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    posted a message on [Actors][Models] Doodad occlusion radius?

    @TedJustice: Go

    I never used sc2 triggers until now but I think there should be a function like in wc3 : unit in range or similar, unnit comes 256 in range of unit2 for example

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on SkaldCG's Modelling Thread

    @IskatuMesk: Go

    maybe I could record an hour or so, but it may take some time, because this model does not have the highest priority at the moment.

    it is fun, because it is the second model ever I started xD Because I am a noob on my self there might not be that much you could learn

    • g*
    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on @SouLCarveRR

    Hehe lol,

    Yeah congratz^^

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Copyright...

    Hey I'm intereseted in this copyright thing, too. Working on a lotr bfme map. How about that? Would it be okay to call it Alrik's Battle for Middle-earth, or would it be a problem to use the correct names ingame, because EA got the movie license for games? I am not intending to publish it as a premium map.

    Also is it a problem to copy the movies' style for self-created models like Helms Deep?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on SkaldCG's Modelling Thread

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    Humm gives me hope :-)

    Maybe it isn't even bad to model after the movies, if so I could go on with this shit^^

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on SkaldCG's Modelling Thread

    Tank you very much,

    As soon as my shading problem is fixed I will be going to create many more models. I could have finished 4-5 more houses, but I don't know, if it would be too complicated to fix the models later.


    PS: Does anyone know, if creating a lotr bfme map with self-made models would fall under Blizzard's license restrictions? I mean if I would not intend to make it a premium map?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on What is the Perfect World? (deep discussion)

    In the perfect world I would be an unbeatable conan-like adventurer, conquering lands, hunting for relics, having much women on my journeys and mageic would exist ^^

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Made a custom model? when cloaked turns bright <team color>? Specular Map is the reason.

    @NiNtoxicated01: Go

    Hey, I am also getting such bugs, I will try your updated version, hope my problems are gone now.

    € No damn :(

    When I export a model it is only shaded correctly from 2 sides. for example the front and the left side of a house are correct while the right and the back side are always getting a green or blue "Lightning" or whatever on them, even if I rotate the model. Front ok, rotate 90° left side ok, rotate 90° back side looking blue, rotate again right side looking green -.-"

    A little workaround is to flip all normals facing the bugged sides and flagging the material as two-sided, but that doesn't solve the problem as i want it to... And it is still producing some bugs then.

    This shit is my worst problem with Sc2 modelling, in 3ds max everything looks ok, and then ingame -> rubbish It's like rotating a Warcraft 3 tree model...

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on SkaldCG's Modelling Thread

    Hey people are posting in my thread :D

    I have got some new shots to show, but as I already wrote in the M3Exporter thread i got an annoying bug (on all of my models, what I am doing wrong >.< )?

    These are the 3dsmax models, with correct normal facing etc... But in the Sc2 engine the lightning is fucked up, even if I import a simple box for testing it gets illuminated in green/blue on its back sides...



    I know I could have done them with flat walls using normla mapping but first I wanted to try it this way, and even my slow notebook with a GeForce GT 9600M does not seem to get problems with the amount of about 6000 tris per model. (I know it is much, but I spammed the map with these models and it worked quite good)

    An here a screen from the m3exporter thread that describes my demotivating problem =[


    Anyone else noticed this problem? I tried around with normals and smoothing groups for about 24 hours I think, sometimes it got better, sometimes not, but I never got it working 100% as I want it to be; so that you can rotate the model and it looks totally the same from each side while looking from the same perspective...

    PS: The textures are very beta and can change until release, especially more variety in windows and a little more texture space for the roofs etc..

    And these models have nothing to do with Born²Modificates wc3 models O_o

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    Hey I got a really annoying problem here, look at the screenshot: Alrik's MediBuildings

    From the (3ds max front view) the models look fine with nice lightning effects etc., usually the left side of the model is also ok, but the back is always some kind of blue while the right side seems green.

    When I rotate a model the shading and lightning effects should make the front sided parts of my buildings look like the right building's front, but it stays some kind of green, this really sucks and I have no idea how to fix it. Could have something to do with smoothing groups maybe?

    I tested this also with a simple box but it gets the same error. Front and left side work well while right side and back are grenn/blue :(

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on [Request] M3 Exporter for Maya

    Yeah I am using 3ds max and maya, an exporter for it would be great, because some tools are just better to use in maya :(

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on SkaldCG's Modelling Thread

    @IskatuMesk: Go

    Thanx for your feedback. Sure I could upload them. At the moment I am working with the student version, so as long as you have no commercial use for them it should be ok. And credits of course =D

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on SkaldCG's Modelling Thread

    Hey guys,

    this is the first "finished" (I'm sure there are still some changes to do, ...) model I've ever created, so I'd like to share this with you. It is the first one in a series of medieval buildings I am going to create for RPGs or sth. else...

    The Edges at the roof will be updated tomorrow I think, they are caused by my intention to create one single texture which will be used by all upcoming buildings of the pack. So I have to arrange the texture in a good and space-saving way.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Terrain] island

    Uhm, I don't really like it because it lacks of detail, some trees are in perfect rows and the cliffs are just blank stonetexture.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Who here are fans of Lord of the Rings?

    I just started reading the 3in1 Edition in english (I am from Germany) my brother kept in his pile of books.

    Of course I read the whole trilogy about 8 years ago, but now I want to read the original words written down by professor Tolkien ;)

    Hey I am working on a BfME map too ;), or let's say, I started modelling for it^^

    Arda is the greatest epic fantasy world ever created.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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