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    posted a message on Blizzard's take on SC 2 Hero Revival

    Anyone who chose to take out the nydus canal during the campaign will see Blizzard's take on hero revival. When a hero 'dies', they are incapacitated for timed wait while until the hero returns to normal (which very low health).

    I've been trying to replicate the Valerian 02A style of hero revival with no success. The Valerian 02A heroes all get revived just as they did during the mission. However, if you apply the Valerian 02A behavior to other heroes, it doesn't work. They all die just the same.

    Has anyone done anything successful with the Valerian 02A hero behavior? I am suspecting that the behavior only works for certain actors (and their models) which would be very disappointing.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Minimap = Broken O.o

    I've had the same problem. My mini-map terrain disappears when I add campaign dependency.

    But I fixed it.

    My map began during beta. Adding in the campaign dependency just wreaks havoc on an older beta map. When a map is using the campaign dependency, it cannot see any custom tilesets you made with the beta version (in the minimap of course).

    The solution (be sure you make a back up in case something goes wrong) is to change the tileset of the terrain to a default version of Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty. Once that is done, you should see the minimap terrain display again. And then, you should alter your tileset as you did before.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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