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    posted a message on Simple Validator question - Enumerate Area

    @ezbeats: Go

    Tried this already. Created a Validator of type "Unit Type" and choose my missile unit. Set this as the the Validator in "Search +" in my Enumerate Area Validator.

    Maybe I am somehow making the "Unit Type" one incorrectly? Which fields are key? I also get confused on whether it would be "target", "source" etc. Though target makes the most sense, and I'm pretty sure I've tried multiple of them. Another thing is, if I recall, there is a "compare" field, this is a little confusing too.

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    posted a message on Simple Validator question - Enumerate Area


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    posted a message on Simple Validator question - Enumerate Area

    Hmm perhaps not so simple.

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    posted a message on What's the difference between a point and a region?

    @Daimon7: Go

    I've hardly played around with points, and haven't done every last thing with regions, but there are differences.

    How about the event, "Unit enters Region"? It's kinda hard to move inside a point. Actually, there is a "Unit enters Point" event, but the way it works is actually "(Units) (enters) within (X) of (point)". One "region" can actually be a conglomeration of regions, creating very complicated shapes that with only points would be a large pain to make conditions. On the other hand, points serve a purpose for simpler tasks. Why make a big circle region if you are only going to use its center point anyway? You could use the region regardless, but I would suspect it's less efficient memory-wise and therefore a bad coding habit to develop.

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    posted a message on Simple Validator question - Enumerate Area

    I want it so I can only have so many of a certain projectile attack on the screen at once. For this particular attack, I only want it so it can be spammed twice before a previous bullet must die or go out of range to use it again.

    This seems simple enough, I'll just use the Validator type "Enumerate Area" and count how many are within a certain radius. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to have it search for just my particular Unit (the projectile is a Unit of type "Projectile"). It's easy enough to do a general Enumerate Area for all units, but I'm stumped on picking an individual type of units (e.g. scan area for less than 2 probes, etc.).

    I've tried a number of routes unsuccessfully, including something so simple I'm surprised it doesn't work:

    Field	CountNormalAttacks
    Search - Areas +	(360):(Less Then Or Equal To):(2):(25):(0):()
    Search - Count	0
    Search - Exclude +	
    Search - Include +	
    Search - Search Filters	Required: Missile
    Search - Search Flags	
    Target - Launch Location +	Outer Unit
    Target - Location +	Source Unit

    For whatever reason, my ship won't even fire if I set "Required: Missile", when you would think there must be less than two, so it must work. I know there aren't any missiles on the map, and even if there are, I set it to "less than 100" and it still doesn't work.

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    posted a message on Unit enters region - simple question

    @PoisonHunter: Go

    but my region can't be a value because it's a variable. The only regions that are values are those that are already placed on the map. These don't account for regions that will be dynamically created an attached to units. These regions must be 'region' variables.

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    posted a message on What's the deal with Unit Groups?
    Quote from gh0st00: Go

    @HeroicPrinny: Go

    You are right, the event really needs a specific, predefined unit (you could use a constant.. but that doesnt make much of a sense). on top of that, in the current version of the editor, we cant change trigger events on the fly, like in the wc 3 editor (eg. trigger - add event "last created unit enters range 5.0 of unit). this ultimately leads to you not being able to use this workaround.. which is what i tried to do..

    if i were you, id rather give the unit in question a permanent search area ability (range 5.0) which searches for a specific unit type.. then make the effect a dummy which causes nothing.. and then, in trigger editor, just make an event trigger "dummy_1 effect is caused by any unit" -> "kill triggering unit" or if you want it the other way around "kill caster of ability being cast".. or smth. like that.. that should work in any case :P

    Search Area ability? It seems like you are referring to something from the data editor.

    Here is what I am actually trying to do: have a projectile kill a unit when it comes close enough.

    There are a few tutorials out there for creating projectiles using things like Banelings on patrol, and almost none on using the data editor. I can reproduce these with success, but I find them limiting. I have avoided the data editor so far because I have looked at it and it seems overly complicated.

    It's easy enough for me to copy the "data editor missiles" of other maps, but they don't cover all the attributes of a projectile I would like to have, so I hit a wall. For example, I want the projectile to be unspammable and limited to 2 alive on screen at a time. I don't want to simply cut the rate of fire to produce this effect. Or what if I want a missile that after reaching a region, changes direction? I feel I could manage these with triggers (if they would work as expected), but in the data editor I have no idea where to begin.

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    posted a message on Unit enters region - simple question

    I seemingly have trouble getting the most basic concepts to work.

    Here's what I'm trying to do:

    • Create a variable region
    • Attach this region to a unit (call this "unit B")
    • Create this trigger:
      • Event: another unit ("unit A") enters the region attached to "unit B" (this is the part that seems broken)
      • Action: kill "unit B" by killing "unit attached to region (works when tested with key press event)

    Here is my event:

    Unit - Zergling [10.42, 18.92] Enters (Region((Center of TestRegion), 5.0))

    It doesn't seem like I can just make it "Enters 'Test Region'" either. It doesn't let me pick a variable region. I had to first "Convert Circle to Region" and then use my TestRegion as the "Center of Region", which seems to defeat the point of it being its own region... In any case, this event is failing to work.

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    posted a message on What's the deal with Unit Groups?
    Quote from Klishu: Go

    What you need to do is set the Event to "Probe enters a distance of 5.0 from Any Unit" and then make a condition to check whether it was indeed Unit 1 From NormalAttack.

    Hmm, "any unit" you say? I can't find a choice like that. Just things like "unit from unit group", "random unit from unit group", etc...

    Quote from progammer: Go

    @HeroicPrinny: Go

    Dont use unit count from unit group. It is unreliable and not following a first come first serve basis, and may also varies from time to time (my experience). Use an array of unit instead if you want precise call of an unit. In your case, if your unit group contain only 1 unit, it might be a bug

    Well, maybe you mean the same thing, but I'm not using "unit count"; I'm using "unit from unit group", which specifically refers to the one and only unit in the group through "index 1". It should be so simple, but it just doesn't work.

    I have tried using an array, and it also has failed to work. An array of units doesn't seem to be much different from a group of units, and neither of them are working...

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    posted a message on What's the deal with Unit Groups?

    I can do something simple like:

    Unit - Probe [38.75, 16.17] Enters a distance of 5.0 from Zergling [10.42, 18.92]

    Unit - Kill (Triggering unit)

    And of course, when I move the Zergling close to the probe, the probe dies.

    But when I do this:

    Game - Map initialization

    Unit Group - Add Zergling [10.42, 18.92] to NormalAttack

    Unit - Probe [38.75, 16.17] Enters a distance of 5.0 from (Unit 1 from NormalAttack)

    Unit - Kill (Triggering unit)

    The probe does not die.

    So, wondering if my Zergling is really "Unit 1" from "NormalAttack", I make a quick test:

    UI - Player Any Player presses H key Down with shift Allow, control Allow, alt Allow

    Unit - Kill (Unit 1 from NormalAttack)

    And the Zergling dies. It is indeed that unit.

    It is important for me to figure out unit groups, because I will need to add units created during the course of play to a group to check with other things.

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    posted a message on Final Fant......Evocation!

    Just noticed this project, and it looks epic. Keep up the good work guys.

    And I like the "Bizarro World" character names... "Fang - Claw" lmao

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Contest] Cut Scene

    @iHaveReturnd: Go

    lol @ jurassic park, it was cute.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    @xcorbo: Go

    I didn't fully understand your explanation, but I'm taking that as a "no" in regards to my question.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    So with the current state of the importer and exporter is it possible to import a SCII .m3 unit model, rotate it 90 degrees along Y and export it out? I tried importing just a regular Phoenix.m3, import and rotate 90 degrees, but when I export I get some errors: "only one mesh currently allowed". I have little skill with 3ds and I would just like to do a simple rotation on a unit...

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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