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    posted a message on Beam problems

    @xxxNEARBYxxx: Go

    What seems to be happening is that your behavior constantly searches for targets, it may only search for 3 at a time but it keeps doing it even if there are 3 beams already attached

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Weekly Data Exercise #12 - Recreate a WoW Spell

    @Chiquihuite: Go

    When you start the animation for the units actor, create a timer at the same time with a length of however long it takes for the unit to get its hand in the air. Then on timer expire pause the animation.

    All in the events+ tab for the units actor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Weekly Data Exercise #12 - Recreate a WoW Spell

    @BorgDragon: Go

    very nice!!!!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on The Nemoid - Fourth Army of SC2

    @Barbasol: Go


    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Passive Invisibility

    @Roar_Man: Go

    No problem, always happy to help out a fellow mapper :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Passive Invisibility

    Something like this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Data/Trigger] Missile-Based Jumping

    @Xackery: Go

    Did a simplified version for my makin free abilities thread a couple months ago, this looks a lot better tho :)

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Making Free Abilities/Example Ability Thread

    Hi guys sorry I haven't posted here in a while. The reason being that I had completed much of the requests on here and my hard drive died before I got the chance to upload them, since then I have had rl things to deal with and have thus taken a break from map making. When I find more time I will probably revive this thread but until then I apologize to anyone with unfulfilled requests

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Making Free Abilities/Example Ability Thread
    Quote from Isthereanopenname: Go

    Is my ability not possible? Or have you not finished it yet? Sorry if this seems like I am rushing you, because I am not. Just wondering

    I've got a lot of requests lol, and I'm also working on a rather large project, I will get to it though

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Making Free Abilities/Example Ability Thread
    Quote from TheeLord: Go

    @Slypoos: Go

    I don't understand how calling "AnimPlay Cast Spell" calls the head-butt animation.. I tried to plug this into a trigger in my game and I did not get the animation. There must be something else that allows "AnimPlay Cast Spell" to work.. Thanks for your reply dude!

    You could always put it in the events + tab in the unit actor

    Make an event condition then set the action to animation play - cast

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Making Free Abilities/Example Ability Thread
    Quote from Isthereanopenname: Go

    Slypoos, could you make another ability for me? But this time could you explain how you did it so I could put it in my map? I want and ability called Matter shift

    Matter Shift will Allow the unit to walk through walls for 10 seconds.(The only way I could imagine this being possible if you could modify the mass of the unit to 0 for 10 seconds) After 10 seconds if the unit is still within the wall the unit will die.

    Through walls, like cliffs and stuff? Or just units?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Making Free Abilities/Example Ability Thread
    Quote from TheeLord: Go

    Wow isn't there any more simple way of getting the ultralisk head attack animation to appear in the Ram ability? I can't even figure out how you did it. It looks like you needed to create a second unit when the Ultralisk is charging then destroy it when the charge is done? I am thuroughly confused. I cannot figure out how to trigger the ultralisk head animation for my map on demand.

    The second unit is used because the ultralisk would not run straight at the target if there was anything it would collide with in the way, so i created a second identical unit but with no collision. The head animation is played in the trigger "Ram Finish" by the action "Actor - Send actor message "AnimPlay Cast Spell" to main actor of unit (Last replaced unit)"

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Making Free Abilities/Example Ability Thread
    Quote from Jinxxx123: Go

    @Slypoos: Go

    Holy shit,this was more than i expected ( u made the unit jump) which made it look alot more convincing :)

    so to make this spell, from what i can see that you did, correct me if wrong , you created 2 types of dummies, and tied it too a seperate terrain deformation actor? , one for the ripple effect and another for the 10 sec wait., and then used the birth of a unit as the event to call the actor and the death to remove it.. very niceee

    the math u used there however would own me lol . Thanks alot, do you mind if i use this spell in my custom map?

    Go for it, Also, i made 3 dummies 1 of them was to block LoS. The math was just simple circle equations to get points around a circle
    - x = r*Math.cos(theta)+x0;
    - y = r*Math.sin(theta)+y0;
    The "+x0"'"+y0" is the point/position of the circle so it's already included in the point with polar offset function.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Making Free Abilities/Example Ability Thread
    Quote from Jinxxx123: Go

    Hi, i would like to request a spell to see how you do it :P .. i tried using the terrain deformation actors but it never comes out right.. it stays permanently and never goes away.

    I would like a spell that when casted , it surrounds the hero and every unit within 7 radias with a non-passable deformed rising terrain (either spikes/cliffs/rocks/terrain whatever is most suitable :D) . Thus trapping every unit caught in the area including the hero for 9 seconds. after 9 seconds the terrain resets back to normal.

    from what i see terrain deformation doesn't trap units, all it does is make units walk high up cliffs.. how to actually Trap them and make it look as if its the terrain deformation is the sole reason for the trap. (for epicness)

    Btw if you do make it. Can you name all the object data sorta similarly .. it makes searching in the data editor for the stuff you used that much easier.

    Here you go, i mostly used the trigger editor as it is easier than creating 30 offsets on a persistent effect lol, though this is completely achievable in the data editor(just much more time consuming).

    Description: The zealot jumps in the air and lands with such force that the gound around him is disturbed creating a massive wall around him trapping all units inside/outside the deformation(Also blocks vision). After 10 seconds the ground reverts to normal.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Making Free Abilities/Example Ability Thread
    Quote from Psiclone01: Go

    @Slypoos: Go

    So I'm just trying to figure out what you did here.. where is the "TSLife (Unknown)"? Obviously, this is where it prioritizes the targets with lowest hp, right? What tab is it under? And is it editable at all?

    Under the Target Sorts Data Type

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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