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    posted a message on Are we immortal?

    Are we immortal? No.

    Is it possible to have a significantly meaningful life without the idea of immortality? Yes.

    Even atheists can believe in life after death? No. The afterlife is almost always tied to some god. An atheist believing in an afterlife is like a vegetarian eating meat.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Warhammer Vs. Blizzard RTS

    I like Relic RTS (Homeworld, Company of Heroes... the Warhammer ones were fun too) more than Blizzard RTS.... wait, what is this thread about?!

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Open games list to come out in patch 1.5!!!!!! YESS
    Quote from ScorpSCII: Go

    Did you play WC3?

    Quote from DogmaiSEA: Go

    If you would kindly make those same claims about Wc3 and say Wc3 is melee/ladder and Dota is just a funny addition and Icefrog is the court jester of Wc3.

    We're not talking about WC3.

    Show me the Dota of SC2. What? Someone's still working on it? Get back to me when it's released.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Open games list to come out in patch 1.5!!!!!! YESS
    Quote from FockeWulf: Go

    Well they've been adding all of the models...

    Huh, what models? Did I miss something? o.O

    Quote from DogmaiSEA: Go

    ProzaicMuze and Dryeyece know more about the data editor than Blizzard's own programmers

    Bold statement. They know more than the people who designed, programed and hold the documentation for it? I can ask them about the most obscure little checkbox in the data editor and they'll have an answer?

    You're both extremely delusional if you think that the state of custom games in SC2 will have any major effect on the sales of HotS.

    Starcraft = melee/ladder games, tournaments. Customs are just a funny addition and only get in the spotlight when Day9, Husky or TB play some of them. We're the court jester of Starcraft...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Open games list to come out in patch 1.5!!!!!! YESS

    I really hope this will be like WoW's pre-expansion patches, where they add all the "systems" of the upcoming expansion.

    In simpler terms: I hope we get the HotS version of the editor just without the HotS art assets.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Final Hopes, and Wants.
    Quote from ScorpSCII: Go

    Free asset expansions would be great.

    What does that mean? Accessing HotS assets while only having WoL?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Final Hopes, and Wants.

    Your propositions are:

    • too broad: better this, fix that, upgrade those... how?
    • too personal: you want wow models? well, I want diablo models! and the sprites from warcraft 1&2!
    • absolutely unrealistic: unlimited maps? you don't give users unlimited anything, because they will screw you over (like uploading 10gigs of mp3 into a map)
    • meaningless: activision rant

    The only sensible thing I see is the region unlock for custom maps, since Blizzard said that Diablo 3 will launch without regions. I'm hoping that this comes with HotS or in a later patch.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on What language would be most useful to learn?
    Quote from arubaru304: Go

    problem you can find with Spanish: (...) you read what you write. Put another way, you can say that each letter has a single phoneme

    Phonemic orthography is a problem? :P I would say it makes a language much easier to learn. You don't need to memorize the pronunciation of every word, you just read them as they're written.

    I wish a phonemic language had become the lingua franca of the world instead of English ;( Horrible language, all those pointless double letters that I can never get right (putting? puting? ressurection or resurrection? ARGH!) and I still can't remember how to pronounce the name of that river in London.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on C&C Generals 2

    FYI, this game isn't being done by THE BioWare. The name of the developer for this game is BioWare Victory. EA, trying hard to beat Activision in being the most hated company every, has decided to include "bioware" in the names of its studios (e.g. BioWare Mythic).

    Not a lot of people seem to be talking about the bad influence EA has had on BioWare, but they REALLY like to bash "actiblizzard" for pandas and popularity lists.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on [UI] SC2Layout Files: Override method (Aiurchef method)

    @TomKazansky: Go

    The textures are defined in Assets.txt, but there's more than one and I'm not exactly sure how find and overwrite it :P

    You can just paste in the path to the texture file itself in there and it will work.


    <Texture val="Assets\Textures\ui_aiurchef_frame_recipe.dds"/>
    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Patch 1.4.2 PTR Notes

    And it only took them over a year to fix...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Blizzcon 2011] Blizzard DOTA Info

    I never played a single DotA game (don't like games where the only objective is to kill the other guy), the only interest I have in Blizzard Dota is how it will improve the editor... but I'd like to know what exactly "last hitting" is. It's sound like just another name for kill stealing... that's consdered a measure of skill? :S

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Lip sync with cutscene editor/art tools?

    The gives me hope that there will be some way to create custom lip animations. The ones in the cutscene certainly don't look like they've been taken from existing animations.

    It looks like the gave they whole system an overhaul or upgrade, because the facial animations in the trailer look a lot better than the ones in WoL (Kerrigan grits her teeth, Horner opens his mouth widely when shouting).

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Blizzcon 2011 All-Around Coverage

    Edit: combining DotA panel with mapping panel = stupid questions about renaming a unit or changing a model on it :S

    Posted in: General Chat
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