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    posted a message on Gunship RPG

    @Scionave: Go

    I would be willing to create a complete story and potentially the maps geography and bases, I would just need help with the triggers/events. I suppose it's a recreate, but I think it would be nice to give it a fresh experience with all that SC2 has to offer.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Gunship RPG

    I used to play a map for the original Starcraft that was pretty awesome. I don't know how many people played the original so I'll explain it's function:

    At start, you would be on the pilot team or the crewmen team. When the game starts, everyone gets a civilian, but pilots can do different things than crewmen can and vice versa. Lt Serick (Kerrigan unit) Would give you a story about how you as mercs are welcome and she tells you the state of things and so on. You start with a set amount of minerals that you can use to get started. The pilots would all go to the hanger and walk their civilian onto the beacon of the ship they wanted. All 4 ships (some versions had a secret 5th OPed ship) were all differently powered. One could cloak, some had better air damage or ground damage, some were faster. You would then step onto a beacon at your starport and it would "load" you into your ship which was actually just a section at the top of the map that acted as "inside" the ship. You could then fly your ship around killing waves of zerg that generates minerals. You could buy passive weapon and armor upgrades, as well as walk onto another set of beacons that would buy a "suit" which would make your civilian unit wear like a ghost outfit, marine, or firebat. The choices would be much more awesome in SC2 I would think At the same time, the crewmen usually bought a suit first and then went to the barracks where they would spend their money on buying some ground units to accompany them. The crewmen could go off on their own and kill stuff, but it was usually best to get a pilot to agree to take you places. They would get on the pilots ship while he's in port then be "inside the ship." This would give them control of the SCV inside their ship (the pilot can't do this). The SCV can be used to drop bombs (would be better in sc2 as they were infested terrans in sc1) that the pilot purchased which would drop directly below the pilots ship. Or uses missiles that do way more damage than their passive attack to enemy air units. The scv could also kill the broodling inside the ship that would take almost a full 20 secs or so(so as to create a time delay). When it died, the pilots ship would return to full health. I'm sure this could be done better in the SC2 environment also. The crewmen and the mercs he bought could also eject and fight from the ground as well, but usually if this is done for too long, they'd get overrun. The pilot would use his extra civilian inside the ship to walk onto a beacon that would pick up all units below the ship so you could also be a drop ship.

    I remember all kinds of other details and I could probably make the map myself if it weren't for the enemy AI. I really have no idea how that worked. The enemy zerg had lots of already built hives and stuff, but it would also slowly build and work it's way toward the terran base until it was overrun. Hence why they hired mercs in the first place. It would also have certain scripts/events that would happen. Like at the start, I think the Terrans had an outpost that gets overtaken. I guess it's similar to Special Forces elite as far as the enemies, but it's more of like a zerg computer AI than constant waves like special forces elite. The enemies are actually hatched instead of constantly spawning. They attack on and off also. The Terran AI just maintained their base defenses and occasionally sent a group of marines out to attack, but with much less effectiveness as the zerg attacks. It did make the feel of the game pretty awesome though. You felt like this terran outpost was alone vs the swarm, and they called in mercenaries to help them not be overrun. If someone does decide to make this or help me make it, I'd really appreciate it.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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