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    posted a message on Gem Tower Defense [Release]

    Hey Dude,

    I love your map. It is a lot of fun and is certainly one of the better (if not best) maps in the pool right now.I really appreciate all of the hard work you have put into it.

    I am mid-way through Insane mode at the moment, so i'm not just pulling these suggestions out of my ass.

    My ID is Roxy.651 if you would like to confirm.

    My suggestions and feedback:

    Lucky Chance

    This simply doesnt pay off enough to be worth it. The only time I ever do this is if I either am not getting my gems and will die if i dont get them OR if I got some lucky china jades early and was able to rake in the cash to be able to spend it on these. I would suggest either reducing the cost of these or reworking the post lvl8 upgrades.

    I am convinced it is impossible to beat extreme mode unless you have 1 of all of the bonus giving gems (+damage/+attack speed, etc.) This makes the game frustrating at times because we simply dont have enough impact on deciding which gems we want. We can have a stellar maze, but if we dont get an egyptian gold, we WILL lose against the final boss. Guaranteed.

    I propose that you make it easier for us to build the gems we want.

    I propose this be done by allowing us to do the following:

    Pay for a re-roll of the 5 gems that we get to select from (say 100$ and we get to re-do and get 5 new gems)

    Combine gems that we previously had (say we had to perfect Opal, but already have a black opal in play... it sure would be awesome to be able to get a great opal out of them). This would also allow us to combine, say 2 regular gems in order to get a flawless one that we need (basically combining 10 gems work into 1)

    Finally, and I dont really understand the editor that much, but it would be nice if we could unlock turbo mode for the higher levels, say a reward for beating extreme?. Something along the lines of (enemies gain 100% movement speed and towers gain 100% attack speed)? This would save us from having to spend 1.5 hours a game (and could do 2 games instead! : )

    It would also be cool if the builder had an ability to stun. Say like 100 energy and it can stun. You could also give the higher level builders different and better abilities.. or even auras?

    Lastly, in the higher levels, AOE damage isnt really that important. It always brings a tear to my eye when I roll a perf ruby. Any way you could change the blood ruby (not positive on name becaus ei dont like it so never try to make it), but change it so it gives towers in its range +10% range or something?)

    Some ideas of abilities that the builder could have:

    Stun Target Relocate Tower AOE Damage Time warp - send target back 5 seconds Aura to give +dmg/+attk speed

    So ya.. in summation i'm just hoping for the game to add a little more skill to winning (rathe than just being screwed if you dont roll the gems that you need).

    Also.. sorry.. i tried to tidy this up with how i was writing this and the website kept crashing and killing my editing of wha tI just typed. Im sure you can understand the gist of it

    Thanks again for the awesome map!

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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