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    posted a message on Battle For Damascus (Combination AoS/Nexus Wars style)


    Greetings all, I'm new to this community (though not map making) and have finally finished what I refer to as the early alpha stages of my map, Battle for Damascus.

    Allow me to explain the map (or the thought process, at least):

    It's your basic AoS style map. Three lanes, consistent neutral creeps spawning on either side, trying to destroy the opposing main building. Theres cannons occasionally to help balance it out a bit and prolong the gameplay, and that's about it. Your basic AoS, right?

    Now heres where it gets different. Instead of the boring and tired hero system that everyone is burnt out on ( I mean, really? DOTA has been around for 7 years, LoL and HoN for about a year+, and people are STILL playing this genre?) I've made some changes. First off, the middle lane is completely blocked off from the other two via a "summoners pin". One player per team will be allowed to be a 'summoner', and summon creeps into the middle lane to do battle against the other teams summoner. Think of this working exactly how Income Wars works. Secondly, the side lanes. As there are no heroes, and only 1 summoner per team, what is left? The builder. Able to build structures that do all different things from summon more units, defensive structures, to offensive structures. Think of this working like Nexus Wars combined with a TD build system.

    And there you have it. A twist on you basic AoS map. Eventually I plan on implementing 'hero' based builders to control (as an ultimate tier building), though they won't be like WC3 and beyonds AoS heroes, they'll be more like SC1's AoS where they're just a basic unit with an extra ability or two, much more dmg and health.

    So far I got the terrain and "Income Wars" part done, with most of the "nexus wars" buildings working as well. All the basic AoS things are done (main base, cannons, unit spawn, victory condition) as well, and this map should *hopefully* be ready for beta in the next month or so after I fine tune and tweak the things I've finished, and finish those I haven't.

    This is the very VERY basic terrain. A lot more work is going to be done on it over time, but I'd rather get the map WORKING how I want before I start working on polishing the terrain. terrain

    Anyway, thanks for reading. Any ideas or thoughts or even bashing is welcome.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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