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    posted a message on [Question] Modifying Textures on Terrain through Triggers/Actors
    Quote from Gorandor: Go

    You could go with creep as red or something. You can easily manipulate it :O

    okay, so how/where do you change creep? do you change the texture, or the color right away?

    some hints would be pretty nice :). (didn't find any tutorials on creep modifying)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Question] Modifying Textures on Terrain through Triggers/Actors


    has nobody an idea on this topic? :/

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    posted a message on [Question] Modifying Textures on Terrain through Triggers/Actors

    Hello guys!

    I just registered to get the chance of receiving a little help on this problem.

    At the moment I'am creating/planning a map/project with a friend of mine, we planned for several weeks now. We got stuck at a problem we cannot seem to fix 100%.

    The goal is to have 2 teams, 1 top 1 bottom on the map. Let's assume Team 1 is red at the top and Team 2 is blue at the bottom. At the start of the game the map is halved in the mid, the one half red, the other blue. Now comes the exciting part:


    When for example Red (Team 1, Top) sends one unit to the mid line, the boarder between the red and blue half will change.


    Also, with time, the texture/color of the ground changes more and more, if the blue team doesnt have units near by. So the red team expands.


    Now I don't know how to get this effect done. I already tried searching for texture on terrain changing through triggers, but as far as I know, thats not possible. Then i created Points and calculated through a Trigger, what color it should represent, a bit like Marine Absorbtion, if you know that map. when the color of the Point was calculated, it shows a red or blue light actor, after each tick, the actor gets destroyed and a new actor takes it place. thou, I guess thats very ineffective, i would need like 12000 Points, to get the map fully covered for the goal. Also it doesn't show up on the minimap.. (Is there any way, to show dots or smth on the Minimap? though data editing for the actor maybe?)

    Then I tried creating a Terrain Deformation Actor and set the Water height to 0.05 lower than terrain level. the effect was that water shows up at the units, and the circle slowly follows the units, quite good, but not that perfect, because its sometimes quite buggy(?), also the water doesnt show up on the minimap.

    I also tried to use Creep for that purpose, like, Team 1 uses creep to expand its terretory, team 2 decays that creeps, or smth like that. But i don't know where/how to change the texture of the creep to a simple red/blue.

    If you read all this, I thank you

    I'm looking forward to any kind of help. Thanks in advance!

    edit: I forgot to mention, that I also tried using Text Tags to cover the map, and maybe hide the terrain or smth. but sadly text tags are always above units (or is there a Ways to change that?).

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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