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    posted a message on Muzzle Flashing visual from bunker like units

    @Abacus142: Go


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    posted a message on Muzzle Flashing visual from bunker like units

    I am having a hard time with some custom bunker type units, moving and non that allow other units to fire from within. The problem is the muzzle flashes are not showing and I don't know where I can find how to edit these specific muzzle flashes, I'd like it to appear from around the rim of the unit like the bunker. Right now everything works fine, sound, damage etc. It just looks cheesey seeing a unit run around and a lot of noise and damage happening without the muzzle flashes. Thanks.

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    posted a message on Hero level or veterancy validators

    I might mention that these hero units are not unique and a player might obtain several of them. If I understand requirements right, they are global and not individual based, right? As is once a requirement's switch is flipped, it is flipped for all units. Or am I wrong about this notion?

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    posted a message on Hero level or veterancy validators

    Hello! I hope to have an aura ability that grows with the hero. You do not have to spend points on it, it will just level up like a stat would. Right now I have a dummy aura that fires a search that will runs several behavior applications (one for each level of the aura) on all units nearby. Up to this point everything works as it should! But obviously I don't want all the auras firing at once. So how can I add validators to limit them?

    I searched validators and used Veterancy compare validator, but that for some reason only fires once. Oddly if the requirements are met at the start of the map, it works but the validaotr is then never used again, or at least doesn't correctly return false when you level beyond that particular aura's range. So thus it stays at level 1 aura across all levels, however lets say I change aura level 1 validator to return true when veterancy stat is 1 (my equvalance of being level 2), it never fires and the aura does not turn on.

    Why?! Is there a better way to do this? Like specifically valid a unit's level? This must be doable since I have seen those level 6 ability upgrades that are only able to be picked when you hit level 6.


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    posted a message on Behavior modification

    Thanks guys, After determining how much work this would take, I decided to take an alternate root until Blizzard hopefully improves the way hero units are dealt with in the editor. I am going to just have an aura that increases every x number of levels. I don't see a validator for levels though, I decided to try using veterancy with my main stat on the unit, but for some odd reason the validator only runs once, and not every iteration of being applied. I don't get it. If I validate the stat to be 0 at start, it runs fine (the stat starts at 0). While if I say validate for 1, the buff does not run as intended, but both scenarios it stays this way regardless of level.

    To get an idea of my aura system, I have a dummy aura trigger a search that runs several effects that apply the potential auras to other units. Unfortunately I don't want all these auras on the other units at once, so I hope to validate which ones to have and which to not have. I tried putting this veterancy validator at different levels of the process with no success.


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    posted a message on Behavior modification

    Hello, I am working on a leader type unit that will gain experience like a hero. It will have no real abilities but a single aura projected out to nearby units. Each time this leader unit levels up, the user can select how to upgrade the aura, (example: upgrade for +1 damage to all units covered by aura or +1 armor). Each time any given upgrade is picked the main aura is retroactively upgraded to fulfill all past and current choices.

    The only solution I have determined so far is to make a behavior for every possible choice, but this seems excessive. Surely there must be a better way to retroactively modify a current behavior like attributes? Or even make attributes that can be projected through a behavior?

    Thanks for the help!

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    posted a message on [BETA] Combat Tactics
    Available on NA servers Hello, I am new here to the community and have spent much more time than I should have in making this map into something awesome. I appreciate criticism and ideas. Right now it is in beta so expect imbalance, possible bugs, and perhaps the feeling of something missing. Although the "base" of the game is just about 100% done. Now I have some questions, the map is posted on Bnet 2.0 and published for open play, can anyone play it now? I would post it on here, but I spent too much time to have someone else rip off my work, unless I can post a locked version of it? Onto the details! This is more of a arcade strategy game with up to 10 players. Right now its FFA action where you assume the role of a commander. You can purchase soldiers to be flown to your commander in squads of 12. You must traverse this city capturing Funding centers to keep your money high as other players will also be competing for dominance over these centers. You may build complex bases, set traps, defenses.. you name it. My theme behind the creation of the map is around "tactics" meaning for everything you do, someone else can trump it through use of out maneuvering you, ambushes, traps, etc. Someone who simply goes by the idea that strong units in numbers = overpowering forces will get stomped quickly. The game is fairly simple but complex in variety, so it will take somewhat of a learning curve to figure out what does what. The map is titled CombatTactics on Bnet. Please play it and send me some feedback. I have not yet been able to fully test it out with more than 3 players yet, so 10 players may be a bit chaotic, perhaps buggy. But please leave me feedback about these things. I would like to join others in playing my map tomorrow (Thursday) 10/28/2010. night around 10 pm PST too. My BNET ID is 'Don'. I should add, should the map be popular enough, I want to do more with it. I will add game modes in that include FFA, Team based, Survival (you bunker in the city and survive as long as possible against hordes of aliens coming from the outer rims), and Onslaught where you must work with other commanders to overcome and overwhelm the computer that currently controls the city. Also I may add these features in the future: Heros More upgrades
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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