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    posted a message on How to change projectile facing
    Quote from uroboros1987: Go

    I dont understand what do u mean, can u attach a screenshot?

    The mover thing did not work, here is a picture. I find it strange that the unit were the arrow starts out backwards and this unit have the same mover yet the projectile faces different directions.


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    posted a message on How to change projectile facing

    Anyone know?

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    posted a message on How to change projectile facing

    Hi I have a couple of units I have made from Duplicating Stalkers. Instead of the lasers Stalkers fire they fire arrows. For some reason when the units fire the arrow starts out facing to the right (towards me) and then when its fired it turns and faces straight ahead. For one of the units the arrow starts out facing backwards, towards the shooter and when its fired it turns around and faces the target. Could anyone tell me how to change the projectile facing so that its always straight ahead? Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] How to change unit ability animation

    I have a unit with an ability. When the ability activates it causes the unit to perform an animation. Where in the data editor do I go to change that animation to a different animation. Sorry for the simple question but cant seem to find the answer. Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Normal map problem, unit is half dark half light [Solved]

    Zoldens answer was correct, thanks for the replies as well taylor.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Normal map problem, unit is half dark half light [Solved]

    Hi, i created a normal map in photoshop and simply applied it with the art tools, and in preview it looks like this. As you can see half the tabard is light, half is dark which is strange, it should not look this way. The rest of the body is this way too, half light half dark. There is just a diffuse and normal map. The normal is below. Im working in 3ds max, is there anything I need to do to prevent this? Why is this happening? Thanks.

    Edit: To clarify this only occurs when the normal map is added, this does not happen when its just the diffuse map.

    image 1

    image 2

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on i search for people who join to my map

    @ashu666: Go

    To learn how to use triggers, I would think it might even be better to learn a simple programming language first possibly java but maybe even c. The reason I would advocate this is because there are many good resources out there for learning java, while that is not the case with SC2 triggers. If you can learn java at a somewhat basic level it should be much easier to pick up triggers. If your in college you could even take a class in programing in java.

    Learning to program in a language like java will also help you understand the data editor a little bit more as well, given the data editor functions in an object oriented way, and java is an object oriented programming language.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Do you have 'privileged' players in your game?

    As Ahli said, making a game that requires moderators is generally bad design. Players should not be capable of doing anything all that bad in the first place, because if they can they will. Mafia is one of the worst in this category.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Where a mapmaker can evolve

    @DogmaiSEA: Go

    This response isnt just for you, but its sort of a general thing as well. Im kind of surprised to be reading some of this stuff. I never viewed making games in SC2 to be anything other than a hobby that you could not and should not expect any monetary compensation for. To hear that there are people out there that actually expected to make a living off of SC2 mods to the point of being able to support a family is pretty outrageous.

    Husky did do a video on the first game i ever made (I didnt ask him to he just did it cause he liked it), the video really helped to make my game popular for a short period of time but that was all, I obviously did not make money nor did i expect to:

    Getting a good job in video game development I think has always been seen as a bit of a pipe dream, not to say it cant be done but its difficult and you shouldn't really expect for that to ever happen to you. You can spend all the time you want trying to achieve that but i wouldn't be surprised or upset that it hasn't happened for you, because its not something you would expect to happen.

    If you want to go into the video game industry the easiest way to do it, is to do it yourself and make an indie game. Starcraft 2 in regaurds to modding is really just a toy for fun, considering they own the rights to everything you make, which is clear, im not sure how you could think anything different or how anyone serious about getting into games professionally would chose SC2 over, well, anything unity or otherwise.I knew a guy who got his PhD in computer science, did an internship as a programmer at Blizzard, did a good job, and was offered some sort of job in testing making very little money.

    Getting into the gameing industry by just being hired is hard, even if your clearly a really intelligent person. Even then in the case of blizzard there are so many really smart, capable people who want to work for them that in some cases they can pay them like shit, he would not of been able to support a family on the salary blizzard offered him, especially not were he would be working. The guy turned down the job for monetary reasons, got a job at an IT company, makes a salary in the 100-125k range last i knew.

    Not trying to be mean or anything, just somewhat confused at the unreasonable expectations some people seem to have. Its like coming onto a forum about music and having people angry that they aren't rock stars yet. You can take this path and sure do what makes you happy, but understand that it may not be easy, in fact it probably wont be.

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    posted a message on Wow Races Extension Mod

    In the event no one joins your team, which is quite possible, ill tell you a few things that might be helpful to you. You can get a free student version of 3ds max 2011, last i knew anyways. It wasnt really easy to find but i believe its out there still, or i assume it is. There is startools or the println 3ds max plugin to go along with that. Your going to want team colors and theres info on how to do all of this stuff on this forum. Editing the animations, I have done that before in 3ds max its not very hard. I moved around the animation keys if i remember correctly but it was awhile ago.

    In regaurds to the other part, the AI, there is also some info around here on how to do that. I have an educational backround in AI, but have not used the AI stuff in starcraft 2, but i assume it really simplifies things, especially given what your doing is just making a standard strategy game that is like starcraft 2 which the AI stuff was made to accommodate.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on BlizzCon 2014! Who's goin'? Let's meet up and hang out!

    Guys when we meet up for blizcon we need to make sure that none of us are wearing the same color fedora.

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    posted a message on Specular/Normal Maps, creation and application

    @Zolden: Go

    3ds max/gimp

    No art tools dont know anything about em. Using m3 import/exporter

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Specular/Normal Maps, creation and application

    Hi, im importing models from wow and want to make good specular and normal maps for them. Is there such a tutorial that tells me every step to make these items and apply them to models in 3ds max? For my image editing software im using gimp but i could get photoshop free trial.


    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Got a big school project - thinking about making a Starcraft 2 map.

    @LosTacos: Go

    Same here to some extent. Only i origonally got an interest in programming from WC3, so i took a course in high school in programming. I went to a competitive college prep school, the course was ridiculously hard with only 3 people being able to do well. These kids were really smart got nearly perfect scores on SATs, went to Duke, stuff like that. That experience turned me off to it and i majored in sometehing else initially where 1 programming course was required. I took that course and loved it and got back into programming and later switched to CS. Your initial experiences with programming have a big impact on whether you like it and pursue it, and experiences can vary widely.

    I would personally put programming ability/experience over experience with the editor. Its alot easier and takes a lot less time to learn enough about the editor than it does to become a good enough programmer that you can do just about anything you would want to do in the editor. Especially now, back in WC3 maps were open for the most part and you could learn by looking at their code, now most maps are locked so its harder to learn that way.

    And ya i wouldnt pursue this as a project, it can be hard to tell how long things will take and if you couldnt get it working on time that wouldnt be good.

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    posted a message on Made my First Android Game!

    @TerranMaster23: Go

    There is no real software as far as i know, if you mean something like the galaxy editor. To make a game like this you would basically just write it all in c+ or java. Theres an IDE plugin for eclipse, and there is some specific tool for android but last i knew its difficult to get it to work so some just use the eclipse plugin, eclipse is a very popular IDE anyways. The images/characters are called sprites, you have to make all of them and the animations yourself.

    Posted in: General Chat
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