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    posted a message on SC2 Mapster Upgrade Discussion Thread

    Based on experience 5 years and 8 months

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    posted a message on SC2 Mapster Upgrade Discussion Thread



    I was out of the country and with no access to a computer to properly read a - then 7 pages long and now a 11 pages long - topic. It wasn't only after QueenGambit PM'd me (along with some others with the letter "x" on their name) asking for feedback on the new upgraded that I realised this site had changed.


    As some of you may know, I was part of the moderation team (and I think I still am, I don't recall officially giving up my powers) and I think I was the most aggresively-against-curse wayback then until a bunch us just decided "why should we care about a site that now even the owners profitting from it do?" and just decided to stop bothering us with it. 


    I remember passively aggresive taking actions / complains against curse right until someone known as kaelten came up and told me to stop doing such actions. 


    I have a point writing all this so bear with me. Back then SC2Mapster was a forgotten site, people started complaining and were not heard, then some administrators came promising a complete overhaul coming soon (TM) a la blizzard style and nothing happened. People got excited at first and then disappointed and then back to complaining. This was mere 2 months after SC2Mapster was founded, the user database was of no more than 25 active people (a lot of registered members, though) and I still can recall many of their names. SC2 had not even launched and Sixen had already asked me if I wanted to help him out with the moderation of the site. I being one of the very first people making mods when all we had was the beta version with no editor but armed with MPQviewers we extracted the files, modded the shit out of them and found a way to enable directory hotlinking so SC2 read our files and managed to make the very first basic mods. Good times. 


    Back to complaining, some other administrators came again, new fresh faces, some we knew, some we did not, but still hopes were up again. We got excited. We then got disappointed. Then back to complaining. To make this story short repeat this two times a year for every year of sc2mapster's existence. That is how much bullshit we've had to take. 


    Don't get me wrong, it makes me happy that we have finally seen some sort of upgrade. Having only read this topic I can already see the things that are wrong with the site - tech wise - I am even willing to give it a try again, help out, help out even more if I get my powers back again and even make a full report of the site (for which I'll need a week) but the point of this post was to adress, personally, to you QueenGambit, MrFlamegoat or any other curse-paid administrator reading this.



    What are your intentions with this site?

    Do you 1. mean only to keep profitting from it and an update was required and/or forced because you are upgrading your whole cursesite platform alltogether? or do you 2. Want a really functional site that promotes starcraft II, its content and/or developer community and consequently profitting from it even more than nowso?


    If you only mean option 1. Then carry on. The site's alright, we appreciate the update and even if right now people are complaining and suggesting and apparently being actively doing so I promise to you than in 3 weeks this will all be gone and we'll be doing our own bussines yet again, like we have done so many times in the past. We'll be disappointed but understand yet again that we shouldn't expect anything from curse and carry on with ourselves. Thank you for the upgraded, we appreciate it and you can leave now. Thanks. 


    BUT if you mean option 2. this brings me to my little piece of history in my post. 

    If you mean option 2 I urge you, implore you, beg you to listen out and carry on to solve every single one of the suggestions your very own community users have made. I've read them. All of them. All 11 pages of them. I even started using the nifty multi-quote function quoting every piece of logical suggestion and/or request and quoted every piece of excuse or attempt of rationalization as to why you can't or simply won't implement them. I naively started doing so and stopped at page 8 when I realised I had more than 70 quotes and while I have seen at least some replies and even some, although very little, solutions I have seen the most excuses and or denials.


    Your community isn't even asking for much. I too am a web developer and programmer so I know a bit, probably not as much as you, but I know a bit to know it's not difficult to do the things we are asking. I know and I get that you want all your sites to run on the same platform with the same standards, believe me, I am an architect by profession and I know what it is to be required to implement an standard. But just because one system must implement one standard doesn't mean that another system cannot follow that same standard and still be a whole different system with its own set of rules and not some arbitrary rules imposed by a system unrelated to it. The analogy here being that the websites are systems and the standard is your own set of rules on your curse platform. 


    I know that some things won't be technically possible but others, that would highly create a new interest on this community and would consequently promote a more engaging experience will. I will not go one by one on every suggestion or request here made. That would be stupid and is not my job, it's yours. I will however DO write my full report. One of my very own that will most likely include all that has already been said. but I think that if you really want option 2 you should take everything suggested so far and you will be creating a better community, a better site a whole new level of SCII engagement and consequently profitting even more than if you just did option 1.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on My Absence
    Quote from Alevice: Go

    @wargirlwargirl: Go

    i will make sc2mapster great again and build a wall around the bots

    and ban everyone and delete the projects and assets i dont like

    i just noticed you called me alice


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    posted a message on [Forum] Features suggestions

    There are some mods... most of us don't really care anymore because we can't really do much. I can barely delete/remove topics and ban people and curse refuses to do a software update to bring these forums to at least 2000s technology.

    I saw geocities sites that were more functional than these forums. Sighs...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Did anyone cry @ the end of lotv?

    Yeah I cried too. I said "Look at all the money I've been ripped off"

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Question: How do we see our latest posts?

    You don't. Here on mapster we celebrate the present. Fuck your posts older than the one you're posting right now. Because fuck logic.

    Also this.

    Quote from Hockleberry: Go

    Not a feature available on Sc2Mapster. Sadly, we probably aren't going to get any updates from Curse that bring us into 2016. We are still stuck in 2010!! Curse has dangled a new website in front of us and attempts to knock out the spam...but it appears to be for naught. :(

    I put you up on the CCI page news section.

    But make it more like 2002 era forum boards like invision free. Even those had a "find my last posts"... It's ridiculous..

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Is it even possible to use sc1 models on sc2?

    Sure. Everything's possible.

    Quote from Alevice: Go

    That said, I wouldnt mind someone retoucheing the Project Revolution ultalisk with normal and spec maps

    I've looked for this for the past 3 days and can't seem to find a download for the whole project revolution (just some terran demos) nor the ultralisk. If you can point me towards the model I'd gladly work out something for you.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Is it even possible to use sc1 models on sc2?

    Portraits, while also being just 2D and not 3D are video files. You could easily convert .smk format to .ogv (which I think SC2 still uses) and just display those video files.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on So are there no mods, or do they just not care about spam?

    I'm sorry someone took your name, that's no reason to cry, though xD

    Yeah, there are some bots that CAN execute JS code, though, the kind of bots we have are not really the smart kind (at least I assume so). I think a really simple captcha will be enough, even something as simple as "What's # + #?", activation by mail would also work and even new members can't post for the first 2 hours will too, as most bots just post a few times and leave between 1 hour-2hour period.

    Problem also is that we're supposed to be "moved" to some super-advanced-god-like-new-curse-software, and we have been supposed to be moving ever since the site launched (I've been a mod too long, I guess) so curse refuses to do any changes to this software because of such thing, I guess.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on So are there no mods, or do they just not care about spam?

    It is just Moza and me, then I got fed up and left the site for a while. I am back and I am informed that curse actually hired people for the sole purpose of deleting spam (thing that they're slacking in, if you ask me). The whole idea seems stupid, sounds like they should have got people to program a temporary fix, like you just suggested (and pretty much everyone else), instead of people to delete spam, seriously, a simple captcha could be implemented in the time it takes to delete 15 topics (the whole topic deletion + user banning system is ridiculous too, making it take a greater effort than it should too).

    Either way, since there's someone actually getting paid (6 people, actually, apparently) to do the job, you can officially add me to the "just don't care" list. Sorry.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on WTF bots! Curse killing esports sc2mapster R&D
    Quote from houndofbaskerville: Go

    "delete reason" ?

    You have to write a reason on why you are deleting a topic and why are you banning a user. I like to get creative with my delete reasons. Let's just leave it at that.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Jayborino's YouTube Feedback/Schedule Thread
    Quote from JayborinoPlays: Go

    Hey, another thing - anyone out there talented with making Avatars and/or YouTube banners? I need new, better looking ones that are tailored to my channel's content and I'm terrible at these sorts of things. I'm willing to pay and/or give full credit.

    What do you have in mind? PM me.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on WTF bots! Curse killing esports sc2mapster R&D

    Alright guys, you have a cleaner sc2mapster now. Just deleted over 30 of them. No lies. Didn't go further than page 2, though. Not that I had to anyway, I had enough spam on page 1 :P

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    posted a message on WTF bots! Curse killing esports sc2mapster R&D

    See what I am talking about. Moza was on 1 hour and 35 minutes ago. I'm SURE he deleted all of them and I come back to this post and this:

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    posted a message on WTF bots! Curse killing esports sc2mapster R&D
    Quote from Forge_User_87697641: Go

    I doubt I'm the only one though - there's some other mods that also usually do work, they must also not have been around.

    I thought it was just you and me and I completely gave up like a month ago or so...

    Maybe we have to go back to our "interesting" delete reasons, moza, they didn't do anything but at least they were fun and annoyed them :P

    Quote from Forge_User_87697641: Go

    The funny thing is, some of them have actually interesting topics where I feel the need to discuss^^

    Also this.

    Once I read a weight loss one that had legit advices :P

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