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    posted a message on Builders and Fighters

    Newest Ver as of 8/29 bug list:

    -Mutas can fly into top builders area. If fighter shares control with builders, the mutas will kill off all the enemy builders units and buildings, without being hit.

    -Fighter units can attack North builder base if there is a flying unit giving vision.

    -Command centers can be flown and given to fighter, letting him build more SCVs and units.

    -Rock debris blocking ramps can be bypassed. They don't fully cover the exit so small units can walk past, getting early mineral and gas powerups.

    -Weapon and armor upgrades still won't go past level 1.

    -Not sure if it's intended, but Ravens spawn for fighters with all spells.

    -If there is no Terran builder, the fighter doesn't get a SCV to repair his main base.

    -Even if team wins, Builders still get DEFEAT screen.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Builders and Fighters

    Current version 2.0 I think has quite a few bugs. Glad to see mineral and gas pwoerups for the fighters tho, good step.

    Current bugs I've found:

    - If Yellow player picks Toss, his builders spawn at Purples base.

    -Some bases have 1500 minerals per patch, while other bases have 9999999 minerals per patch.

    - Gas workers have seizures while trying to get to vespene geyser, some workers stop mining altogether and just sit there, usually for bottom left geysers.

    -Cyber core has no build model.

    -Fighter weapon upgrades can't get past level 1, at least for Terran ground it only goes up to 1.

    - Supply depots do not give supply, but Overlords and pylons do. For Terran to mass units fast, they have to spend 400 minerals for a new CC.

    -Planetary fort does not have mules or scans, but the tooltip says it does, since Orbital Command was removed from the game.

    -Toss cannot make Motherships, requires Fleet beacon.

    -Medics (not vacs) have almost no build time.

    -(Just a idea, not a bug) Overlords not having speed for Builders make sending them to fighters take forever, maybe let builders research that one up, like the warp gates for toss?

    -From last version before the geysers were changed, I noticed the crashes happened every single time I tried to make a building behind one of the geysers that did not have room to make a building.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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