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    posted a message on What kind of things would you imbalance in SC2?

    @s3rius: Go

    It sounds like an interesting unit :P.

    @SolidSC: Go

    Wow, Phoenixes with Cloak. That's sounds pretty funny and cheap. Guardian Shields sound like what it should be xD. LOL Zealots using Photon Cannons as mobile Bunkers.

    @zenx1: Go

    Sounds like a great idea lolz. DIE TERRAN DIE! xD

    @XenoYoxa: Go

    You know, that sounds really imbalanced it makes me puke imagining the cheapness that would invoke from that unit. Wow! Insanity!

    @TacoManStan: Go

    I always wondered how that would look in-game if such a feature were to be implemented. :D

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on What kind of things would you imbalance in SC2?
    Quote from HPFarmer: Go

    Bunkers, with lift off... and units can fire out when its lifted off... as well as SCVs that transform to a flying unit so they can follow CCs to the sky.

    As well as give every other terran building the ability to lift off.

    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    The more Templar you merge the more shields and damage potential your Archon will have. POWER OVERWHELIMNG! For Zerg I'd create a new spellcaster that can reduce the sight and weapon range of all units in a wide area, that can also pull enemy units. And for Terran a small unit that deals constant area damage so nothing can cross the choke points anymore and...... oh wait!

    The Archon thing is incredibly cheap and sounds cool at the same time :P. *cough* Ulrezaj *cough*

    Quote from yukaboy: Go

    A destroyer unit for the protoss. It has a golden large shield that reduces damage by 99%. A powerful sceptor psi blade that cuts anything in half dealing 999 dmg every 0.01 second. It can charge like the zealot with no cooldown. Speaking of charge...make the zealot charge have no cooldown, make enemies that the zealot touches after using charge die instantly, make the charge ability allow them to charge into the air, make the zealot invincible and cloaked while charging, and make the charge ability move the zealot at 25 speed. Oh, and make blink instead of blinking the 1 stalker, it blinks and creates 5 stalkers at the blink location.

    Edit: Make tempest attack bounce infinitely until no units are nearby. 1 tempest ftw!

    Call them epiclots, they kill everything! I can just imagine it.

    Quote from Mozared: Go

    So much trolling potential here.

    It was my idea all along :D.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on What kind of things would you imbalance in SC2?

    Like the title says, what kind of things would you LOVE to imbalance in SC2 just for the fun of it.

    For example, when you make Zerglings, they spawn in 6, attack at 0.00 speed, and when they die they spawn into 2 smaller Zerglings. Perhaps, Archons do a huge explosion with 6 splash radius and any biological creatures die in a fire; when they die, they explode in a Pink Nova blast, or a Dark Templar that moves at Crackling speed and Blink slashes massive ground units killing them instantly.

    EVEN, *gasp* PUT A NEW UNIT CALLED THE CARRIER AND GIVE IT 4 SMALL ATTACKING UNITS CALLED, "Interceptors". Yeah, it sounds like a plan.

    This is meant to be a fun thread... Who knows! Maybe, I'm using this as Feedback. Maybe I'm using a c_ _ _ _ m. Perhaps, THIS COULD BE SOME GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY THAT YOU NEED NOT KNOW! Have fun... Derp.

    tl;dr: Suggest a unit(s) in Sc2 and make it sound unexpected, crazy, or imbalanced. Like Marauders attack air.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Soul Hunter

    How about this?

    Skip to 1:30.

    I'm still looking to change a little bit of how it looks, but for now, this is what it is currently. This is what I could do with Site Operations at the moment. Tell me what you think.

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Tempest Re-creation

    @Moonshine777: Go

    That is true. Although, there are people out there that expect stuff like Stalkers for example to at least kill it, and not everyone likes to make air. It would take 100 hits from Stalkers to get rid of its shields, that takes a lot of time to kill a single Tempest unit especially since Stalkers attack kind of slow, I'm not sure if you tested this, but that is pretty crazy. Though, yes I can see what you were trying to do here since it has its own advantages and disadvantages, how about making shields 150, making Shurikens cost 15 min (?) and testing for 3 damage per hit? Then again I can't be too sure how the actual Tempest you made may look since I don't have the map itself or video evidence.

    Carriers are slightly underpowered just like in SCI, and Marines are meant to shred Carriers apart in numbers strangely enough. So, I guess the way you made your Tempest is pretty all right in the end though.

    By the way, I remember one source saying that Tempests had something like the Battlecruiser's Yamato Cannon, just thought you should know that, but I don't think its anything essential, just wanted to throw that out though.

    Also, when I said how you got that color, I was wondering what RGB numerical values you used and the HDR value. Oh, and thanks for that Vortex and Recall thing I didn't know that. ;]

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on new map suggestion/request

    @MuffinZor1: Go

    Well, I do have siblings who can help with suggestions and such, so would it be okay if I allowed them to offer opinions for the map and so forth?

    Other than that, I'm happy to participate in another project xD.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Trigger fires 7 times from unit using ability event, WHY?

    @SphereOfSilence: Go

    No problem. Good luck on your map :D.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Fog visibility question

    @SphereOfSilence: Go

    Well, this is just my speculation, but since the Fog of War uses a small portion of your processing to show and hide stuff that is in the fog, it does make your computer deal with more actions on screen but, I think it doesn't make you lag at all, so changing fog visibility may not change anything in general probably.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Trigger fires 7 times from unit using ability event, WHY?

    Is it possible that in the Events of your Ability trigger that you're using Generic - Any Stage? If so, this causes the ability to run its current actions countless times throughout the ability, like if I used a Create unit action in my ability trigger, it will create units when the ability is being prepared (like when charging Yamato Cannon), casted, finished, etc.

    The solution would be to look through that Event and select what stage you want your actions to be executed at.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #21: Cityscape (1 week extension!)

    @Bronxsy: Go

    Your terrain is indeed beautiful. The water has a calm and serene charm to it, the bridge feels realistic and the cars that pass on the bridge accommodates it nicely. Though I think the fog kinda ruins it in thumbnail #1 but in #2 it's good.

    I suggest making the lightning more evening-like, based on the skybox being used here, it kinda doesn't fit that much with the 6:00 A.M. like feeling goin' on here perhaps make the tint color for everything in general more lavenderish with a tad touch of specular and among other things. The city lights(?) in the back stand out a little too much in my opinion I kinda liked it better in the previous thumbnail. Criticism aside, good job! :D

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on new map suggestion/request

    @MuffinZor1: Go

    I'm actually pretty interested in this project myself. The idea in itself feels unique and I like that. I always wanted to see the Stone Zealot model to be put to use in an epic way. I could see plenty of weapons and upgrades happening in this map.

    I have some ideas and some questions I would like answered for this map, I also have general knowledge of the Data Editor and the Trigger Editor so I can help you with this map if you'd like... ;]

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Tempest Re-creation

    Looks superb! The Ground Shield ability looks to be a little imba. 30 Marines should at least kill 2 Tempest for what that is worth. The Tempest was indeed a unique unit, though I guess people didn't want something as classic and old-fashioned like the Carrier to die out. I definitely think they will have something similar or equal to the Tempest in Legacy of the Void. :3

    I did a Tempest-type unit myself, so it's great we have some similar ideals. But, I'm curious, is that a reskin you made yourself or a tint color? If so, I'm envious, I don't even know how to edit textures in SCII yet... :/, If not, please tell me what you used to get that color. ^^

    Posted in: General Chat
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