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    posted a message on Overhead Icon (Actor)

    @gorang: Mh... can you be a little mode specific, please? I don't know what a siteop actor is...

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Overhead Icon (Actor)

    Hi folks! Back with a little problem.
    I'm trying to create a permanent "overhead icon" using models and actors like question marks and other similar things. I managed to get them working, but there is a big problem: their height. I've tried so many options in actor's events but I can't find a way to modify it... and icons just keep on floating under unit's feet.
    Just look at the screenshot to understand what I'm talking about...

    To obtain this effect I just modified a few things in Data Editor:
    1) First of all, I created a new model (type CModel, origin PersistentSpellFX) just using ArcadePowerup1.m3 as model reference.
    2) After that, I created a new actor (type CActorModel NotDoodad, origin ModelAddition) that use the previously created model with the following events:

    - ActorCreation
         AnimBracketStart Indicator Birth Stand Death
    - ActorOrphan
    - AnimBracketState.*.AfterClosing
         => AnimName Indicator
    - UnitDeath
    - UnitBirth.MyCustomUnit
    How can i set Z of created actors? Is there a way to let them attach to unit model's head?
    Thanks in advance!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Commandable/Uncommandable

    Hi all! Back to work on my new map, I'm having troubles with this editor feature. I have a first function that creates 1 marine for each player setting it invulnerable and uncommandable. After a countdown is finished, another function set those marines back to vulnerable and commandable... problem is that the "Make unit Comandable" part of my trigger doesn't seem to work. Units become vulnerables but players cannot use them anymore.

    Anyone is having the same problem?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Linked Random Spawns

    Ok, this problem is quite hard to explain. I'll try to do my best. Let's suppose that I have 10 spawn points on the map and everyone has a timer trigger that let them spawn units. When a timer elapses there is: 1) a 10% probability that no units will be spawned 2) a 25% probability that a neutral unit will be spawned (used as vehicle/mount) 3) a 65% probability that some hostile units will be spawned (the players can kill them in order to earn credits)

    The problem is that I would like to let the timers spawn units only if the previously created ones don't exist anymore.

    EXAMPLE: - The spawning timer create a neutral vehicle at RandomSpawnPoint1. - A player take the control of it. - The spawning timer elapses a second time, but the vehicle previously created is still on the map (being used by a player or not)... so nothing else is created. - The vehicle is killed (while being used by a player or not). - The spawning timer elapses a third time and the vehicle previously created doesn't exist anymore, so a new spawn is created.

    I would also know how to modify the behavior of hostile units AI so that they stop attacking a unit as soon as it is no more in sight and they come back to their spawning location if they followed it.

    Can someone help me? Thanks in advance!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Progression Bars & Timers

    Hi all!

    What I would like to do is to create a simple menu with a text and a progression bar under it at the beginning of a game in order to set up a little countdown before the game begins. The text should contain something like "The game will begin in X seconds!" and needs to be updated, like the progression bar, at every timer tick until the end. In order to do this I created a leaderboard with two rows (text and progression bar) and I fired a 1 second timer in the map initialization event's trigger. In the timer event's trigger i just do a simple update of text and progression bar and I check the value of a global variable representing the count of elapsed seconds: if it equals 10 i destroy the leaderboard and I let the game begins, if it's lesser than 10 i restart the timer. All seems to work quite fine but I have some problems:

    1) How can I destroy the timer? If elapsed seconds equal 10 i just don't restart it but I didn't find a function that let me destroy it, so I think it will still be there even if inactive. 2) How can I place the leaderboard on the center of the screen for all the players? 3) I've seen a lot of custom maps using small custom menus as leaderboards with neutral interface and little blue-coloured progression bars (like the ones used for units progressions, but just smaller... while the default one is really big and grey-coloured). Can someone explain me how to do that? 4) Is there a simpler way to do what I did? 5) How to stop any other trigger execution while the countdown is in progress?

    Thanks in advance!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Doodads Textures

    Hi all! I'm new to the world of SC2 mapping... so excuse me for n00b questions. It seems that some decoration entities have a texture sets and they select a different skin based on the map they are created on. I've tried to modify the texture sets with the editor but I got nothing but epic fails for the moment. This is a good example of what I'm talking about:


    Do someone knows how to swap between textures editing the entity properties? If not... can someone tell me how to create new decorations using existing models with custom skins?

    Thanks in advance!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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