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    posted a message on Turn-based~

    Is there currently a way to create a Turn-based style of game-play? Say it's 6 players v computers in a UMS-style rpg, each turn players are awarded with such and such points. The points can be spent on moving, using skills, resources etc. i.e. I get 5 points, I move 3 spaces, and attack twice. Feasible?

    Thanks for the help with the water levels in the last post~ worked perfectly =)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Water Height
    Quote from Ptahn: Go

    @Ptahn: Go

    Another question ~ can one change the color of the fire of the Doodad "lava splash"?

    I got the color changing =) Thanks tho

    To change the color, Select the doodad, double click, go to custom color, tada yay

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Water Height

    @Ptahn: Go

    Another question ~ can one change the color of the fire of the Doodad "lava splash"?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Water Height

    Is it possible to edit multiple water heights aka~ I have a lower pond that I adjusted (z-axis), I'd like to have a higher pond above it, is this possible? Is it just a matter of selecting?

    Thanks in advance =)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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