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    posted a message on Survival of the Fittest

    So i've been brainstorming some ideas lately for maps and i came up with one wich i belive would be very cool. The map would be similar to the second and first stage of Spore. You will basicly pick a starting animal(Carnivore, Omnivore or Herbivore) and evolve as you go.

    The Features i would try to implement are the following:

    1-You will take control of only 1 of the animals within your species and kill, survive and reproduce. All other animals of your species should be controlled by an AI's that also trys to survive.

    2-As you go and as you survive and complete events you get evolution points to evolve into a new species or get traits for your current species like "Hunter Senses" wich could allow you to smell or hear nearby prey or "Efficent Water Usage" wich will allow you to live in desert like part of the map.

    3-Different sites of the map that represent Tropical Forest, Deserts, Tropical Island,Plains and other types of habitats.

    3-Game modes , like: A- A zerg pod has landed in your planet, and all the species there have to survive and in the end kill the zerg infestation. B-Be the last species standing. C-Be the first species to develop human like intelligence.

    So that is basicly what i would like to do with the map.

    Now, im new to this whole "Map Making" Bussiness and i understand that this is a pretty big project and being my first time i would probably wont be able to make it, But , im trying ti lear all the stuff necesary to at least start out the project.


    P.S: Other than that, im in the process of reading the tutorials in this site, I already know how to make heroes and stuff, but if you think you know an particular tutorial wich will help me please post it.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Tug of War Project[Help]

    That didnt work either.Let me put a picture up so you see what are the codes im using.

    The game is about 2 sides spawning units and fighting each other(think nexus wars but without the builduings).

    I managed to make them all attack 1 region by selecting all idle units of a player. But it doesn't seem elegant cause units spawn in a line away from eah other and as they move they start converging and end up all clumped up by the time they reach center. That is bad cause im not su much worried about making the game but about learning the editor, so the game im doing now is irrelevant i just want to make ir look refined.

    EDIT: Oh also can someone tell me how to make use of all the units like the especial ones from campaign and stuff.

    EDIT: There must have been some kind of the bug with the map cause i remade the map and wrote the code several ways including the ones that didn't work and they are working fine now.

    Although i found how to add the new models they seem to be buggy, for exmaple i tried to place a bridge and it ended up under water and there didn,t seem to be any propertie i could change for object height.

    I'll keep watching tutorials and think of another type of map so that i can learn the basics.If anyone knows of a map type i can make that would be easir for a biginner like me please say so.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Tug of War Project[Help]

    Hello ive been reading tutorials and watching videos the last day or such so i could learn to use the tutorial. Well i felt confident enought to make a very basic tug of war game. Im having problems with it though as i can't make units atack after they spwan.

    I'm using (Event : Unit enters targer region Condition: Trigering unit owned by player Action: Order trigering unit to attack targeting center of region, replace existing orders. )

    but the unit stays and does nothing. So can anyone help me with this, feel free to ask anything you need.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Sorry wrong place

    Hi, im new to this whole making a map thing but i really want to learn.Ive been reading and watching tutorials but its kind of pointless if i dont have a project, so i decided to go for it and make a project of my own. Now i don't want to be an asshole, and i know that there are propably threads with anwers to my questions but with so many diferent wordings i can use for searches i doubt ill find anything.

    So here it goes(I only have the triger that spawns units):

    1-First, i cant find the suposed new models that came with the last patch, how can i make use of them?

    2-How can i make some units spawn and give them the order to attack or to go to the enemies base or something like that?

    3-How do i make units movethrough a path and only through there?

    Don't get me wrong, im willing to read anything neccesary so if you know the thread that responds my question please feel free to send me there. thanks.

    EDIT: btw if anyone can think of a better proyect to learn the editor please say so.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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