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    posted a message on [Video] Doodad Hunt - NOW OPEN BETA
    Quote from Xackery: Go


    Should consider giving the doodads the ability to change their appearance randomly ONCE. So once discovered, they can try to get out of sight of the enemy and tap that transform, to try to hide again.

    And that is why I suggested that "teleport" ability. When you are discovered as a doodad you are pretty much killed, now matter how well you "flee".

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Video] Doodad Hunt - NOW OPEN BETA
    Quote from Bounty_98: Go


    Yeah but you offered suggestions that i dont understand how u could offer them without playing. The only one that made sense was the random dood placement, everything else you described idk where u were going with it but thats not Prop Hunt lol.

    I thought it shouldnt be a copy of prop hunt but an improved version of prop hunt? Just copying is boring.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Video] Doodad Hunt - NOW OPEN BETA
    Quote from Bounty_98: Go

    Why do all these ridiculous amount of suggestions or "criticism" always come from people on EU? lol no offense but just something ive noticed. One person even had the nerve to say Haunted Temple had no gameplay because it needs action? wow. Btw im not trying to be a dick but u jsut said a few suggestions and you managed to described a totally differant genre of game.

    Well, I can tell you why. Cause they haven't played it and have to offer suggestions based on what they see in a 5 minute video. By the way, it is just boring if a doodad runs at the same speed as the links, just so that a "good" doodad player can run around 20 minutes without being able to be caught. Also, my suggestions were based on a feeling of "boringness when you play it more than ten times". Well, whatever.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Video] Doodad Hunt - NOW OPEN BETA

    Hey, great map, but I have a few suggestions:

    -make the terrain much larger, it is just to small -generate "natural" doodad positions at random -allow doodads to "jump" higher so they can relocate on positions on top of another doodad. Or see below. -Obvious blood splatter is obvious. Dont let the blood splatter just when a killer runs near a doodad. Better introduce an "aiming" system where specific doodads or doodad regions have to be selected per attack. Maybe make the hunters Marines or Marauders, giving them a "shoot rocket on area" ability. Or "click" on doodad to attack it. Non-player doodads should also be "killable" so hunters can weed out a region step by step (best balanced when attacks are limited, see below) You could spicen up the game if you allow only several attacks per round or, instead, offer some position where the hunters have to pick up ammo so they can "reload". -introduce an xp system. When you have gained a higher level as doodad, you are able to select smaller doodads or receive some kind of "teleport" ability, maybe similar to the "teleporter aim" system used in shooters like UT, HL. Then it would be possible to locate doodads somewhere on top of somewhere Instead, when you are a hunter, with more experience you are able to run faster or to "charge" once per round. Or instead, an "doodad detect" ability that colors all player doodads in a region red. Usable only once during a round of course.

    This map has so much potential and I hope that some of the ideas will be introduced so it receives its much deserved attention. I found prop hunt in TF2 hilarious. (only watched it via youtube)

    Is there a closed beta test on Europe also? Got an account only there but would love to join.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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