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    posted a message on [Release] Onetwo's TD
    Quote from OneTwoSC: Go

    1. have you guys read tips? -stuck and -kill might answer some of your Q's. I love how that game fell part because no one read tips

    Well they don't read it because they don't have to. There's rarely any incentive in reading tips in user made scenario. I don't really think about the "Help" button when playing SCII and since a lot of scenario makers put their Changelog in the Tips section, I just forget about them.

    Anyway, IMHO, a little remainder about the "-stuck" (and "-kill") triggers if a wave last more than 2 or 3 minutes would resolve those reports/complaints.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Release] Onetwo's TD

    Just created this account to inform you about a bug I encountered. Here's the replay :

    Some monsters got stuck during a wave and that killed the game basically, since no one could reach it, even with "Range 8" towers.

    Another thing is about alliances. Everybody seem to be in the same alliance during "Left vs Right" gameplay. So if anyone from the opposite side quits (Like someone in the Left side quits when you're in the Right side), you can sell all its towers since teammates can control the units of previous teammates who left. That's indeed quite low for such a scenario, but still possible and avoidable. Setting two alliances would only allow such things between people of the same team. That or redefining the ownership of the towers but this might require much more work.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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