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    posted a message on Really Wierd Variant Problem

    @rutegar: Go Just a thought, have you set the starting points to the players? Map>Player Properties> Starting position, and select your starting point. I have a feeling that it may not be the answer, but it could be

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Left Click To Move Help

    Ok, so I have looked around on the interwebs and the Mapster fourms and have found something that caught my eye, left click to move and right click to shoot...I am currently making a top down game with wasd movement. But because of the lag it would really help if I used this other method...Could someone help me on how to do this? Or direct me in the right direction?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Victory Condition Help

    Thanks a ton.


    But now all I have to do is figure out how to stop building soldiers when your hq is destroyed...



    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Victory Condition Help

    Ok, so I have a map where your HQ builds soldiers, and you have to kill the enemies HQ's, it's a 4 player map.
    Here is the question: how would I create the trigger so that when there is only one hq, the player owning the hq wins and every one else loses.
    I am an amature on the galaxy editor, but I am really struggling on this...Help appreciated(?)


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Terrain Trix] How to Create a Sun

    @obliviron: Go

    Wait, could you make planets with this procedure? It would be glowing, but that's the atmosphere...

    [edit] and why do you have to make a new object?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Locating Flashlight Behavior

    Thanks man, I didn't know that you have to put the liberty-story at the top to get the behaviors. Now, for the next question...is there any way to make a cone-shaped line of sight? sort of like the flashlight?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Locating Flashlight Behavior

    Bump, I have located the ability by using, for example, the marine, behaviors tab, then getting the flashlight. But it wont work because it isnt assigned to the marine..and when i test it the whole thing freezes...help!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Locating Flashlight Behavior

    I have no clue where this post should go, but I've looked at all of the flashlight tutorials out there. And most of them say that you need to locate the flashlight in the data editor first...well, I have looked ALL over the data editor and I wasn't able to find the flashlight, no matter what I searched. I searched raynor, commando, tychus, swann, because in the previewer it shows them with a flashlight...I have all of the dependencies on...don't know what to do next...

    p.s. all I need is help on how to find the flashlight, annd how to post pics

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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