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    posted a message on TD Map Reviews


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    posted a message on TD Map Reviews

    TD Map Reviews

    my ingame account is just plain old: flummox.947 (no "capn")

    i went and played a few of the TD Maps out there and was surprised at how much piracy and crap on bnet.

    and for the record, it's spelled defenSe. i did not change spelling or grammar or syntax in the name of the towers listed below.

    Pro tower Defence

    completely ripped off from Island TD. a lot of the maps out there are Island TD ripoffs. for shame! you have three builders and half the towers can be built on all three types of builders. weird, clunky, and the models are too large. unclear where units will spawn from (color code the damn things). and... 2000 lives!?!?!?!?!?!?1/1/1/

    0/10 - for piracy and lameness

    Random Towers Defence

    i don't know what to say about this one other than it didn't seem like i was damaging the units.

    4/10 - cool concept, but needs to be fixed.

    Pokeman Tower Defense

    so i went and retested this. i picked the same things as last time; mewtwo, solo, upper left corner.

    it's a mazing map, and creeps spawn in three areas on each section; upper left, middle, and upper right. once i read all the build stuff i saw you can make cheap blockers to flesh out the maze. the towers are neat with some cool ideas. but only a few of them were upgradable. graphics and effects are simple, but effective. the hero seemed to have a different ability than last time (which was an effect similar to psi-storm; but this time it had a clone ability which i was not able to test).

    i was able to get to lvl 10 when i leaked three mobs and then was given the defeat dialog. fail. not sure i understand how the game works very well.

    either way, it looks rather boring for solo mode. same old, same old. maze back and forth. spam towers and watch stuff die. didn't seem to be too much strategy for the solo game.

    unfortunately, my score will be remaing the same as before. i would like to test this in a multiplayer environment.

    5/10 - again, neat concept, originality and effort.

    Warpath Tower Defense

    this one was a neat one that i had played a few days ago with an opponent. you make towers in your area (can maze) and you also send units towards opponent's area (top vs. bottom). when we played, i think my enemy went afk after a few rounds. but, the row of spiney towers he had built made quick work of anything i sent at him... until i upgraded my unts. after a while i overwhelmed him and "won".

    • polished map - although the minimap doesn't display; this needs to be fixed
    • unique towers - would like to see an actual game with an opponent who isn't afk
    • versus gameplay - a nice variation on "versus" style tower defense games

    6/10 - it will get a higher rating when i can play it more, and the minimap shows up. also, needs some polish in the "what's going on" part.

    Aiur Maul [Beta]

    this is a team based map where you have your own areas to build in. units spawn in various locations based on the number of players you have and your build area. they move towards the bottom of the map. there are two turrets near the end that are automatically there at the start of the game. they seem to be a last defense for your team. although, i was able to sell them... o.O! would like to know if only the "bottom" player can sell them, or if this is going to be a "first to sell" part of the game that needs to be changed immediately.

    there was a lot of information spammed into the subtitle area about various rules and commands throughout the test. i would like to see this moved to a dialog window that can me manually hidden. this way people can choose to read it, or veterans can ignore it. one of the things i saw flash by was regarding voting and/or kicking players. if there is a kick option, then my score for this will not be higher than 2/10. votekick is a horrible feature for a game.

    on to gameplay; you are given a unit you use to pick a race type by making a building you need to place on the map. there are three types to choose from. then you make a builder from that building. this is a mazing map, and keep in mind i played this Han Style, so i have no idea how this would all work in a mutliplayer version. creeps come out in a big blob and then follow your maze until they get killed. simple. the spamtext says you can make other builders/races, but you are only given one vespene to start with. after 15 rounds, i did not have more vespene to test other races.

    the concept looks cool. it's a team game... so, meh. but you can still solo it as only one wave spawns per player present in game. however, i was overwhelmed and my race was 'air specialist'. i need to go back and test it again.

    7/10 - polished map, unique towers (for the most of what i saw), and a nice setup for team play. keep in mind this goes down to 2/10 if there is a votekick system in place.

    X Tower Defence - Beta P v0.3

    units spawn in the corners and move towards the middle of the map in a trench. you build on the cliffs and work as a team to prevent them from reaching the middle. i made two of the same tower (2x15; you start with 30 bucks). i think i killed two of the creeps before i realized that at that rate i'd lose on round two. i quickly stopped the game.

    i couldn't even tell that the towers were firing this bubble effect thing you can barely see. probably needs some tweaking.

    3/10 - simply not finished/balanced

    MESC's TD

    sigh... it's just OneTwoSC's TD with a different map. actually, i'm not even sure the terrain is new. looks like he just removed all the terrain and left a blank map. people need to stop uploading maps they made as a tutorial.

    and, MESC = Making Every Shot Count...

    -1/10 - for copying such a well known TD/Tutorial

    Dixel's TD

    this one is a neat concept. creeps move from right to left (there are a few backwards waves), and as they pass over visible separators, their HP goes down. obviously, the closer to the left side of the map, the easier to kill. conversely, you get more points for killing creeps near the right edge. this is a score based game, so more points is your goal.

    the towers are polished, the upgrades all seem to work. it's difficult. this is a decent TD to play, but i have only been in one multiplayer game in the dozen or so tries i've given it. would like to see this one get more popular.

    • finished map, although there isn't really too much to look at. but, there isn't really a need to complicate the terrain
    • towers are finished and function properly. nice variety.
    • challenging gameplay and originality

    8/10 - it's original, it's score based, it's "polished".

    Red Circle TD

    this is an older map from around release of SC2. i haven't seen it on the maplist in a long time. i ran across it while doing Fun or Not.

    units spawn in the corners and go clockwise around the circle. they spawn only in the corners where active players START THE GAME. also, you get a 100 creep limit for the circle for the number of players who START THE GAME. you lose when you exceed the number of units set at the beginning (4 players = 400 creep limit). meaning, if people leave, you will still have the spawn AND the limit. so, for a basic 4 player game, you cannot have more than 400 creeps in the circle or you lose.

    this is a decently polished game in terms of towers and functionality. you get a few different towers to build, a slowing tower, AoE, air-only, etc. there is an Aura tower for speed/dmg upgrade and also a nuke tower for special occassions.

    the only problem with this game is when people leak their mobs, the next person in the circle gets to eat their kills. and basically feed them and makes it easier. because, if they can handle their own spawn, then they can easily handle your leaks. another problem is that the spawns do not stop from the corner of a quitter, so the feeding problem is an issue there as well. most players LIKE it when the person to their "left" leaves so they get their leaks and then it's pretty much an easy game.

    40 waves, there needs to be more to make the game challening beyond just yawning... maybe just add in some boss waves to break up the boredom.

    • nice array of towers with upgrades
    • strategy building is a must; can't just spam the splash tower all day
    • has some issues with quitters

    6/10 - would LOVE to see this one get an update

    (there was a Red Circle TD 2 floating around back near release that simply lowered the initial cost - and subsequent upgrade costs - of the towers to make it simpler. meh.)

    Island TD (Tower Defense Co-op)

    i think i found the orginal for this.

    it's an okay TD game. the towers are polished and everything seems to function properly.

    now the rest...

    it's rife with problems other team TDs have. first up is the map not balanced at all. the last player in the lobby gets saddled with the anchor spot and has to catch everyone's leaks and kill his own spawns. and, their area has less travel space for the creeps, which means, even a non-elite player will lose the game.

    also, you can build anywhere, which is a HUGE problem for team based TDs. and when a player leaves, first one to sell their stuff gets the spoils. and, the builder is left in the game.

    the auther (the REAL author) needs to make the map so the creeps have the same walking path for all spawns. i can easily see how the pathing can be done where each spawn wave meets in the middle and then makes their way to the end of the path. and make it so you can only build in YOUR area. maybe make the end area a free-for-all build area, too.

    the builders need to be downsized. the coloring of the turrets is very slick. however, it makes it hard to differentiate other players' towers unless you look at the minimap or hover over the tower with mouse.

    but over all it's a neat concept that needs to be tweaked.


    5/10 - needs major balancing and grief prevention

    Standard Tower Defense v X.X

    for the love of... there are SO many versions of this map out there. so many people ripped this off that the original author had to put in a stupid Terms of Service dialog in the beginning of the game. first off, it's a total dickhead move and the guy needs to be whipped for it. second, if you anuses (ani?) are gonna make changes, can you at least fucking remove the one trigger that makes the ToS ?? for the love of satan.


    this game IS fun. the solo (survival mode) is a decent TD. you've got some interest to deal with, plenty of towers and upgrades to look over. and a nice "maze" to line with towers to kill your creeps. and just when you think, "man this game is just a maul", you start to leak.

    back when people played this map there were a few good versus games going on. and aside from some minor glitches (that would ironically go away when quitters would quit), it worked very well. you'd send mobs to your opponents and try to slip them past their defenses. it had all the elements of a good TD built right inside.

    it's too bad that morons have ruined it's development. i'd really like to see a good version come out.

    and what's with "version 3" where you get these massive "heroes" right in the beginning? i mean, come on! you couldn't at least make them a purchaseable unit for later in the game? do people really like sitting there watching stuff die that much?

    6/10 for the Survival Mode 7/10 for the Versus Mode but... only 4/10 now. because all the random changes to the game have ruined it.

    Infinite TD

    what can i say about this one? well, after one completely boring "beginning" level game, i made two "insane" games to test various builders. i didn't see much improvment into the difficulty...

    okay, this TD has A LOT of potential. there are some really neat effects going on with this game. sadly, not one of them revolves around the actual gameplay of a tower defense. but, as SouLCarveRR said, it's not finished. once he finalized the gameplay features, i'd like to test it out again.

    you can choose from three builders (basically, terran, zerg, and protoss). i tested protoss and terran; not the zerg. as protoss you can only make a photon cannon and a pylon. the pylon does nothing but add supply and power, both you do not need as you can build anywhere and towers don't take supply. sadly, the photon cannon is just a photon cannon (with modified stats? don't play enough of the standard game to know). as for the terran, you can make a supply depot (again, supply actually not needed), the pop-up turret and the perdition turret.

    the fact that this is a mazing TD is lost on the random spawn beacons that the creeps must walk to. sure, you can maze around one of the beacons if you wish, but even at insane difficulty i did not see the need to maze since the path of the creeps criss-crossed over one another enough to allow the turrets to fire numerous times.

    this TD is just not ready... but... i would like to see a non-solo run made to test the "scalable difficutly".

    but there are a lot of neat elements put into this!! once the gameplay is fleshed out, this is a contender for an awesomely polished tower defense game. the fireworks, the voices for the wave spawning/completion, and the neat camera trick you can use to unboringify (word?) your TD experience look very promising!

    for a TD game, sorry, you're getting a 3/10... for polish of everything BUT the terrain, i'm going to give you a 5/10. and ONLY because there are no unique towers/units in the game

    Squadron TD

    reserved for future testing

    Mercy TD

    reserved for future testing

    Vexal Tower Defense

    reserved for future testing. but, honestly, do i even need to review this one? 8)

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Be apart of sc2mapster online!

    "do you like it?? my butthole?"

    (this is actually my quote in real life)

    and, purple, actually, royal purple...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on [Video] 3rd Person RPG


    i was following this tutorial yesterday and ran into an issue (yeah, 1.3). the skybox unit i made would not stay the same size. every time i tested the map it would appear differently. i could show this by actually adding in the model into the editor. it would go through about 5 or 6 different sizes. nothing i could change actually worked. my scale was set to .007 (i tried a few other scales). i even changed the random scale field to match and was given the same results: 5/6 random sized skyboxes.

    any clues to this? i am going to go in search of other skybox tutorials and see what they come up with.

    also, do you know if your UI tutorial works still in 1.3?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Community Project - Information Thread

    i'd love to help in any way i can...

    i got no credentials other than a HUGE desire to learn more about this editor...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Looking for two data editors for large project
    Quote from nevjmac: Go

    working on a project with no details given... I'm with zantai here... that wouldn't work unless you payed me

    and this is another example why i reported you as a bad moderator. there was NO need for you to post here.

    and, == i know how to make a heading ==, fool. in my other post, i was merely conjecturizing. yeah. i just made up a word...

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on How to make a video demoing you map (for free)
    Quote from Keyeszx: Go

    @capnflummox: Go

    iPhone, iPod, iPad, iTouch, etc would like to have a word with you

    lame, lame, lamer, just stupid and lame, etc. they are all lame. don't EVER confuse popular with cool. i got 5 words for you:


    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on I don't get it.

    i still heart TDs

    i don't know why that is a heading...

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    posted a message on How to make a video demoing you map (for free)
    Quote from zeldarules28: Go

    @capnflummox: Go

    Woah there. I'm a PC user, but I don't think macs suck. At the very least, imovie >>>>>>> movie maker. No need to over-react...

    "woah there" = over-reaction. relax, buddy. it's only the internet 8). that "fuck you" was merely meant as a come on. i'm horny...

    but, macs suck. they really really do...

    anything with "i" in front of the name is lame. A N Y T H I N G...

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on How to make a video demoing you map (for free)
    Quote from grenegg: Go

    For those lucky people on macs, yes iMovie.

    I've always had problems with movie maker.... Windows live $*$ (I hate PCs)

    I always start recording after the loading screen :) ^Highly recommended ^

    Edited original post.

    you mean "unlucky" people... macs suck... and fuck you.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Looking for someone to take over updating my TD, Vexal Tower Defense

    i wish i had the technical skills to undertake this project. but, i am still in the learning phase. however, if you find people forming a team, please keep me in mind. if you cannot find anyone else, i can certainly take a stab at it...

    ignore haters. they are usually people who hate themselves...

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on I don't get it.

    @Vexal: Go

    i'm sorry, i did not want to even suggest you use(d) bots. and, yeah, i think you would need an account for each bot.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on I don't get it.
    Quote from Vexal: Go

    It's not my fault it took this long for other TD maps to become popular...

    I put as little effort into my map as possible. It looks like to me that other developers just aren't trying. The recently popular map is a clone of a map that was already made.

    oh i love your TD. but since you are working on new projects and are not planning on updating yours until that is done, we need some new ones. also, we need a solo TD. team based TDs are annoying with all the bad parenting out there making people leave games. or... making bots so their maps can get popular. not saying YOU use bots. just saying...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on extend camera middle mouse scroll zoom

    @s3rius: Go

    thanks for this 8).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on I don't get it.

    i love TDs. think they are a unique form of gameplay...

    having said that, there needs to be some new life into them. i have played Maelstrom TD and although it is confusing, it is fun. (please don't mistake my saying it's confusing as permission to put in a cinematic in the beginning. people just need to play it enough to get it.)

    also, you're going to have to be patient in order for your map to get recognized. and give it some time for people to appreciate it and actually play it.

    keep in mind that advertising is only going to work with the people who are drawn to it. this is not a demographics thing; this is a will-they-even-go-looking-for-advertisements thing. personally, i do not go looking for advertisements. i just log in and see what's on the lists.

    i'm working on my TD now. it sucks. but i'm trying to bring some old school stuff into it. not old TD stuff, but old game stuff. ever play Desktop Tower Defense? yeah, like that stuff. score, time-based macroing... stuff like that. i'm thinking Atari games here, folks. when score mattered...

    good luck getting yours recognized. i'd like something other than Vexal TD and that crappy game squadron td... hate that game...

    Posted in: General Chat
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