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    I rather see a description stuff as additional butten near the inventory one. It will show your basic vehicle stats as well as stats granted by items. That woud be cool so you don't have to guess how much shield and energy regen you're currently have.

    I'm also see troops spawned at L Towers to attack the enemy side control points directly, first passing trough their own side control point, then leaving trough far-faced ramp and meeting with enemy ones somewhere nearby of city decorations. Maybe additional secondary control points could be added at their intersection spot. And about Landing Towers, I think they should just respawn after some time after beign destroyed, though it's all yours to decide.

    I'm eager to tough the air vehicles. I wished to play a "minion-master" with double drones and drone ajustment on start, but theres no chassis with 2 drone slots. Now I hope the air ones will get that one.

    Thor should be scaled down a little. He's not getting right between Diamondback and Ares as he's should be.

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    Some guys were thinking it's OP too. They've taken them as start items... worst allies in my play on that map.

    Still, spawn remaking means that if you're losing Landing Tower, you're half-dead? And what the point to play when there's no more troops spawning? That's looks pretty grim :( Hope that's gonna be remade into something less critical.

    But besides that, game are more unpredictable and fierce now. Good job.

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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst
    Quote from Eiviyn:

    I've buffed machine guns to range 6 in my offline build. I agree that it sucks to have to get so point blank to use them.

    It's just that Guns are not that good with damage. Taking 1st grade MG's in start it a fail-stuff, you can't even fight bio with that, getting focused by it all the way, not speaking about enemy techs.

    Quote from Eiviyn:

    Turrets... I just refuse to buff their health. They are so easily replaced that buffing their health is just not an option right now. If I buffed their health, I'd have to increase their energy cost and cooldown, which makes them more fidgety to use.

    I also disagree with turrets being useless. I love them for holding nodes.

    Sorry about that one. Just checked them out and it seems they're ok. But it's strange that they all have the same HP's, considering the cost differences. That the reason they're totally useless in late, so theres no reason to buy a 4th one.

    Still, their size is just smaller than Drones. Thats not right. I think they should have different amount of HPs and bigger size, like the 4th Level turret is 1.0 scale of original model. You can also change their model to Betty, so it's not the same shape as perimeter turrets. It's also would be cool, that you're just buying a Sentry Turret with no weapon preset, but could change it by selecting placed turret and choosing one of three weapons manually. So, if you're just need to keep a point from bios, you're switching to MG, and if there's player coming, changing it to missiles to give you some fire support.

    There are some other misc issues:

    1. Main Base targeting is a little buggy. When there are about 6-8 units attacking it, it's just rapidly rotates without actually shooting.
    2. There are hole in the way-point schemes. When your team losing an off-side CP, you can barely recapture mid CP, losing half of attacking bios. When your base are losing a Landing Tower, your team can't recapture an off-side outpost at all, because you have no troops attacking it anymore. Troops spawned at your team main landing zone are attacking enemy base lines straightforward.
      - Consider to add a waypoint priority determination which will lead Main LZ bios to attack off-side CP instead of enemy Main Base, if that off-side CP has been captured by an enemy team.
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    Current Version Issues:

    1. Middle Control Point is enigmatic. Additional spawns from it cannot be countered by any means and easy to defend because there's only one.
      - Get 2 additional Mid CPs as soon as possible, otherwise game result is predetermined on the moment Mid CP is captured.
    2. Missiles are still OP. Get three opponents with all-missile build? Just surrender already...
      - Change them to have 4 sec reload, or considerable minimum attack range.
    3. Troop Upgardes are too considerable.
      - Decrease the amount of HP and Damage gain by Upgrades or
      - Make them either not that fast or rework them to be purchasable with minerals, leaving gas for gaining new Troop types like Medics/Ghosts/Armored Transports.
    4. Miniguns are useless. Too high skill required and too high risk involved to use them effectively.
      - Change range to 6. It's not a handhold rifle or something.
      - Change firing projectiles to Stalker/Phoenix for 3rd and 4th MG's. They're more fitting. Current projectiles, together with other beam projectiles like Mothership and Colossus are using, is more about Laser Weapon with bonus against shields or something.
      - I would still like to see MG's more fast and less powerful.
    5. Turrets need to be useful.
      - Make them more fortified, with higher placement cooldown and normal size.
    6. Some of the 1st grade Utility drones has 420 HP, which is really game breaking.
      - Making Combat Drones more sturdy is much a better idea than that...
    7. There's a bug with starting a game other than 3v3. Initially added AI players are non-targetable by an opponent, and not targeting opponents himself as being Allied with them.
      - Check out the Triggers about Ally/Enemy settings for initially AI players.
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    @raskit: Go

    Does you've opened the inventory with button over your command card? It's not unlimited space in it, actually...

    Eiviyn, can you please add up a line into Item Descriptions so everyone could see how to sell them, rather than just drop them around... that so awesome about how many not played WC3.

    Sorry for overpost

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    Yeah, but that way you'd need to decrease marines target priority, not increasing it.

    Hi again, Eiviyn! - Don't seen the newest version, working over a friend's apartments. Hope you've painted combat Drones. You're can't effectively decide if they're dangerous to you or not, because they're all looks the same and even size is sometimes misguessed. - I would recommend to try making a test-version with 3rd-row Armor items also giving 1 armor per level (4 armor points for a Ex-class plating), but with speed reduction doubled. At least that one should somehow help to tone Missiles damage down a little. Energetical weapons then can be set to be reduced by half of the armor rating (0.5 armor reduction modifier). I you're not going to apply any melee weapons, you can at least try to make MGs more like they're should be with fast shooting speed around 0.6-0.5 but with less damage. Machine Guns should have that "rain of fire" character, but now it's looks much like very slow autocannons at most. - I would like to see Deployable Turrets to be more sturdier, but with much bigger cooldown. - I wish to Zerg weapon to be utilized in future as chemical weapons with debuff or DoT effects. A lot of Protoss weapons can be utilized too. - Ability giving percent damage reduction should worth more and give more protection, otherwise it's just energy waste equipment.

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    @Eiviyn: Go

    Of course it's all yours to decide whatever changes to do. Hope that's will work good too. Still, I really appreciate if you're gonna see it up about missiles, as they're just too powerful already to buff them more. Just played a game where one picked Cannons and two picked Missiles only. That was a waste. That way it's not beneficial to play by anything else like Support layout (Drones for fights, Augments and heals for Weapons, Mechs as a chassis). Missiles have no any counters, so they're dominating currently, as even newbies see their bigger damage ratings and picking them on that feeling. In earlier version there was armor to counter, so you were playing on Missiles 2-hits mechanic for your own good and then someone has to get Machine Guns to counter your armor (and that worked both ways for me, actually, I've frequently countered Armor builds without any problems with shields whatsoever).

    Please, keep that in mind. Thanks.

    With abilities, please, take the way to make them more powerful with more energy use, so Mech players would benefit from their EP bonus more. I'm just sticking with that damn AoS assasin/tank/support/dps-classes style and want your awesome map to get that feel, to make that styles and their hybrids all viable and balansed among themselves. Tanks about survival, assasins about stealth and nuking, support about auras and buffs and dps about debuffs and escapes.

    The base defence and fortress weaknesses, well, I nerfed bio in the latest build. I hope it's enough to make the bases stronger. If it's not, I'll make more direct changes. The same goes for vehicle hit points, I'm hoping it's just bio being too strong rather than vehicles being too weak.
    That's not all about Bios, that's overall weakness of Turrets. In fact, Turrets and MB are actually supposed to be just pillaging Bios and having feak spots against Players (like Missiles that just can be fired from safe distance or MG's that can penetrate their armor, etc.). But now it's just opposite - Turrets making bursts of heavy damage but very slowly, so they're more suitable against Players, but pathetic with Bios. That's means player have to make effrt to get their team's Bios kill that Turret, rather than aggressively attack Turrets themselves under Bios cover, that's more effective.

    Same goes with MB. It's just 60 damage, than can't even kill a 1st upgrade marine with single hit, that's weird. MB must just wreak havoc around itself, so players people would make some effort to kill it, not just keep enemy players distracted while Bios make all the job. It's classic about AoS map genre, that Bios needed only to eat damage from defenses instead of Players with minimal push by their own.

    And about Air vehicles - sure, it's your order. Just keep middle flat before you're implement them. This way it's will be good chassis type to assault points - you ignore high-ground, you don't need to follow up all the roads and you're providing field of view for your allies to push high-ground effectively. After that, you can return to the initial layout with no issues at all.

    More durable? Can't support that. I'd better see more durable combat (non-utility) drones. Air auto-fighters just can't be more durable than them, that's out of logic. It's much easier to hit-down the air vehicle, than land one generally. Considering the fact that they're very hard to focus down by their movement patter, that's more balanced as well.

    Oh, almost forgot. Please, can you change the Hue value of different combat Drones? Like, little Red to MG, little Green to Cannons and little Blue to Missiles?


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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    Hi again, Eiviyn !

    - Imho, Armor is needed anyway. First time I've seen the map it's was pretty close to being balanced. What the way it's broken with shield regen? If it's not technical issue, you should return it and make some anti-shield ajustments. Without Armor, missiles are all-over weapon class currently and there's NO ANY reasons now to buy Guns really or playing slow-but-fat Vehicle layouts - missiles own you anyway.

    - I would like too see physical weapon layout like that:
    1.Missiles shot each 4 seconds but with 10 range (yeah that one feat is just too much effective on 3 fire rate) and get 20% bonus against Buildings.
    2.Cannons are average, shot each 2 seconds, have 20% bonus against Tank-class vehicles, but can't hit Air units.
    3.Guns shots each second, have 20% bonus against Shields (same power drain to reflect more frequent attacks, in theory).
    + 4. Flamethrowers for near-melee range (2-3 i believe) with 0.5 rate with low damage, splash, armor-ignore and bonus to Biologic.

    - I would like to see Air Vehicles available for players with lower HP and EP rating, but best fitting to Attacking. That actually could've fixed the hard time attacking High Ground without modifying middle control point.

    - I would also like to see air drones based on Interceptor aspect that you can launch from your vehicle. Same as basic Drones, but more hard to focus and no need to wait for them to follow you, but still less durable and with reduced fire range.

    - Current Middle control point is better, adding more mess around itself :D Good idea.

    - Base Defenses and Main Building still not changed and very, very easy to destroy. Both have to get either more armor or higher firerate and damage, so players involvement would be necessary to break trough.

    - I can assume to get basic Hit Point for all vehicles a little higher. Somehow it's not looking good right not. Don't know why, but as you get more powerful Drones/Weapons, enemies start to break apart so fast...

    - Vehicles need to be described on their base stats rather than just by words. Also, their stats really should differ more. Scouts must have more speed and low armor and Tanks must get the opposite. They're not feeling like Tanks currently.

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