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    posted a message on Stasis ward upgrade
    Quote from ArcaneDurandel: Go


    I would suggest you make a new thread asking the question, so that we don't mix questions. Also, you may wish to refine your question, in terms of what you are trying to achieve.

    You know how you can warp in units in a pylon field and a Warp Prism field? How do I make it so you can only warp in using the Warp Prism?

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    posted a message on Stasis ward upgrade

    How do I make it so you can no longer use a pylon field to warp units in from a warp gate?

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    posted a message on Stasis ward upgrade
    Quote from ArcaneDurandel: Go

    1) Create an upgrade 2) In the Effects filed, add a new entry. Select Ability for Type. Select "Oracle - Build Stasis Ward" for the object. Scroll down and find the field Info (Build 1). Expand it if it isn't already. Find the Time field, and select it. For the Operation, select Subtract, and for the Value, enter 4. Select OK.

    This handles reducing the cast time to 1 second

    Now, for making it last only 5 seconds.

    1) Create a new behavior, of type Buff. Call it Oracle Stasis Timed Life. 2) Set the Duration Field to 5 seconds 3) Set the Expire Effect to Suicide (its built in, it runs a damage effect on the caster with the Kill flag, which kills it no matter what). 4) As a quality of life thing, go to the Display Countdown Field and Enable Self, this will display the duration left on it to the owner of the unit.

    This will be the behavior that will cause the unit to die after 5 seconds.

    1) Go to Requirements. Create a new requirement. 2) Using the tree view, go to the Use, and add a new Requirement Node. For the Type, select Greater Than 3) Select the node you just created and right click and add a new Requirement Node. For type, select Count Upgrade. For the Upgrade/Alias, find the one you created earlier. For State, select Completed. 4) Select the Greater Than node again, and add a new Requirement Node. For the Type, select Constant. For the value, use 0. 5) Hit OK

    This requirement will only be satisfied once the Upgrade count of your upgrade is greater then 0.

    Now return to your behavior.

    1) Find the field called Requirements. 2) Select the requirement you just created for this field.

    This now means this behavior will only activate once the requirement is fulfilled.

    Now, go to the Units and find the Oracle Stasis Ward.

    1) Go to its Behaviors field. 2) Add the behavior you just create to this field (don't replace the cloak, just use the + to add another behavior)

    Now the unit has the behavior, which will only be active once the upgrade is completed, and when active, will cause the unit to die after 5 seconds.

    Thanks! I will try it. So blizzard has to do all of that too when they wanna add an upgrade?

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    posted a message on Stasis ward upgrade

    Me and a friend has been trying to get an upgrade to work where once its done being researched, it reduces the cast time of the wards to 1 second but also it stays on the map for 5 seconds only.

    If anyone have a step by step process of how to do it since we dont know what else to try, would be greatly appreciated! thanks in advance!

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    posted a message on Stim Packs

    After I researched stim in the tech labbed factory, it also researched it for the marines without researching it from a tech labbed Barracks, I don't want that to happen, how do I fix that?

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    posted a message on Stim Packs
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    Still use it?

    Adjust your requirement to both disable the button and hide it once research is completed.

    How do I get it to show up for the Thor in its command card after its done researching?

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    posted a message on Stim Packs

    So I put stim in the tech lab attached to a factory, the Thor does not show the stim ability in its command card after its researched but he can still use it. Also the stim icon does not go away from the tech lab's command card after its done being researched.

    How do I fix all of these problems?

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    posted a message on Is this possible to do?

    If it is how do you do it?

    I wanna make it so if a unit collides with another unit, you lose.

    Also, I know this is possible but how do you make game modes? I want the players to vote which mode to play right after the game started (after everyone loads in) and the majority votes win.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Game modes

    I don't know if this goes here.

    How do I make game modes in the editor and players vote which mode to play after the match started? Do I need to save different versions of my map then somehow combine them?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Stasis Ward help
    Quote from Bareleon: Go

    @aZergBaneling: Go


    I tried it and the cast time is still 5 seconds and right after it's cast the ward goes away, doesn't even stay on the map for a second.

    Sorry I wasn't trying to sound mean with this, I said "Thanks" before I tried what you said then after I tried it I edited the post to explain that it didn't work.

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    posted a message on Stasis Ward help
    Quote from aZergBaneling: Go

    I am assuming you want to make these changes to the Oracle's Stasis Ward; you modified a bunch of data items which have nothing to do with the Oracle's Stasis Ward ability.

    Under the (Basic) Upgrade: Effects + field of your upgrade, add a new item. Set the type to Ability and the object to Oracle - Build Stasis Ward.

    Look through the field folders for the item called Time^: 5.0000. Change the operation to Set and the value to 1.

    Now go to the Behaviors tab. Create a new buff behavior called Oracle Stasis Field Timed Life. Check the Hidden check box under the the (Basic) Stats: Flags field of the behavior. Set the (Basic) Stats: Duration field to 5. Set the (Basic) Effect: Expire Effect field to Suicide.

    Go to the Effects tab. Create a new Apply Behavior effect called Oracle Stasis Field (Apply Timed Life Behavior). Set the (Basic) Effect: Behavior^ field to the behavior created above.

    Find the Oracle Stasis Ward Activate Set effect in the Effects tab. Add the Apply Behavior effect created above to the (Basic) Effect: Effects^ + field.

    What this does is change the build time for the Oracle - Build Stasis Ward ability to 1 second and makes the resultant Stasis Ward unit die after 5 seconds. This does not account for art/model/actor data; if you run into troubles with that then ask.


    I tried it and the cast time is still 5 seconds and right after it's cast the ward goes away, doesn't even stay on the map for a second.

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    posted a message on Stasis Ward help

    Me and a friend was trying to make it so after researching an upgrade, the stasis ward cast time is reduced to 1 second and the time it stays on the map is reduced to 5 seconds. We made the upgrade but researching it doesn't do anything. Below is all the stuff we did, what else do we need to do still?

    We used Bosnic Core for the upgrade.

    Upgrade tab for Bosnic Core. Behavior: Arbiter stasis field timed life. (Basic) Stats: Duration: -1.0000 Editor Categories: Protoss Units: Arbiter

    Ability Tab: Oracle build stasis ward Units: Arbiter-Behaviors: Oracle stasis ward cloak. Arbiter stasis field timed life. -oracle stasis ward Editor Categories: Race Protoss. Upgrade type: Talents Upgrades: -Bosonic Core: Ability-Oracle build stasis ward.....operation: set......Value 1.0000 Behavior-Arbiter-Stasis field timed life duration.......operation: set......Value 5.0000 Behavior-Arbiter-Stasis field timed life duration.......operation: set......Value 5.0000

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    posted a message on Making Worlds?
    Quote from joey101d: Go

    just section off one really big map?

    Is that the only way? How did they do it when they made world of starcraft and diablo in the editor?

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    posted a message on Making Worlds?

    Is it possible to make worlds and link them in the editor so that if you complete world 1, it brings you to world 2 or a Zelda like game where you explore big areas?

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    posted a message on Stim?

    I know how to add the button and ability.

    I wanna add stim to a tech labbed factory but how do I do it so when you research it from there it doesn't allow marines/marauders to use stim but only the units I want from the factory? And how do I enable the units in the factory to use it when it is done researched?

    Posted in: Data
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