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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #200: Further ahead the road has gone

    @wargirlwargirl: Go

    Wow, those city pics looks amazing when put through those effects! It almost makes me a little sad that some of the elements in those pictures aren't in the actual game itself because they look so cool!

    If anyone was curious to the context of those city pictures, Wargirl, Moustro, and I are working on a stealth-based city game. We're thinking of calling it "The Sneaky City Game," and it will be published publicly pretty soon! Wargirl's done incredible work in the game already-each block of the city is a work of art in and of itself.

    And I saw a critique earlier in the thread about some of the proportions of the map being off, and unfortunately I have to take credit for that. Some of the less realistic things like the super tall light posts were things I put in earlier. And due to gameplay elements I've had to limit what Wargirl can do aesthetically, for example the buildings can't be too tall because then they'd block too much of the map vision-wise and it'd be too easy to conceal your location. So there's that form vs function trade-off I'm sure we're all too familiar with.

    Anyway, those pics (and pretty much everything in this thread) are amazing! It still blows my mind to see what people are capable of doing in the SC2 engine.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Moving a negative region

    Well, if you're a fan of overly complicated workarounds, you could probably move a normal region to where you want the negative to be and just exclude that region in your triggers.

    For example, if you wanted to add all the units in a region to a unit group, but not a "negative" region within it, you could:

    Pick each unit in region "Primary Region"

    If picked unit is in region "Negative Region" Then Nothing

    Else Add picked unit to Unit Group "These Guys"

    Does that make sense?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Late game lag! Are there any optimizations for the mod?

    I've experienced similar problems with lag occurring as my games progress. My problem was that there were many actors that weren't being destroyed properly. In my case, there were sound effect actors that I'd forgotten to add the "sound done" -> "destroy" actor events, as well as some site attachment actors. Over time, they were building up and causing massive lag, and they'd even get to the point where no new actors were being created.

    I'd suggest playing a game into the late stages via Test Document, and then typing "actordumplive" into chat. This will give you a list of actors that are still currently alive, deposited into the "alerts" folder for SC2. It's kind of dull to sift through, but if you find large numbers of actors that shouldn't be there, that may be your problem.

    Here's a link to the Blizz tutorial thing on "actor cheats" that shows other ways to get actor info.


    Good luck!

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on [Solved] Blurry Camera

    Sounds intriguing!

    I'm no expert in the subject and I tend to try and take the easiest, cheapest way out, but my solution would be to make a couple dialogs as large as the screen for each player and then fade them in/out. Maybe some of different colors, maybe one being a picture of retinas or something like that.

    Anything more advanced than that I wouldn't know where to start.



    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on 2015 Rock the Cabinet

    This is really cool news and i like that they picked a theme which will require people to make new projects.

    The downside for me is I've never touched Warcraft in my life. I guess I'll have to start reading up on the history and lore. The Warcraft universe isn't too big, right?


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Airstrike

    Airstrike has been spotlighted by Blizzard! Make sure to check it out!


    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Airstrike

    @Hammer107: Go

    Thanks so much!

    The game now how an absolutely amazing soundtrack written by Moustro, who completely blew away my expectations. The gameplay videos I made are a little outdated now that some new features and new music have been added - if you haven't tried it on Bnet, you definitely should, at least to hear the awesome music!


    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Actors Disappearing

    Just wanted to give an update:

    Turns out there were two types of actors that weren't being destroyed properly. The first were sound effects that didn't have their Actor Events set up correctly. These were fixed by adding a term in the events for "Sound Done," and then destroying the actor.

    The second types of events are Action events for Beams. These I still haven't figured out, but luckily there aren't nearly as many as there were problem sound effects. It tends to be mostly beams that are attached to specific attachment points. I have no idea how to work with beams so if anyone has any advice, please share!


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Actors Disappearing

    @Zolden: Go

    Well, that seems simple enough. I'll check it out as soon as I can!

    Thanks so much,


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Actors Disappearing

    @Zolden: Go

    Yeah I think you're right. I just found an old sc2mapster thread about the same issue and apparently the way to resolve it is to use the Blizzard Actor Cheats to figure out which actors aren't being destroyed and then to fix them:


    Unfortunately, my lack of expertise in the area is making reading through the Blizzard tutorial quite painful. I assume the goal is to find a command that will show what actors are still "alive" after playing through the game. Does that sound right?

    If anyone's had experience with the actor cheats, please let me know!



    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Actors Disappearing

    @TheUltragon: Go

    Thanks for the lead, I'll try getting in contact with him.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Actors Disappearing

    Hey SC2mapster,

    I've been working on a game called "Airstrike" that utilizes a ton of missiles and things. It supports up to 4 players, but of course most of my testing is done with just myself. Well, I tested some new features with another player and about 55 in-game minutes through all the actors flat out stopped appearing! I noticed the frame rate dropping a little before it happened.

    I tried resetting that level (which removes all units on the map) but I still couldn't get anything to show up.

    I watched the replay, skipping as fast as I could to where the problem occurred, and everything showed up just fine.

    When it started in-game, both myself and the other playtester experienced this problem. We also were both playing on max graphic settings to see what kind of strain the game can put on our computers.

    Has anyone experienced something like this before? Is it possible that something in the game bugged out the actors, or that some type of frequently used actor is not being destroyed properly and is leaving remnants that eventually crowd out the game? Any ideas?



    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Battlenet lobby issue

    I actually don't know much about what you can do for the lobby in Game Variants. I think you'll probably just have to fiddle around and do some testing. I generally try to limit the size of the lobby and then do everything else in-game to minimize lobby issues, but of course there are some downsides to doing so (boring team-picking at the start of the game, can't guarantee premade teams/clans will be on the same team, etc.).


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Battlenet lobby issue

    If you go to Game Variants, under Player Attributes you can select each player and under "Controller" you can disallow Computers.

    Good luck!


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Battlenet lobby issue

    @penguinwars: Go

    Basically, at the start of the game I had to run a For Loop looking for valid players and then assigning them player variables.

    For this game, which supported 12 players, I created an array of Integer variables that I called "Player Index." I also made an Integer variable called "Count2". Then I used a for loop with Integer "Count":

    For each integer Count from 1 to 12,

    If Status of Player Count = Playing,

    {set Player Index [Count2] = Count

    Set Count2 = Count2 + 1}



    The end result gives all the players a "place" in the array of Player Index. From there, in triggers I would reference Player Index instead of the given Player number for things like Leaderboards and the like.

    Hopefully that helps and doesn't make things even more confusing.


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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