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    posted a message on Multiple Levels of a Morph Ability

    title pretty much says it all: How can I make multiple levels of a Morph ability? Other abilities have the options to add multiple levels, but the Morph one does not. I want leveling up a morphing skill to make it morph into a different unit.

    (I could see potentially hacking my way around it by having the levelable ability just be a thing that issues an order to morph to the correct leveled unit, but I'd like to avoid that if possible)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How can you change the speed of the Photon Cannon Missile?

    @Kenterik: Go

    Nevermind. Of course after asking about it, i find the mover associated with it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How can you change the speed of the Photon Cannon Missile?

    Relatively simple question, I hope:

    How can I change the speed of the Photon Cannon's Missile? Right now it moves pretty quickly to its target, and if I wanted to tinker with its speed, where would I do that?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Global Ratings

    Does anyone know how the Global Ratings in the Peepmode map work? Does the map communicate with a server somewhere that's storing ratings, or is it all just Banks that are checking each other to compile rankings for each game?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Changing a Projectiles Arc/Speed

    Hi all,

    I'm using the spore cannon unit found in the campaign, but I gave it a weapon and all the assorted effects, so it's shooting globs of goo at enemies, and that's all working fine.

    My only problem right now is that it appears that each shot fired follows the exact pattern of going with a certain arc, and taking a specific amount of time to hit its target. For instance, units that are about 5 or 6 distance away are attacked with a lobbing attack. Yet, if those units are in melee range, the missile still lobs up into the air, then arcs all the way back to the target, so that it seems the time it spends in the air is fixed. How can I change it so that the missile will simple travel at a set speed and trajectory, so that units that are closer are hit faster (the missile will hit them almost instantaneously) and when shooting at targets far away, the missile still arcs and has to travel there.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make the Computer units auto-use abilities

    @b0ne123: Go

    Thanks, btw! This worked (had to make sure the Auto-cast range was >0 also). (also sorry for taking forever to reply. Just now finally got around to it)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to get High Templar to auto-cast Archon Merge


    Does anyone have much experience with "Merge" abilities like the Archon Warp that High Templars have? I'm trying to find a non-trigger way to get my neutral creeps that are High Templars to auto-merge once they run out of energy.


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    posted a message on How to make the Computer units auto-use abilities


    I've got a map where I have 'neutral hostile' units littered about for the players to kill.

    Some of these units (like marines, marauders, high templar) have abilities that I would like them to smartly use (stim pack, psi storm). I was hoping that they would do that automagically, but it does not appear to be the case.

    I thought the problem might be the tech not being researched, but I did activate the techs i care about. Stalkers are using Blink (woohoo!) and the marauders shots do have Concussive Shells, but Stim is not being used and Psi Storms are not being dropped

    Any ideas?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Condition check to see if unit is an Item

    @Kenterik: Go

    wellll, never mind. Turns out in the searching for units in a region, you can set a flag to exclude Items. So that solves that I guess :P

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Condition check to see if unit is an Item

    So i'm using some triggers for checking to make sure that a player doesn't have any units in a region (specifically, in a Boss fight region) in order to reset the boss.

    However, I want to make sure that I"m not checking if there are any Item units (since Items are Units), and I can't seem to find a condition check to filter out Items from the list.

    I am going to be making sure there are no units owned by players 1-6 in the region, and I think that Items aren't technically owned, so that might work anyways, but I want to have a condition just to be safe.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Can Functions Return Arrays?

    @s3rius: Go

    lol I guess you missed this part of my first post... [ However, I get the lovely error message (when using the custom script to return the array; gui won't even let you do it),

    "Bulk copy not supported" ]

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Can Functions Return Arrays?

    @SexLethal: Go

    oh I just brute forced it lol. And I was afraid that this was the case. I am using a global arrays for the same reason in a couple other areas, to basically use the indices as pointers. I really don't like it, and dunno what I'm going to do. In the meantime, I'm not worrying about distances, and just getting random points. who cares if 5 nukes overlap...just don't sit in the middle of this venn diagram

    anyways, here's the hacked together function (I probably shouldn't've used the word "Wonderful", but at the time I was feeling pretty proud)

    Edit: what language do i specify for it to view it as galaxy code? "galaxy"?

            count = 0 <Integer>
            location = 0 <Integer>
            spacing = 0.0 <Real>
            can_be_near_boss = false <Boolean>
        Grammar Text: GetRandomPoints(count, location, spacing, can_be_near_boss)
        Hint Text: (count 0-10, location 0-2, spacing <real>, can_be_near_boss t/f) Given a number of points, the boss location, how much space you want between each point, and if the space can be on/near the boss, t...
        Custom Script Code
        Local Variables
            i = 0 <Integer>
            r = No Region <Region>
            points = No Point <Point[10]>
            p = No Point <Point>
            point_invalid = false <Boolean>
            boss_p = No Point <Point>
            j = 0 <Integer>
            loop_broken = false <Boolean>
            ------- set 'r' to the correct region
            Variable - Set r = (GetBossRegion(location))
            ------- commence search
            General - For each integer i from 0 to (count - 1) with increment 1, do (Actions)
                    Variable - Set point_invalid = true
                    Variable - Set boss_p = (Position of bosses[location].boss_units[0])
                    General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
                            point_invalid == true
                            Variable - Set p = (Random point in r)
                            ------- Check distance w/ boss if necessary
                            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                            can_be_near_boss == true
                                            (Distance between p and boss_p) >= spacing
                                    ------- Now check against the other points
                                    General - For each integer j from 0 to i with increment 1, do (Actions)
                                            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                                    (Distance between p and points[j]) < spacing
                                                    Variable - Set loop_broken = true
                                                    General - Break
                                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                            loop_broken == false
                                            Variable - Set points[i] = p
                                            Variable - Set point_invalid = false
            General - For each integer i from 0 to (count - 1) with increment 1, do (Actions)
                    Ping - Create a ping for (All players) at points[0] facing 270.0, using model Minimap Ping and color (100%, 50%, 25%, 50%), lasting 4.0 seconds
            General - Custom Script: return lv_points;
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Can Functions Return Arrays?

    I noticed that in the return type, I could click a box saying that I was returning an array. However, I get the lovely error message (when using the custom script to return the array; gui won't even let you do it),

    "Bulk copy not supported"

    This makes me extremely disheartened, as I just spent 20 minutes writing a wonderful function to get up to 10 random points within a region with X amount of spacing between them...and now I can't use it.

    Anyone know of a workaround to return my precious array (besides using a global variable and making a lock on that variable?)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Creating Triggers on the fly

    Well I guess the biggest thing I'm concerned about is cleanup. In WC3 you really really had to clean up the triggers afterwards, destroying them, or else they leaked. Do I need to exercise the same caution here, destroying triggers after the Boss has passed on?

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    posted a message on Creating Triggers on the fly

    So I have a lot of experience making triggers through JASS in War3, and I'm wondering if I can do some of the same things here in Star2. Essentially what I want to do is the following:

    There are bosses that will spawn periodically in areas of my map. When the boss is spawned, I want to (at that moment) create triggers for that boss. Triggers with events like "he hits 70% HP" and other things. I noticed in the custom code I can probably do this with the following:

    bool lt_MyCrazyTrigger_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
        // Actions
        if (!runActions) {
            return true;
        // --
        // Put all my wacky wonky fun boss code here! Oh no, infinite nukes at X% HP! Who saw it coming?
        // -- 
        return true;
    void bool lt_MyCrazyTrigger_Func_Init () {
        lt_MyCrazyTrigger = TriggerCreate("lt_MyCrazyTrigger_Func");
        TriggerAddEventUnitAttributeChange(lt_MyCrazyTrigger, lv_my_boss_unit_I_just_made);

    Does anyone know if making new triggers through the Custom Script like this works? I could imagine there being hosts of issues (I don't have the time to test this right now), and am curious.

    If not, how else (with hopefully avoiding just jamming a bunch of global triggers such as "Any Unit Gets to 70% HP" and then checking to see if the unit is of the type that my Boss is) would you do? (I'd like to avoid that trigger firing many many times. Seems inefficient and hackish)


    Posted in: Triggers
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