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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    Alright thats a bummer i liked that control-nodes had more to them than just being control-nodes.

    Regarding your turret-build-system i sense a really ugly problem incoming.

    You see in catalyst1.0 it was already annoying when 2-3 turret-carriers planted their turrets in one spot basically rendering this spot inpenetrable for the enemy. Now whith the new system there is no limit to how many turrets you can deploy after purchasing the turret-node -> hope you see the problem right there. So if you want to keep this as is turrets should cost minerals and/or vespene otherwise 1 player can render a whole area of the map inpenetrable resulting in unnecessary drawn out games or stalemates. A limit per turret node would not solve the problem cause you could just build 20 more turret-nodes in the hangar.

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    I really don't like the idea of driving to a shop at the end of the world to buy a nuke. It goes against the whole mobility concept of catalyst 2.0.

    Is it not possible to just make the command center the shop and set the range for the shop to like the whole map? That way you could hotkey it and be able to buy stuff whenever you want. You could also add an animation, for reality's sake, that if you buy an item a little drop pod drops into your vehicle to play the delivery-boy.

    Or you could do something with the control-nodes. Say the more you have the more stuff you can buy at the command-center. I also really loved the idea that you could build different stuff than turrets in the beta there, that would also be pretty neat.

    I assume you still need vespene gas to fortify your control nodes with towers right?

    Also what is the purpose of selling some at controlpoints, some at the base and some being random drops? Thats just confusing and unneccesary imo. Do it like blizzard does with ui, clear basic features easy to understand and not 99 different ways to do the same thing. That reminds me of the forest shops in dota, i mean what is the purpose other than unnecessary legwork? xD

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    @Eiviyn: Go

    Sweet ^^

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    @Eiviyn: Go

    That sounds cool and do you display a capture-bar now when taking over a control-point?

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    @Eiviyn: Go

    Alright thats really cool and i think it will make the whole thing more intuitive thanks eiviyn :)

    Quote from Eiviyn: Go

    Also, I'd compare it more to your equipment menu from WoW!

    Yeah now that you know whats going on outside it is comparable to an equipmentmenu in wow whereas before you had no clue, it was like a different "gamemode".

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    It's just like imagine you are raiding in wow but from time to time you have to open a menu that totally disconnects you from your raid and your surroundings to raid better. That would feel weird wouldn't it?

    So all i'm saying is that being able to look at the minimap while upgrading stuff would just combine the two disconnected "gamemodes" into one fluid experience.

    Hope that made any sense xD

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    @Eiviyn: Go

    Sure i totally understand that you don't spend hours in the hangar but it would still feel better if you remain some connection to the actual map while building weapons or reading tooltips for them, like still having the minimap available or something giving you a clue that you are under attack.

    That would imo increase the feeling that the player is in control over his units any time quite a bit. Dunno it just feels weird that you don't know whats going on while upgrading and stuff.

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    What bothers me most with the new hangar-system is that it feels somewhat clunky. Now admittedly i didn't test it but from what i've seen in you video you are totally cut off from your vehicle/the combat while in the hangar, so you never know if you are actually dieing while building stuff.

    A cool thing would be if you could still see the minimap while in hangar-mode or if that is not possible at least have some kind of alarmlights or screenshaking if your vehicle gets under fire while you are in the hangar.

    That way i atleast would feel much more relaxed while figuring out what to build next.

    Other than that i guess this system is really cool and innovative.

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    @Eiviyn: Go

    Alright thanks you just motivated me a bit more xD

    Also i think being able to use abilities while cloaked is a good thing otherwise i personally would see no use for it. I guess the fighter can cloak then?

    And do you still need a few abilities or do you have enough for the 3 vehicles?

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    @Eiviyn: Go

    So how do you want to handle cloaking then?

    If you can just build a scanner or something like that in the Hangar cloaking becomes useless, but if there are no ways of detection it becomes horribly Overpowered.

    Or you tune cloaking abilities so that they only last few seconds or have other drawbacks.

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    @yukaboy: Go

    No offense but it seems you overlooked the part in eivyins post where he/she said that damagedealing abilities are a nono and i think there is no armor used in catalyst.

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    Got something new:


    Assimilation Nanobots(releases a swarm of little nanobots that surround the tank for 6 seconds, every damage received while active is instead converted into health for the tank, could be the second ultimate besides shock barrage)


    Readiness(when used resets all of the fighters cd's, could be an ultimate)

    Avoidance Maneuver(fighter performs a barrel roll for 2 seconds reducing damage taken by 90% but disables your weapons for 2 seconds)

    other ideas

    Short Circuit(places a debuff on target for 10 seconds, abilities used while debuffed cost energycost times 3 in health)


    Short Circuit(places a debuff on target for 10 seconds, abilities used while debuffed cost 2 times the energy)


    Short Circuit(activates the cd's of all the targets abilities)

    Electric Induction(applies debuff for 5 seconds on target that increases damage taken by 10%, debuff refreshes whenever target moves and stacks up to 5 times, target has to stop moving for 5 seconds to dispell debuff)


    Electric Induction(applies debuff for 5 seconds on target that reduces movementspeed by 10%, debuff refreshes whenever target moves and stacks up to 5 times, target has to stop moving for 5 seconds to dispell debuff) (well there are a lot of options with this)

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    I think direct damage abilities that cannot be realised with hangar-weapons are ok but if you don't like it you can still take a cool direct damage ability and twist it to do something else, for example keep the Hunter Seeker mechanic but instead of damaging the opponent it roots them for 6 seconds or something.

    Also I would suggest that the tank doesn't only get damagereducing abilities because every vehicle needs some ways to escape from combat. I think a perfect solution would be to change battering ram so that you target a location and the tank charges towards it and then slams the units there, that way you get a way out/into combat and the farther away the target is from the tank the easier it is to avoid because of traveltime. Either that or give the tank harpune cause otherwise i see no use for a meleeability on a pretty slow vehicle.


    Supply Calldown(drop pod on target location, allies that drive over "med kit" heal for 20%)

    Shock Barrage(tank deploys and bombards area with shock shells, decreasing movementspeed by 80% and increasing damage taken by 90%, seems resonable cause the tank itself basically removes himself from the fight but gives allies the chance to move in for the kill)

    Fieldrepair(heals for 5% per second, drains energy fast, uses fire supression bot animation)

    Weapon Disruptor(slows enemys weapon speed by 30%)

    Barricade Call Down(like force fields but instead calls down big drop pods that stay for the duration, well not useful against fliers but "force field" is still a really awesome assistspell)

    Can't come up with a name(activatable aura decreases damage taken by all allies by 30% increases damage taken by tank by 30%, drains energy wile active, maybe more useful than a "draw all fire" ability i suggested in my last post)

    Optics Disruptor(shortens enemys weaponrange by 50%)


    Damage Amplifier(4 sec Debuff, when debuff expires deals the damage target received during those 4 seconds as aoe around target and to target itself, well you said no damageabilities but this is basically a +100% damage to target with a really cool flavor and it is avoidable )

    Hunting Mode(drains energy fast, +4 Weaponrange, +6 sightrange)

    Shock Seeker(uses Hunter Seeker mechanic, stuns target for 6 seconds)

    Weapon Overload(increases weaponspeed for 6 seconds by 70% but disables your weapons for 10 seconds afterwards)


    only thing i came up with that would be fun is:

    Bombing Run(when in Bombing mode all weapons fire at 50% speed but you gain a new weapon that drops ...well bombs at targets directly below the Fighter, i know its a damagethingie but the only time i had fun with the banshee in catalyst was when i dropped mines onto the heads of my enemies xD, i died really fast though :( )

    Anyway thats it for now I will post any new ideas i get. Keep up the good work looking forward to a beta.

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst
    Quote from Eiviyn: Go

    I've seen the unused Battlecruiser Hurricane model, but it's too low poly to be useable ingame. The laser drill tank is nice, though.

    What are the doom bot and tank drone?

    well i don't really understand your question just open the map and you will see them ^^

    If you want the modelname its under:

    Assets/Units/Terran/Hercules/Hercules.m3 for the drone

    Asssets/Units/Terran/SuperCraneAdvanced/SuperCraneAdvanced.m3 for the big ass bot

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    @deleted_4551290: Go

    Well, the only things used for lost viking are the 2 flying thingies, the nomad was ingame but got replaced by the raven before beta cause some idiots complained that he looks bad, but i dunno i think he's awesome xD

    and the tankdrone, battlecruiser,laser drill tank and doombot were never used for anything.

    so they are basically custom models that don't eat the 10mb maplimit. ^^

    I just threw that out here because i didn't like it that you used the siegetankmodel for the mercs you could buy at the factory in your betarelease, cause you know these were already used by the tank.So i figured maybe a few more models to choose from couln't hurt you Eiviyn.

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