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    posted a message on Make actor visible to only certain players

    @Mille25: Go

    If you know a way to force fog of war/disable visibility in a region for certain players, there would be an easy work around already.

    For instance, I only want player 3 to see his skybox (centered at player 3). I make sure all other players lose vision in a small circular region about player 3, preventing his skybox from rendering outside the region to begin with.

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    posted a message on Make actor visible to only certain players


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    posted a message on Battleship Turret made from pure triggers

    @DogmaiSEA: Go


    I also added custom sounds for it in game. If you load the map you'll hear them:)

    Commands are (on keyboard)

    K = Creates the battleship turret around the Hydralisk

    C = Reveals entire map

    L = Starts Gunfire (range of 48)

    S = Stops Gunfire

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Battleship Turret made from pure triggers

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    Fixed bugs added new video :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Battleship Turret made from pure triggers

    Yep 99% trigger (only data editing was for changing certain actor models)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Current State of Mapster (My Farewell?)

    @Sixen: Go

    Have you contacted Blizzard? I'm sure they themselves would be very interested in keeping this site financed. If not, I'm going to back up every single tutorial/video on my monster 2TB external hard drive. lolol

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How to make missile turret use Hellstorm Missile Pods?

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    The problem is that it's unlocked via Credits on board the Hyperion, then it's automatically built into future turrets for all other maps. There's no in-game upgrade that enables it per map.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Having a Unit Orbit another Unit

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    Also you'd need to change the event that triggers it. Mine is simply key press for testing purposes. There are many things you can do with what I gave you. For instance you could interchange which types of units are orbiting the center unit midway. You could change the scale of the orbit as time passed as well.

    One thing, that you'll find very useful, is adding a "Make Unit Face Angle" commadn in their. So if you want your orbiting unit always facing parallel to the tanget of the orbit, you what put the action:

    Make Unit (Orbiting Unit) face Angle (90 + (dA*k)) over time (dT) seconds.

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    posted a message on Having a Unit Orbit another Unit

    @Juxtapozition: Go

    You would have to modify the trigger and while loop to your specifications. For instance, when the central unit dies, you could end the loop.

    While (Conditions it true): Condition = Central Unit is Alive (True)

    Or perhaps it could be based on a timer window, or something else. It's all up to you.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Having a Unit Orbit another Unit

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    I'll post one more with changing heights after this.

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    posted a message on Having a Unit Orbit another Unit

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    So, this in new code I gave you, you'll need to know the following variables to customize it.

    Revs = Revolutions per second.

    r = initial radius, changing this scales the overall orbit.

    a = semi-major axis length (x-direction). Changing this makes the oval wider/narrower

    b = semi-minor axis length (y-direction). Changing this makes the oval taller/shorter

    If a = b, then the orbit becomes a circle with radius r.

    Sigma = Tilt of oval. Changing this changes the tilt. For instance, if sigma = 45, the orbit will look like an oval titled 45 degrees. If you set sigma to ANY value other than 0, it's recommended that r > 4.5

    Elliptic Mover
            UI - Player Any Player presses K key Down with shift Allow, control Allow, alt Allow
        Local Variables
            Center Unit = Marauder [61.68, 64.76] <Unit>
            Orbit Unit = Marine [57.28, 65.27] <Unit>
            P = No Point <Point>
            Q = No Point <Point>
            T = No Point <Point>
            K = 0.0 <Real>
            Revs = 1.0 <Real>
            r = 5.0 <Real>
            a = 2.0 <Real>
            b = 1.0 <Real>
            dT = 0.0625 <Real>
            dA = ((Revs * 360.0) * dT) <Real>
            X = 0.0 <Real>
            Y = 0.0 <Real>
            sigma = 45.0 <Real>
            d = 0.0 <Real>
            General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
                    Variable - Set K = (K + 1.0)
                    Variable - Set X = ((a * r) * (Cos((dA * K))))
                    Variable - Set Y = ((b * r) * (Sin((dA * K))))
                    Variable - Set P = (Position of Center Unit)
                    Variable - Set Q = (P offset by (X, Y))
                    Variable - Set d = (Distance between P and Q)
                    Variable - Set T = (P offset by d towards (sigma + (dA * K)) degrees)
                    Unit - Move Orbit Unit instantly to T (Blend)
                    General - Wait dT Game Time seconds
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Having a Unit Orbit another Unit

    @Juxtapozition: Go

    I'll write you a quick code. Be back in a 10 minutes

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    Elliptic Mover
            UI - Player Any Player presses K key Down with shift Allow, control Allow, alt Allow
        Local Variables
            Center Unit = Marauder [61.68, 64.76] <Unit>
            Orbit Unit = Marine [57.28, 65.27] <Unit>
            P = No Point <Point>
            Q = No Point <Point>
            K = 0.0 <Real>
            dT = 0.0625 <Real>
            dA = (360.0 * dT) <Real>
            General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
                    Variable - Set K = (K + 1.0)
                    Variable - Set P = (Position of Center Unit)
                    Variable - Set Q = (P offset by 3.0 towards (K * dA) degrees)
                    Unit - Move Orbit Unit instantly to Q (Blend)
                    General - Wait dT Game Time seconds

    In the variables, dT is the periodic timer. dA is the change in the angle (orbit) per change in time. As of now, it's set to 360*dT. So if you periodic timer = 1/16 seconds, then dA = 22.5. This means your unit will rotate 22.5 degrees around your central unit every 16th of a second.

    If you wish for the unit to orbit faster, you cannot change dT to any value less than 1/16 a second, since Starcraft 2 will not recognize time intervals shorter than 1/16 of a second, so you need to change the formula for dA with this modification: dA = R(360*dT), where R = number of revolutions per second. So if you want 4 revolutions per second, change it to dA = 4(360*dT). You can have non integer values for R, for instance R = 2.33, this means it will make 7 revolutions about the center in 3 seconds.

    I'll give you some more code for changing the shape of the orbit, for instance an ellipse (oval), as well as something that changes their heights.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Having a Unit Orbit another Unit

    @Juxtapozition: Go

    I'll write you a quick code. Be back in a 10 minutes

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make missile turret use Hellstorm Missile Pods?

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    You can see their effect at 14:15 - 14:25 in this video

    Posted in: Data
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