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    posted a message on Rigging a custom model's weaponry - How?


    You'll have to play around with it, but if you've created a model for it in the data editor, it should be in the first tab under Attachment Properties. I'd also go through the tutorials that some people have on how to attach one model to another, that might also help.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Picking up Items

    I'm not sure if this is the right solution for you because I'm not sure how your map is set up and what the items are considered.  I have items dropping in the map I'm working on (right now it's only a grenade) that are considered units. I have a trigger set up for "(Any Unit) enters within 1.0 range of (My hero) and the condition is meant to filter it down to just that single item drop by making sure the "(unit type of triggering unit) = (grenade)" in my case.

    I then let the trigger work it's magic with it's actions and have one to remove the unit at the end. I had to do it this way because I couldn't find an easy way to keep track of multiple grenades if there were multiples dropped at the same time.

    Also depending upon you situation, if your items are units, make sure that they're invulnerable, unless you want them to be destroyable... like the grenades I'm using.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Simple Move Trigger?

    Okay, this took me a while to figure out the first time.  Your trigger should look something like this:

    [?] Issue Order
         [X=] Unit: (Triggering Unit)
      -  [X=] Order: Order With No Target
               [X=] Ability Command: (No Value)
               [X=] Queue: (Replace Existing Orders)

    What you need to do is double click on the line that says "Order: Order With No Target" and you'll get a pop-up menu. From there you'll see stuff like "Order Targeting Point" or "Order Targeting Unit" It should look like this after that

    [?] Issue Order
         [X=] Unit: (Triggering Unit)
      -  [X=] Order: Order With No Target
               [X=] Ability Command: (No Value)
               [X=] Target Point: (No Value)
         [X=] Queue: (Replace Existing Orders)

    Now when you to the ability list, you'll see what you're looking for because in order for you to issue a command like move or attack, you have to have a target, whether it be a point or a unit, in order to issue that command. You don't see move in your current list because you're trying to issue a command without a target.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on World of Warcraft Model (M2) Exporter for M3

    I'm getting an error when I try to run the modelviewer

    "The application has failed to start because it's side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail."

    Used this program, obviously not this build, years ago and I've never seen this problem before. I also don't see an application event log.

    Edit: Found another version of yours from around July and that release also gave me the same error. This computer has Vista x32 installed on it.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on Ghost Recon (Working title)

    Great idea.

    I'm currently building a single player, ghost recon mission myself. It will probably contain multiple missions and is meant as a subcampaign based on events from the WoL campaign.

    There was an old SC1 co-op map, that I can't find for the life of me, that required players to work together to complete puzzles/objectives in order to escape from what I remember as a large prison. Since then I've always enjoyed these style of missions.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Need Some Help With Abilities.

    Not to familiar with a HLW but I would venture to guess that some slowing abilities would be useful, so I'd suggest a frost hero. This unit would be used mostly for ranged crown control but would have a decent single target combo. Would love to see/have this unit to use in other maps, like co-op RPGs (e.g. Elements remake from SC1). Here are a couple of ideas for the frost hero's abilities:

    Default abilities

    • Default ranged attack, shoots snowballs at target
    • Hammer, smash a target with a melee hammer for minor damage, major damage if unit is frozen solid.

    Learning paths, incase abilities develop over time

    • Ground control
    1. Trail of Frost, leave a trail of frost behind you as you walk which will slow down unit movement. Activated aura and constant energy drain.
    2. Ice Sheet, lay down a sheet of ice and charge to target unit - great for going in for a quick hammer smash.
    3. Ice Slick, pool of ice to reduce movement speed.
    • Solid Ice
    1. Wall of Ice, create a wall in front of you that blocks movement, cool down coincides with wall's duration so only one wall can be up at a time.
    2. Freeze, freeze multiple units in a block of ice.
    3. Frost Shield, encases the caster with a layer off ice to ward off physical attacks. The frost hero is not suited for constant melee combat.
    • Projectile
    1. Icicle Bolt, moderate damage to target unit but minor damage if unit is frozen solid.
    2. Snowball, toss a giant snowball at target area for minor splash damage
    3. Frost Blast (requires Ice sheet and Freeze), moderate damage and freeze target unit with an ice slick splash to slow nearby units.
    • Summon Friend
    1. Snowman (requires Snowball) immobile unit that shoots snowballs (default hero attack) like a personal turret.
    2. Ice Marine (requires Wall of Ice and Icicle Bolt), a mobile that shoots bullets of ice
    3. Yeti (requires Frost Shield), melee combat unit with an PbAoE that stuns nearby units.
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [data] is there a way to import a maps data into another map

    @summerloud: Go

    If your old version is many many hours back then I would start by checking the data you've modified in the editor. Ignore all the core stuff, just at the data from your map's source. If you've done a lot of data editing it may take some time. You might also be able to check any of the units in the data editor that have the glitched attack and see if there's a link to some custom data.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved]Trigger/Abilities Help

    Thanks again, that did the trick.

    It's still going to bug me as to why the triggers I was trying to use didn't work; it seemed like everything was in order, including the charge link.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved]Trigger/Abilities Help

    Thanks, something new to play around with. I haven't even begun playing with effects.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved]Trigger/Abilities Help

    Good work. If you don't mind, I'm having a little trouble with my own grenade triggers. Rather than having the unit make them, I have them dropping. The problem I'm having right now is that it seems like there is no single action to set the number of charges an ability has (like setting them to current charges + 1 when a unit picks up the grenade) so I'm trying to have my triggers set the number of charges that have been used. The error is that I'm either using the wrong trigger or the wrong label for the charge.

    I'm using Unit - Add 10.0 Charges used for charge "RaynorTossGrenade" on ability "Raynor - Toss Grenade lv1" on unit "Nova [44.27, 36.60]"

    which, from the wording seems like it should make the number of charges left as 0 if the current amount is 10. It's not doing that.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved]Trigger/Abilities Help

    Well, until someone who actually knows what's to do can give some input I can only provide you with some suggestions to look into and play around with. I noticed that there were a couple of different kinds of cancel abilities available when I tried to make a cancel used trigger. You're right, the interceptor is different because it's a unit, so I would look into how the ghost academy arms a nuke, and cancels it.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved]Trigger/Abilities Help

    What kind of cancel are you using for the ability?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved]Trigger/Abilities Help

    I'm still new to making maps and I'm currently wrestling with the grenade charge counts (the step before what you're at). I would look to see how the Protoss Carrier handles it's interceptors. Maybe there will be a clue in there, and maybe there will be an ability or two you can dupe and modify to suit your purpose.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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