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    posted a message on SC2 Custom Map Contest? What a fail!

    show me a (submited) epic map and than ull have a point

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    posted a message on [Campaign] Changeling RPG
    Quote from Talon0815: Go


    The game now has a hotkey bar for items and skills as well as a character window, where you can spend attribute points. The attributes can be enhanced through items or talents and through specific stat multipliers each form has. Some screenshots of the overworked basic UI, Inventory and Talent window and of the new character window:

    LMAO hotkeybar is 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 56 63 57 87

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Starcraft Universe Reloaded
    Quote from Mille25: Go

    i made a little video showing the quest system, hope you like it :)

    i hope its not too long or boring, but i wanted to show some details. this time there is no editor part, basically it works very similar as the item system, i can create a quest with one line of code and define every property i need. the rest is done by the system.

    nais. though i still think you should add 3 more ability slots (9 is always awsumest numba :P) . also what will max lvl be? it would be cool if we could be ifn. level for more attribute points but at X level we dont get talents points(the amount of exp needed each lvl could be same). also if you make enterable buildings (eg create a zone on corner of map and if u go into bunker entrance u get teled into building) youd win sc2mapster. couple of ideas. also what will you do with item ninjaing? (sience items drop on ground som1 can steal em>:( ). though i wonder what ull do with exiting with no saves (cuz if i dc in the middle of a epic world boss and dont save ill be pissed). keep up awsum saus work

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Battlefield Egypt] NOW LIVE!

    it is nice though cam is a bit to high and you should have some sort of descriptions for heroes (least in the tips section) is the map on eu?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Starcraft Universe Reloaded
    Quote from Mille25: Go

    @deleted_4551290: Go

    if multiple maps are supported, it must also be possible to download map packages, not only single maps, because otherwise its sensless. sure i will need alot of beta testers, but its not ready yet :) currently im working on alot of small things and the spells... (what i hate )

    ya know there are some nice spells on mapster that u can try or just ask someone to make them...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Starcraft Universe Reloaded
    Quote from Mille25: Go

    @Nebuli2: Go

    i also had the idea of multiple maps, but cant tell you anything about that yet since its not even in beta state. additionally as far as i know there is no functionality to launch a map from a map yet. (not even in singleplayer, and i dont know if multi maps will be possible in multiplayer)

    i think it is possible but would require quite some time AND youd need to get the players to already have those maps. also need beta testers? or atleast post current version on b . net and lock it if u want i just wana try >.>

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on DotA 2 by Valve
    Quote from Skittles17: Go

    @deleted_4551290: Go

    Dota was about farming creeps and noobs early game. Then it was all about knowing what items to buy and order to buy them (making it even more unnoob friendly). And finally it was about teaming up and ganking people on the map.

    i do all that except farm creeps. sometimes i got more minion kills than average when im mf but thats not realy me trying to last hit just random luck lmao

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on DotA 2 by Valve
    Quote from Tattsoo: Go

    @deleted_4551290: Go

    So... You are saying you don't have the skill to prevent an enemy from getting gold to buy more items and the experience they need to say, be level 8 while your level 10, an obviously bigger advantage. Not to mention, LoL is just too far based on dividing the skill gap.

    Early game is about getting gold and experience, since the creeps in the long run, will be 80-90% of your experience and gold, not enemies. LoL gives 300 gold per kill, where as HoN/DOTA give 200.

    DOTA will be a great game, if you are too scared that you wont be good enough to out-last-hit your opponents and avoid dying meaningless deaths to keep your precious gold... Then stick to LoL. It's like sucking at Halo, so you play Battlefield or CoD.

    That's what pisses me off the most, people don't realize: Each of these games will have their own differences and play-styles, just like games of any other genre. You can continue calling this game an AoS or use a term I heard somewhere, which sounded neat: Role-Playing Arena.

    wait let me get this straight . . . . so the game is about farming creeps?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on DotA 2 by Valve
    Quote from TECGhost: Go

    @raydude714: Go

    ACTUALLY, it's just LoL that fucked up. HoN has Denys and I find it actually more fun then WC3 Dota, it's Faster and more intense, has reconnection after DC HoN > Dota in many factors. But I'm really looking forward to the continuation of WC3 Dota on Valves Source Engine because it will add all the bells and whistles that HoN already has, to an old but awesome game.

    why the hell do ppl give a crap about denying. boohooo my enemy killed that guy instead of me and got a small amount of gold.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on DotA 2 by Valve

    Lol4lief.datzall.but knowing valve it REALY needs to have the humor all (or most havent playd HL or l3d) of their games have or itll be a fail

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on StarCraft II Inappropriate Content Policies

    @slaydon: Go

    hey i just realised your to young to play sc2.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on The Guess Why Your Username is What it is Game

    your a wolf born in 1322

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Nexus Word Wars was banned

    marine : im still stuck in this chicken shit out fit. fyi blizz is STUPID as hell... not even i know what dyke meant <.>

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Starcraft Universe Reloaded
    Quote from Mille25: Go

    @deleted_4551290: Go

    what? :) i quite like the size, the ui should not cover the entire screen imo.

    but there should be more abilitys putable on the ui

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Regional SC2 icons

    u put a pepsi flag but not serbia>

    Posted in: Art Assets
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