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    posted a message on Overwatch PTR

    This is currently the closed beta, so not as many people are going to get in. The only people that got in are mostly community members, popular streamers, bloggers, reporters, etc..., and probably a few random folk to get the matchmaking a good run. So if you did not get in, fret not, apparently they plan on stress testing servers on weekends so more will be let in over time.

    First wave however I would not expect to get in, but gradz if you did, and what is your account name / password? ;)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #221: Free Will

    @Scbroodsc2: Go

    okay, ill admit, that last line made me smile XD

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #221: Free Will

    Most of my time these days is spent in photoshop and after effects. I would have some terraining fun, but animation takes a long ass time :p

    With the editor being all wonky, the fact that we are in that odd place where the new expansion has not come out yet, and most people are in school this time of the year, I for one am confident that the WTE will at least go strong till #250 or more.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Patch 3.0 Map-Maker Troubleshooter Thread

    @Traysent: Go

    Thanks for the update! Hope someone with more technical knowledge of the editor sees this thread as well, we want to help you all there at blizzard identify problems so work can be done on our end :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Will 8000 doodads in one map cause issues?

    8000 doodads of simple static doodads with no animation? on some low end machines, sure you will loose a few frames.

    8000 doodads with omni lights, with animations and sounds playing, yes, yes they will drop a few extra frames.

    When terraining for a game I personally like to try and use as few doodads as possable, use the terrain pallet as much as possible to make things look interesting and dynamic before using doodads. Or, if the terrain is made of pure doodads, then get as much bang for your buck and try and not have 100-200 animating doodads in the same place.

    So 8000+ doodads will cause some lag on a good amount of machines, so do try and budget where you can if you are looking for the smoothest game-play possible :)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #215: StarCraft to Scale

    Quick dirty and intense air battle of dropships being attacked by mutalisks and a siege tank saying a friendly hello mid air.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #214: Action

    @EivindL: Go

    yes in-deedy-do! one of my favorite movies :)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #214: Action

    Ya know that moment when you start a terrain and think to yourself: "crap... this is gonna take a lot of time and effort that I don't know if I want to invest..." so I will show what I made in about 3 and a half hours of fiddling around, maybe you can see the movie I was going for and see if I got the time to finish it.

    Basically I would have to make 2-3 more structures using at least 5000 doodads in the process which are placed at many heights and angles, so yeah... XD

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #214: Action

    @archDeaconstructor: Go

    lol I love it, ya put some nice little details into it! also welcome to our humble little website :p

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #211: Candyland

    Here ye go, a little slice of heaven, not exactly candyland, but a nice imaginative place. It is really difficult to make happy fluffy and fun terrains with an asthetic originally made with billions dying in mind :p


    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Rock the Cabinet 2015

    Currently working on something myself, I always liked the idea of a turn based rpg fight. As of now I just have the movement system down (basic left and right movement with A and D) and I just finished finding a place for some of the dialog items and did a bit of brain storming. Wanted to make a minute of gameplay and then guesstimate how much content I could make within 3 months time or ask for some help when I have something roughly working, being openly inspired by rouge light games like darkest dungeon but probably not as dark and dreadful in theme because blizzard's aesthetic is just so cartoony.

    I am willing to help 1 or 2 people out with some terrain tho, I spent 5-6 hours making the terrain for templar TV last year, and maybe another 10 spread out over a month working with him a little / playtesting his map, while being much more personally involved in terms of time, design and conversation with another project unreal (now Titan) arena.

    loved some of the submissions last year myself, cant wait to see what gets finished in time :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Rock the Cabinet 2015 will be announce soon!

    If anyone needs some aid with terrains, you know who to PM :p or just send me an E-mail at [email protected] may have seen my Weekly terraining exercise submissions from the past and made the terrains for things like Templar TV, Unreal Arena (re-named titan arena due to copyright), as well as UI elements for unreal arena, started the terrain for Wrath of Amon, and a few others of greater and lesser note. Hope to get involved with one or two projects this year as I was last year. May not have been as active but still around :)

    thought id throw this out there. I have this idea in my head of a multiplayer rouge like game in my head, not many on the arcade or any to my knowledge that may resemble the binding of issac, or rouge legacy, or even darkest dungeon, could easily be fantasy themed but thinking over the design and kind of programming that would need to go into it would be something I would not be able to do alone in a timely manner. That or expand a fantisy theme and flesh out my defense Idea of "the last gun" map I tossed up.

    Cheers to the new competition, and double cheers to the people still hanging around.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Dota2 Custom Games (Reborn Update)

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    I may play around with it more in the future, but it will probably take a good year of time of on and off experimenting with the darn thing, like it did with the Galixy editor. It is certainly a next level step up from the galixy editor, demanding you to know more knowledge up front, I could not figure out how to get started with the model viewer/modifier for example (couldn't find a folder with models to edit), and could not find where I would input code for stuff(probably need to make a new folder or something). If you ever need a good terrain tho I may be able to help ;)

    hmm... wonder how file sharing back and forth would work with the new system... It isn't all kept in one file like in the editor from what I have seen.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Dota2 Custom Games (Reborn Update)

    As a person who does mild coding, the dota editor is rather intimidating. Just finished looking around at the thing, and I will say that I am impressed as much as I am intimidated to go further into it. With the editor you have a lot of GUI to guide you that I took for granted, it is pretty simple to find things now that I am familiar with the thing. This new Dota 2 editor however is another beast entirely. To compare the starcraft editor and the dota editor is like comparing apples to oranges. I closed the thing after 4 hours of playing around with it concluding that any modding that I did would have to be a full time endeavor that I personally just don't have the time for.

    Id say it this way, in warcraft 3, making an ability was pretty simple, in starcraft 2, it was a bit more tedious and time consuming but the GUI could lead you through once you learned it, in Dota 2, you have a blank slate that you have to program the thing into in which you will initially find yourself looking at a (well put together) list of documentation to make that ability, and wait for the 2-3 mins it can take for the whole map to compile to test the darn thing.

    For those who are more experienced in coding that I, have fun with it, but for now as of this moment the task of learning it is going to be too time consuming to start anything.

    On the plus side it does support like 10 or 12 different cliff levels, forgot to count but I made a nice sized mountain of cliffs :)

    It does not have as many assets in starcraft, so if you want to make anything truly unique visually, you will need to spend a lot of time, I am curious what people will do with the assets available.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #206: Double Take

    Hi, i've been gone a while, here ya go http://imgur.com/gallery/vtuFbXT/new

    I will admit, I was a bit lazy with the concept, I initially had the idea of making 2 land masses that were sort of creatures but then I saw the volcanic mountain things as giant claw hands and took away with that little tidbit and it turned into this, a fire creature elemental in a snowy land where it does not belong.

    Edit: maybe if I am up to it or anyone else, an ice elemental in a firey landscape

    Posted in: Terrain
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