giving 5 exp and 2 gold while each ling is giving 12-15 exp.

    For some reason I thought the other stuns were 3 seconds while charge was only 1.5, though i don't actually know where i got that idea. The scaling stun duration was just my idea for how to make leveling stuns worth it (under the mistaken assumption that they were 3 seconds now). Your idea for the decreasing cooldown is probably better since the stun numbers are shorter than I thought.

    I think the best way to address the aoe problem is to buff the hp upgrade to provide a larger flat bonus. For example if it gave 50 more hp to every unit that's a big deal for a marine, but a BC already has something like 1.5k, so what's another 50.

    Kristo: I thought of an actualy abilty to replace the heal with, I'll leave the name and exact numbers up to you. My general idea of his combo would be something like Shield before you run in then throw out your ult, slow the target so they take longer to get out from under it and put the mine in their path for extra damage.

    As for the ability: The common cold (working title)

    Infect your target with the common cold, Aside from the sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy, head, and fever the affected unit also takes X damage a second for Y seconds, has their movement speed reduced by 30ish?% and (maybe?) Attack speed slowed by 15ish%.

    The duration should probably be about the same as other slows in the game and the overall damage should be about 50-75% of kerana's dot. If you wanted to you could also give it a chance to spread to nearby units every time it deals damage as if they were spreading the cold, though making only the main target able to spread it would probably be a good idea. I feel like 30% might be a bit low for the slow but the ability can potentially be doing a lot of things so I didn't want to go overboard, and I'm not sure exactly how strong the other slows are.

    Remi: I didn't mean to imply she's weak, I think she's perfectly balanced, just I've had better results with the other two.

    Gregor: Stun duration is fine, it's more the fact that he could spam it endlessly if he never leveled it, Increased cooldown alone should fix it.

    Akeru: I wasn't complaining about his X not being able to target heroes, it just doesn't seem to do enough damage to the army compared to say Remi's sticky grenade.

    Saru: It's not quite his damage that makes me think he's the best, more like it's just his skill-set. His X and C can keep you off him all day and his V wipes your army and heals whatever damage he's taken to his health. He's not the best hero killer but he feels like the best lane pusher, which is what wins games.

    Nerix: I've hardly ever used his ult but from what I've seen it makes a big ball right in front of him that doesn't go anywhere, then it makes a bunch of little balls that go all over the place and 90% of them don't hit anything. I'm not sure if I've just been using it wrong but it's never really done much for me.

    Darosa: Funny I never noticed his splash, probably because I'm always pumping int for his great spells.

    Kerana: I think a slight damage nerf on he ultimate would be good, and i don't really see a need for it to go so far past her sight range though it is fun killing people you can't see, I was in a game while I was typing those posts up where I ended up solo vs saru and nerix and my ultimate at one point one shotted both of them from near full hp. I was probably just higher level than them since I go army light to give less exp, and they probably didn't invest in HP, but it left an impression.

    As for her C, I've tried using it to farm army early on like I would with shockwave or sticky grenade and it only ever seemed to do single target damage. It might be that you need the target to be on fire for the aoe damage to happen/be noticeable but enemies don't really have the hp at that stage to survive the fire dot so she has no farming/pushing ability before her ultimate.

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    edit: wow this is a lot longer than I thought once I hit post, glad I got all of this out of my system.

    First I'd like to start with stuns, most of them don't really benefit from leveling them, in the case of melee heroes you're better off leaving them at level one as long as possible so you can spam them with the least investment into intelligence. I think it would be a good idea to have the stun duration scale with the level as well as the damage. For example I think gregors stun is 3 seconds now, with my suggestion it would start at maybe 2 seconds and gain .2-.3 per level.

    Attack: unless I'm playing a melee hero I tend to leave this stat to near last, abilities just give better damage for less investment and can be spammed almost endlessly. very powerful once you max it but it takes awhile to get there.

    Armor: Probably the worst of the stats, nice if you're tanking the enemy army but since you can nuke it all in the blink of an eye why bother. Doesn't provide enough of a benefit to take it over attack vs another hero if you're going to be slugging it out.

    Health: Another stat that I mostly ignore except on melee, You want enough that you can survive your opponents combo but beyond that it's not as important as being able to kill the enemy yourself.

    Intelligence: This is the stat I find most of my points going into on most heroes. This stat gives enough regen that you can spam pretty much everyone's abilities non-stop and avoid taking damage. If you want to tone down the aoe-fest nerfing the regen this provides is probably a good place to start.

    speed: the most important stat, let's you abuse your range vs melee, chase for the kill as both, and run away if you need to as long as you invest more than your opponent. Also lets you grab power-ups and get back to your lane in a timely fashion.

    Now for the heroes.

    The medic: Overall I think he's either the worst or 2nd worst hero in the game. He has decent survivability and his ultimate can farm fairly well but he just puts out no damage at all vs other heroes. The heal is nice but the shield is just better for survivability. The spider mine does meh damage but it'll never actually hit an enemy hero who isn't blind.

    How to improve him: I think the heal should be replaced with something else, preferably something that stuns or slows to combo with his other 2 damage skills. It would also be cool if his shield protected him from stuns and/or slows while it's up and if the attack that applies it doesn't break the shield.

    Nova: Very similar to kerrigan and the HT, probably the weaker of the three she's still a good hero, snipe is really powerful but there's plenty of warning to get out of range or stun.

    gregor: solid hero that's definitely the best of the melee heroes. his jump probably has a bit too short of a cooldown and there's really no reason to level it as the lower mana cost of level 1 lets you spam it without needing to invest in energy and his seeker missile is better for farming waves anyway.

    DT: another decent hero, death grip is also probably on too short of a cooldown and his x feels pretty worthless for farming compared to the other aoe skills. His ultimate is useful vs big army targets but not that great vs enemy heroes.

    HT: Probably the best overall hero He doesn't have the crazy late game of kerrigan but his early game is better and he tends to farm armies better. he also has pretty good survivability with his x and c. On the other hand his z is worthless beyond the very early game, I usually skip leveling it in favor of more stats once I can.

    Preserver/Shockwave guy: This hero is both good and incredibly bad at the same time. Shockwave is a pretty amazing army farmer, but all of his other skills are either meh or just bad. His z just feels like a weaker snipe but on the whole it's not the worst. Phase shift is worthless from what I've seen of it, It doesn't prevent things like snipe which is the majority of the damage you'll be taking. Then there's his ultimate, I guess it looks pretty? As far as I can tell it does no damage and has no range.

    Infested marine: This guy is really less of a melee hero and more like a melee range caster. All of his abilities are good but require a ton of mana to use, meaning you can't invest in actually melee stats. I think he should get the gregor treatment and switch either his ultimate or slime move over to an hp cost to combo with his drain life ability and reduce his mana consumption.

    brutalisk: Everything I've seen of this guy so far has been pretty underwhelming. His charge is like death grip, only in reverse and worse, it moves you into danger and doesn't even stun for as long. his fear is somewhat useful, but things move so fast you can't really hit them while they flee, if you're lucky they run into your cannons. His infection move is good vs tier 3-4 army but it's useless vs heroes so it's not that threatening. Then his ultimate is just a weird concept for a melee unit, why would you want to push something away from you? You want them as close as possible so you can hit them.

    Kerrigan: she has a monstrous late game, most non-melee heroes tend to die in one combo and you can easily heal up any damage you took with z. However she has a very weak early game and if you survive her combo or dodge her ulti you can do fairly well vs her. I think she could stand to lose some distance on her ultimate and maybe a little damage since it stuns and is instant cast. In exchange turn her c into splash damage that she can farm with early game.

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    (I agree with LaurenI and there will be some duplicate points since they posted while I was writing my essay and I'm too lazy to take those parts out)

    So I've played about 20 or 30 games in the past few days and I have quite a bit of feedback. It's going to be a long post and I'll probably jump around a bit but I'll try my best to organize it.

    First off I'll list the huge bugs/flaws that I've found that aren't really matters of opinion in most important to less important order.

    The initial waves aren't balanced at all, the terran wave gives almost no exp or gold, the zerg wave gives a ton of exp and some gold, and the protoss wave gives a bit more gold than the zerg one and a bit less exp. Facing the zerg wave it takes about 4 waves to hit level 4 where if i were vs the terran wave I'd be maybe a bit into level 2. All the initial waves should give the same amount of exp and gold to prevent such huge advantages.

    Whenever you walk by the unit shop it deselects your character, this is by far the most stupid, annoying thing I have ever encountered in any game /rage. Also the selection area for it is too small, I understand you want people to return to base to upgrade army but you should be able to select new troops from anywhere in the base, with selection like the main base.

    It's far easier to slip into the zerg's base and nuke all their harvesters than the other bases since they have 2 ramps into the middle both guarded by only 1 spine crawler that tends to die first.

    Broodlings can't be pushed and can't be killed. I also think that all spawned broodlings should die when the broodlord that spawned them die. It's annoying having things hit your stuff and being able to do absolutely nothing to stop them.

    Some assorted hero bugs I've found; brutalisks charge does stun moving heroes most of the time, novas snipe will sometimes have infinite range if she starts the cast at the same time she loses vision of the target. The infested marine guy sometimes gets stuck chasing a hero with drain life and can easily get dragged into the base defense.

    Now I'll get into stuff that's really just my opinion, i could be wrong or it could just not be how you want the map to play.

    Overall, splash damage abilities feel too good, the fact that you can wipe an entire wave with them makes all low tier units worthless, a unit needs at least 500 hp to even be worth considering to build, anything less and you're just feeding your opponents more exp and gold. this gives toss an advantage since all of their units have more hp than the other races.

    It would be nice if there was some way to protect your probes from harrassment. Something like an ability on the main base that phases out all of your workers for 20-30 seconds but allows them to continue mining. I think 50 minerals would be a fair price for it since it will save you a bunch of money but you have to be paying attention and be able to kill the enemy hero in time. Another idea would be to add an upgrade for maybe 50 gold 500 minerals that allows you to produce 2 workers at once and double larva spawn speed, so you could at least recover faster late game.

    The cost of upgrading should also be standardized across the 3 teams. Either split terran's upgrades up a bit or merge the other races into the basic 3.

    I don't like being limited to only 3 repairs, especially because once a spawn building goes down it's gg. I think the cost to repair should start at 50 gold and just go up by 25 each time you use it.

    That's all I can think of for now as far as general balance. I know it might seems like I hate the map from all the negatives I listed but I don't, I'm just trying to give constructive criticism so a map i like gets even better. I'll post my thoughts on each of the heroes in the next post to prevent this from getting any longer.

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