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    posted a message on [Trigger]Setting a leader board item as a global variable (integer)

    Probably fairly straight forward... but if I have a global variable of an integer which had previously been set to say 500 and I wanted to put that into my leader board (say in coloum 2 row 2 or whatever) how would I go about that?

    if I use

    Set Leaderboard Item Text

    Then I can only type in text, I can't reference my global variable?

    Thanks for the help

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    posted a message on Help with understanding dialog boxes

    @Kafoso: Go

    I see what your saying and I have been playing about with it. Things are starting to come together, but one thing I don't get how to do is storing the dialog items in global variables....

    I can see I can make a new variable, then set the type to dialog or dialog item... but I have no idea how to link that to my dialog options I created at the start?


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    posted a message on Help with understanding dialog boxes
    Quote from Kafoso: Go

    @James7285: Go

    You use global variables to reference every dialog and certain dialog items, you want to change later on.

    You do not need to make a seperate dialog (or dialog items for that matter) for different players as you can define which players should be affected by changes and which players should see the changes.

    Use a "When button is clicked" Event listener on the buttons you defined in the global variables.

    Good luck.

    Thanks very much for the reply. I still think I'm a little out of my depth here. As I said, just to learn the very basics I decided to start a new map, when the map loads a dialog pops up with a button in the middle saying "Click Me". I want is so when I click the button a message pops up saying "Hello World"

    I have created the dialog using the following:

    Melee Initialization


    Game - Map initialization

    Local Variables



    Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (500, 400) at (0, 0) relative to Center of screen

    Dialog - Create a button for dialog (Last created dialog) with the dimensions (200, 50) anchored to Top Left with an offset of (50, 50) setting the tooltip to "" with button text "Click Me" and the hover image set to ""

    Dialog - Show (Last created dialog) for (All players)

    I have also created a globle variable which is Type: Dialog

    I'm not really sure where to go from here?

    Thanks again

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    posted a message on Help with understanding dialog boxes


    I am very new to using the starcraft map editor. I have a few ideas that I want to put down but I'm realising that I'm probably biting off more than I can chew, so I'm trying to take it bit by bit.

    I want to use a dialog box that comes up at the start of the game and offers a player the choice of a score limit (so 500 points, 1000 points, 1500 points etc) Once selected there will be a leaderboard and the first player to gain the selected points wins...

    I have managed to get a dialog box up, with all the buttons I want... but I then realised, I have no idea at all how to make clicking the buttons actually do anything at all!

    I'm not looking for someone to write it all for me, just a push in the right direction. If someone could even just tell me how to make it so when you click one of the buttons a message saying "Hello World" appears on the screen, I'm sure I could start to figure out the rest from there!

    Cheers for the help


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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