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    posted a message on [Request] HoTs Custom map?
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    @Existor371: Go I tried to contact him when I started my version, he never answered. Now my version is public and his isn't. And he's asking for donations because he did it for the community? hhmmm I don't feel like helping him now.

    EDIT: Any visible changes or insights fro mBattle Report 3?

    But Mr. SoulFilcher sir! XenoX isn't demanding donations from people, he's simply open to people donating to him for putting in the time to make his custom map. I understand that this may rub you the wrong way, but I truly feel that the community would benefit from and appreciate your generosity with regard to allowing your beautiful icons and Warhound to be used in the very popular HOTS custom.

    Normally I'd totally understand your viewpoint, but with the real HOTS beta coming out soon and the fact that only a very limited number of people will get in means that a huge majority of the community is going to be relying on XenoX's map to test out HOTS. So I ask you to please reconsider and think of how many people would benefit. <3

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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