@Helral: Go
Here's the file that worked on single player only.
edit: I was moving the armor/damage buttons anchor to bottom/bottom right. It seemed to work great for awhile but I noticed it would dc everybody in multiplayer... not exactly a desirable outcome.
This is great, however there is one detail that should be mentioned.
I changed the hero panel in one of my maps, and it worked great on single player, but when I tried it on multiplayer, all of our sc2 clients crashed. I simply removed the file with the hero panel changes and I think the problems solved.
All other modifications seem to work the same in multiplayer and single player. Thanks again for the great tutorial and I hope this helps.
you attached the text tag to the unit. Therefore when the unit died the text tag disappeared. You just need to have it NOT attached to the unit, so create text tag at position of triggering unit and set the height offset in the create text tag action
Text Tag - Set the velocity of (Last created text tag) to 0.5 coordinates per second at an angle of 90.0 degrees from horizontal
Text Tag - Set Duration time for (Last created text tag) to 2.0 seconds
So I'm working on a hero arena that's interchangable between ctf/domination/deathmatch/aos, all is well so far. What I'm trying to do is award additional experience and autosave at the end of the match. Each gameplay mode has their own victory/defeat conditions which are linked to a custom function which executes the xp gain based on the winning teams average hero level. I use another custom function to calculate team avg hero level and it seems to work 100% of the time.
It properly executes the XP gain and Defeat for the losing team, and only sometimes the winning team gets XP. It doesn't end game for victory for the winning team, and I've tried different conditions to return the winning team (allies/enemies of player, alliance aspect), and i'm starting to think 'Repeat action # of times' is what's causing it. It's like it can only be executed once per trigger/function.
[team 1]
teamlevel[1] >= (teamlevel[2] + 3)
Award XP to winners team1 wins (custom function)
[team 2]
teamlevel[2] >= (teamlevel[1] + 3)
Award XP to winners team2 wins (custom function)
[Award XP to winners team2 wins]
<> - Award XP to winners (team 2)
Options: Action
Return Type: Boolean
has_won = false <Boolean>
Grammar Text: Award XP to winners (team 2)(has_won)
Hint Text: Awards experience (and minerals) to all players at the end of a game.
Custom Script Code
Local Variables
<> - avg_herolvl = 0 <Integer>
<> - losing_team_xp = 0 <Integer>
Variable - Set avg_herolvl = (Return Average Hero Level for team (2))
Variable - Set losing_team_xp = (avg_herolvl * 7)
Player Group - Pick each player in (All players) and do (Actions)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Player (Picked player) is giving player 14 Non-aggression) == false
General - Repeat (Actions) avg_herolvl times
Environment - Execute Hero - Experience +10 on Heroes[(Picked player)] from player 15
Game - End game in Victory for player (Picked player) (Show dialogs, Show score screen)
UI - Display ((Text((avg_herolvl * 10))) + " Experience gained. Hero saved") for (Player group((Picked player))) to Chat area
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Player (Picked player) is giving player 15 Non-aggression) == false
General - Repeat (Actions) losing_team_xp times
Environment - Execute Hero - Experience +10 on Heroes[(Picked player)] from player 15
Game - End game in Defeat for player (Picked player) (Show dialogs, Show score screen)
UI - Display ((Text((losing_team_xp * 10))) + " Experience gained. Hero saved") for (Player group((Picked player))) to Chat area
Eureka! i solved it! You must Import Campaign dependencies
1. Goto the trigger editor, go View/Show libraries make sure its clicked.
2. copy the 'Add chat bubble to unit' function under Campaign/Chat Bubble/Actions. Copy this to a different folder in the library because you can't edit it directly unless it's a copied version of the function
3. Go down to where it says
Variable - Set LineIndex = (_CB_Line_Add(Text, Black, White, Talk, No Options, (None), No Options, Sound, Duration, DurationType, FaceOption, No Trigger, No Trigger))
and just change the 'Black, White' to 'White, Black'! like this
Variable - Set LineIndex = (_CB_Line_Add(Text, White, Black, Talk, No Options, (None), No Options, Sound, Duration, DurationType, FaceOption, No Trigger, No Trigger))
blam you now have functional chat bubbles that don't look like crap anymore! You can set the background/foreground color to anything you want. If you want red text, you just make a different trigger that does the same thing, but with red text instead.
You can't change the values with 'last added text bubble' because blizzard didn't hook up the parameter for it properly, so just copy the trigger every time you want to make a different colored type of chat bubble.
errm goto the specific ability in the data editor, under UI tab theres a 'show progress' where it'll track approach, cast, channel, prepare, etc. I think this is what you're looking for. You'll have to edit each ability, and i'm still trying to find a way to make it 'always show' the cast bar above a unit, because right now, it only works if you're hovering mouse over the unit
I tried making my own functions and elements in triggers/elements editor to address this issue, been trying for days to fix my map since it no longer loads properly on multiplayer post 1.2.2. I have tried creating new elements, functions, redesigning the save/load system. Nothing has worked.
When I had a cpu player as player 1, it was giving player 2 (the host) no save bank and giving player 3 the hosts save bank, so I turned player 1 from an allied cpu player to a playable user slot and moved their units/trigger references to player 14.
Now player 1 (the host) still has no save bank, but player 2 save bank loads successfully!
I tried making a 'Get player name (string)' function
by copying 'Get player name' and changing the return to 'String' instead of integer. (and yes, i changed the function properties to match the function category (right click/function properties)
Options: Function
Return type: String
Parameters: (p~ <player>)
Grammar Text: Name of player p~
Custom Text:
(I tried different variations of functions, with extra fields, nothing worked)
Return Name of player p~
so when i got this set up and looking how it should, it would reach that point and skip all remaining actions. In earlier attempts triggers stopped working entirely.
So i tried to make a "convert text to String' function so the save system will identify our heroes for us. I don't remember exactly what i did but i copied one of the other 'convert to' functions, changed the parameters and return type accordingly, and it ended up not working, always returning a nil value (or not compiling at all).
I then tried to make a 'Text comparison' by copying string comparison
Text comparison
Options: Function, Native
Return Type=Boolean
+String 1 <text>
+String 2 <text>
Grammar Text: String 1 is equal to String 2
Hint text - Return true if two text objects are the same
The weird thing is, you can save this function on a map, but as soon as you link to it, or use it in any way, you get 'syntax error, cannot compile' or 'too many object references' and it points to the trigger that used your text comparison function...
Blizzard needs to implement a 'get player name (string)' function because the save bank system seems to be having problems properly identifying players banks in multiplayer. I hope someone else finds this data helpful towards finding a workaround. Iv tried for days
heres what i ended up having to do to get it working online. I made it repeat the action (set player resources) several times over 12 seconds,
When a player leaves, it can take up to 30 seconds to transfer amounts equal to 30,000 minerals or vespene, so you have to repeat this action as long as it's feeding players minerals.
There are flaws, a player can still bank their minerals if they're quick (if given the option).
Create a boolean variable thats false by default
Resourcesplit bool = false <Boolean>
Track Resource Splitting
Timer - Every 3.0 seconds of Game Time
Local Variables
Resourcesplit bool == false
Data Table - Save (Player 2 Minerals) as "Player 2 Minerals" in the Global data table
Data Table - Save (Player 3 Minerals) as "Player 3 Minerals" in the Global data table
Data Table - Save (Player 4 Minerals) as "Player 4 Minerals" in the Global data table
Data Table - Save (Player 5 Minerals) as "Player 5 Minerals" in the Global data table
Data Table - Save (Player 2 Vespene) as "Player 2 Gas" in the Global data table
Data Table - Save (Player 3 Vespene) as "Player 3 Gas" in the Global data table
Data Table - Save (Player 4 Vespene) as "Player 4 Gas" in the Global data table
Data Table - Save (Player 5 Vespene) as "Player 5 Gas" in the Global data table
player leaves
Player - Player Any Player leaves the game with Any
Local Variables
Variable - Set Resourcesplit bool = true
Player - Modify player 2 Minerals: Set To ("Player 2 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 3 Minerals: Set To ("Player 3 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 4 Minerals: Set To ("Player 4 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 5 Minerals: Set To ("Player 5 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 2 Vespene: Set To ("Player 2 Gas" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 3 Vespene: Set To ("Player 3 Gas" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 4 Vespene: Set To ("Player 4 Gas" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 5 Vespene: Set To ("Player 5 Gas" from the Global data table)
General - Wait 5.0 Game Time seconds
Player Group - Pick each player in (Active Players) and do (Actions)
Player - Modify player (Picked player) Terrazine: Set To 0
Player - Modify player 2 Minerals: Set To ("Player 2 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 3 Minerals: Set To ("Player 3 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 4 Minerals: Set To ("Player 4 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 5 Minerals: Set To ("Player 5 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 2 Vespene: Set To ("Player 2 Gas" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 3 Vespene: Set To ("Player 3 Gas" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 4 Vespene: Set To ("Player 4 Gas" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 5 Vespene: Set To ("Player 5 Gas" from the Global data table)
General - Wait 3.0 Game Time seconds
Player - Modify player 2 Minerals: Set To ("Player 2 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 3 Minerals: Set To ("Player 3 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 4 Minerals: Set To ("Player 4 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 5 Minerals: Set To ("Player 5 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 2 Vespene: Set To ("Player 2 Gas" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 3 Vespene: Set To ("Player 3 Gas" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 4 Vespene: Set To ("Player 4 Gas" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 5 Vespene: Set To ("Player 5 Gas" from the Global data table)
General - Wait 2.0 Game Time seconds
Player - Modify player 2 Minerals: Set To ("Player 2 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 3 Minerals: Set To ("Player 3 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 4 Minerals: Set To ("Player 4 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 5 Minerals: Set To ("Player 5 Minerals" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 2 Vespene: Set To ("Player 2 Gas" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 3 Vespene: Set To ("Player 3 Gas" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 4 Vespene: Set To ("Player 4 Gas" from the Global data table)
Player - Modify player 5 Vespene: Set To ("Player 5 Gas" from the Global data table)
this is an interesting (but cpu intensive) approach. I'm having this probleem with one of my maps, I generally tell it to wait 2 seconds and set players resources to 0 if a player leaves the game. My way is even worse, so I'm goanna give this a try
yea you can't really use 'for each player integer (i)' functions or 'pick each player with' when you do keybind triggers on multiplayer. You either have to do the if/then function you mentioned or, just do what i do and make the keybind triggers player specific (having to copy them for each player)
WASD works online but you have to really simplify the triggers by making them player specific, and copying the WASD triggers for each player. I know it sounds easy making the movement triggers 'for each player integer i' but it won't work on multiplayer.
There are still a few downsides, triggers are very slow online depending who you're playing with. with 2-4 players you can expect a 0.2 second lag time which is playable with WASD, but with 6-8 players you can expect a 0.4sec lag time on your characters responsiveness.
This lag time also applies to camera free look on mouse button use. You can't use right click to activate free camera move because it moves your hero. You need to bind left click and it won't just 'left click to rotate camera direction' you have to hold down left click until mouse cursor disappears if you're online. The other problem is, can't bind it to middle click either because most players have middle click bound to something else (and don't even know what mouse button is their middle click anymore)
Other thing i've noticed is, some sc2 clients seem to handle the 'set (hero(i)) to last created/triggering unit' differently. I had to put that in 4 different res/teleport triggers to get it to bind a hero to a variable properly for each player. Check out my 4 kingdoms DOTA if you'd like to see how it works on multiplayer.
Since my 4 kingdom DOTA project is at release stage, I'll have time to be working on other projects, with particular interest in the wow battleground arathi basin. I've designed the map, recreating it because the sc2 melee version that was posted was nowhere near geographicly accurate.
I've imported alot of the triggers from my DOTA project, and implemented a basic 'resource' system, where every 10 seconds a triggers is run, giving 10 minerals to (players with alliance friendly towards owner of each control point). The first team to reach 1600 minerals wins.
Now I'll foresee problems with
-getting the triggers to res you at the NEAREST control point, because right now, it always res's you at the defiler/arathor base.
-Also having issues copy/pasting all my units/abilities/behaviors/effects etc. any way i can just copy the behaviors/effects/abilities? or am I better off just copying my DOTA map and redoing the terrain/everything else to be arathi. Would also be nice if i could just import the terrain data into a copy of my DOTA and build around it.
-A more realistic 'capture the flag' trigger, atm lumber mill blacksmith etc are all buildings that you take over by destroying them. I'll put clickable flags at the control points but its just a work in progress atm. I was thinking a trigger that activates a 10sec 'yamoto cannon' cast, and changing yamoto cannon so that it can only affect invulnurable units (the control points) Any suggestions on this one?
i fixed it by destroying a UI - Hide game UI for (All Players) from the initialization triggers and by throwing UI - Show UI for (All Players) all over the place lol. Anything that looked like it occured 60+ seconds into the game i threw a Show UI on it. You'd think the dialogues would be overlapping the game ui but the game ui is hidden by the start camera/hero creation trigger, and running that trigger twice in under a second makes it very difficult to get some elements of the UI to reload when you want them to. at least thats what it feels like. Works great now
@Helral: Go
ahh ok I was wondering why that ui mod had strange results on multiplayer. Thanks helral
@Helral: Go Here's the file that worked on single player only.
edit: I was moving the armor/damage buttons anchor to bottom/bottom right. It seemed to work great for awhile but I noticed it would dc everybody in multiplayer... not exactly a desirable outcome.
This is great, however there is one detail that should be mentioned.
I changed the hero panel in one of my maps, and it worked great on single player, but when I tried it on multiplayer, all of our sc2 clients crashed. I simply removed the file with the hero panel changes and I think the problems solved. All other modifications seem to work the same in multiplayer and single player. Thanks again for the great tutorial and I hope this helps.
@voodude2008: Go
you attached the text tag to the unit. Therefore when the unit died the text tag disappeared. You just need to have it NOT attached to the unit, so create text tag at position of triggering unit and set the height offset in the create text tag action
Text Tag - Set the velocity of (Last created text tag) to 0.5 coordinates per second at an angle of 90.0 degrees from horizontal Text Tag - Set Duration time for (Last created text tag) to 2.0 seconds
So I'm working on a hero arena that's interchangable between ctf/domination/deathmatch/aos, all is well so far. What I'm trying to do is award additional experience and autosave at the end of the match. Each gameplay mode has their own victory/defeat conditions which are linked to a custom function which executes the xp gain based on the winning teams average hero level. I use another custom function to calculate team avg hero level and it seems to work 100% of the time.
It properly executes the XP gain and Defeat for the losing team, and only sometimes the winning team gets XP. It doesn't end game for victory for the winning team, and I've tried different conditions to return the winning team (allies/enemies of player, alliance aspect), and i'm starting to think 'Repeat action # of times' is what's causing it. It's like it can only be executed once per trigger/function.
[team 1]
[team 2]
[Award XP to winners team2 wins]
@SweetZombieJesus: Go
Eureka! i solved it! You must Import Campaign dependencies
and just change the 'Black, White' to 'White, Black'! like this
blam you now have functional chat bubbles that don't look like crap anymore! You can set the background/foreground color to anything you want. If you want red text, you just make a different trigger that does the same thing, but with red text instead.
You can't change the values with 'last added text bubble' because blizzard didn't hook up the parameter for it properly, so just copy the trigger every time you want to make a different colored type of chat bubble.
@Yaos01: Go
errm goto the specific ability in the data editor, under UI tab theres a 'show progress' where it'll track approach, cast, channel, prepare, etc. I think this is what you're looking for. You'll have to edit each ability, and i'm still trying to find a way to make it 'always show' the cast bar above a unit, because right now, it only works if you're hovering mouse over the unit
I tried making my own functions and elements in triggers/elements editor to address this issue, been trying for days to fix my map since it no longer loads properly on multiplayer post 1.2.2. I have tried creating new elements, functions, redesigning the save/load system. Nothing has worked.
When I had a cpu player as player 1, it was giving player 2 (the host) no save bank and giving player 3 the hosts save bank, so I turned player 1 from an allied cpu player to a playable user slot and moved their units/trigger references to player 14. Now player 1 (the host) still has no save bank, but player 2 save bank loads successfully!
I tried making a 'Get player name (string)' function by copying 'Get player name' and changing the return to 'String' instead of integer. (and yes, i changed the function properties to match the function category (right click/function properties)
(I tried different variations of functions, with extra fields, nothing worked)
so when i got this set up and looking how it should, it would reach that point and skip all remaining actions. In earlier attempts triggers stopped working entirely.
So i tried to make a "convert text to String' function so the save system will identify our heroes for us. I don't remember exactly what i did but i copied one of the other 'convert to' functions, changed the parameters and return type accordingly, and it ended up not working, always returning a nil value (or not compiling at all). I then tried to make a 'Text comparison' by copying string comparison
The weird thing is, you can save this function on a map, but as soon as you link to it, or use it in any way, you get 'syntax error, cannot compile' or 'too many object references' and it points to the trigger that used your text comparison function...
Blizzard needs to implement a 'get player name (string)' function because the save bank system seems to be having problems properly identifying players banks in multiplayer. I hope someone else finds this data helpful towards finding a workaround. Iv tried for days
@Sharicasmi: Go
heres what i ended up having to do to get it working online. I made it repeat the action (set player resources) several times over 12 seconds, When a player leaves, it can take up to 30 seconds to transfer amounts equal to 30,000 minerals or vespene, so you have to repeat this action as long as it's feeding players minerals. There are flaws, a player can still bank their minerals if they're quick (if given the option).
Create a boolean variable thats false by default Resourcesplit bool = false <Boolean>
Track Resource Splitting
player leaves
this is an interesting (but cpu intensive) approach. I'm having this probleem with one of my maps, I generally tell it to wait 2 seconds and set players resources to 0 if a player leaves the game. My way is even worse, so I'm goanna give this a try
Really nice project so far. hey your rpg tutorial helped me a bunch! Keep up the good work
@Mienk: Go
yea you can't really use 'for each player integer (i)' functions or 'pick each player with' when you do keybind triggers on multiplayer. You either have to do the if/then function you mentioned or, just do what i do and make the keybind triggers player specific (having to copy them for each player)
@Kreusser: Go
WASD works online but you have to really simplify the triggers by making them player specific, and copying the WASD triggers for each player. I know it sounds easy making the movement triggers 'for each player integer i' but it won't work on multiplayer. There are still a few downsides, triggers are very slow online depending who you're playing with. with 2-4 players you can expect a 0.2 second lag time which is playable with WASD, but with 6-8 players you can expect a 0.4sec lag time on your characters responsiveness.
This lag time also applies to camera free look on mouse button use. You can't use right click to activate free camera move because it moves your hero. You need to bind left click and it won't just 'left click to rotate camera direction' you have to hold down left click until mouse cursor disappears if you're online. The other problem is, can't bind it to middle click either because most players have middle click bound to something else (and don't even know what mouse button is their middle click anymore)
Other thing i've noticed is, some sc2 clients seem to handle the 'set (hero(i)) to last created/triggering unit' differently. I had to put that in 4 different res/teleport triggers to get it to bind a hero to a variable properly for each player. Check out my 4 kingdoms DOTA if you'd like to see how it works on multiplayer.
Since my 4 kingdom DOTA project is at release stage, I'll have time to be working on other projects, with particular interest in the wow battleground arathi basin. I've designed the map, recreating it because the sc2 melee version that was posted was nowhere near geographicly accurate.
I've imported alot of the triggers from my DOTA project, and implemented a basic 'resource' system, where every 10 seconds a triggers is run, giving 10 minerals to (players with alliance friendly towards owner of each control point). The first team to reach 1600 minerals wins. Now I'll foresee problems with -getting the triggers to res you at the NEAREST control point, because right now, it always res's you at the defiler/arathor base. -Also having issues copy/pasting all my units/abilities/behaviors/effects etc. any way i can just copy the behaviors/effects/abilities? or am I better off just copying my DOTA map and redoing the terrain/everything else to be arathi. Would also be nice if i could just import the terrain data into a copy of my DOTA and build around it. -A more realistic 'capture the flag' trigger, atm lumber mill blacksmith etc are all buildings that you take over by destroying them. I'll put clickable flags at the control points but its just a work in progress atm. I was thinking a trigger that activates a 10sec 'yamoto cannon' cast, and changing yamoto cannon so that it can only affect invulnurable units (the control points) Any suggestions on this one?
@SweetZombieJesus: Go
i fixed it by destroying a UI - Hide game UI for (All Players) from the initialization triggers and by throwing UI - Show UI for (All Players) all over the place lol. Anything that looked like it occured 60+ seconds into the game i threw a Show UI on it. You'd think the dialogues would be overlapping the game ui but the game ui is hidden by the start camera/hero creation trigger, and running that trigger twice in under a second makes it very difficult to get some elements of the UI to reload when you want them to. at least thats what it feels like. Works great now