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    posted a message on [Trigger] Using Fog of War after a Map has been Revealed

    Will I need 1 for each player? Since they're both on separate revealers? I wasn't sure how revealers worked, and if what I created was technically one, but it seems to make sense. I'll use that knowledge to make it, ....after I find a tutorial on buttons ;)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Using Fog of War after a Map has been Revealed

    Currently, in my micro-testing map, the map is revealed for both players at the onset of the game. The purpose of this is so that Players can see each others compositions and locations, so that they don't waste time trying to find each other, and so that they can see if there were any potential mistakes. The map, though set as a competitive one, is intended, rather, to be cooperative. You grab a friend and use the map to practice composing armies which counter common things you might see opponents do, and to practice micro tactics.

    However, there are drawbacks to the map being revealed. Siege tanks, for instance, become a bit more powerful than they actually are. Thus, it makes it difficult to practice strategies in which they try to improve the effectiveness of their siege tanks by extending sight. Additionally, terrain advantages are gone, as height does not provide a lack of sight to the ground below.

    Thus, it seems to me that the best option at my disposal is to make it so that players can toggle the fog of war. They can discuss whether or not they might need it for something and turn it on if they do, and, when they're done, they should be able to turn it back off.

    Now, I haven't made any buttons before, but I'm sure it will be simple enough to make some sort of button or icon that players can click to toggle. The concept feels simple enough too. Two triggers, each firing upon the event of a button being clicked, a condition checking for a specific button, etc...

    the problem comes with the action. I know how to reveal the map, but I don't know how to hide it again. Currently I use the "Reveal Area" action to reveal the entire map, and I use the game duration for the length so that it is up indefinitely. What will I need to change so that the map can be hidden in the fog of war? Your advice will be terribly helpful in making this map more successful.

    Also, if you know of a better way to provide the toggle than the basic outline which has made itself evident to me, I'd be happy to hear it. For now though, the two triggers with button UI elements to control them seems the best option I can think of.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Micro Management Tester

    Even better, I attached it directly to the post! Let me know if there are any other issues. Thanks.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Micro Management Tester

    First version of this map is finished and ready to go.

    Micro Management Tester (v1.7)

    The purpose of this map is to allow quick, easy unit production and upgrades for the purpose of practicing army composition and micro-management tactics for the game of Starcraft 2. Unlimited resources, invulnerable buildings, and kill zones (places where you can send unneeded units to die) allow you to test various aspects of armies and micro without limit. Use the Terrain to your advantage and learn the intricacies of tactics in Starcraft 2. This map is meant for two players, each opposing each other in builds. Players can easily communicate and see each other's armies so that they can test things like "How many phoenixes do I need to kill 10 mutalisks" and much more.


    Instant unit creation of any unit in any of the 3 races
    Instant upgrades for all unit-related upgrades.
    All energy-using units start at full energy
    2 Kill Zones to dispose of units you no longer need to test
    Destructible rocks for DPS testing
    Varied Terrain for testing cliff pathing and battle advantages/disadvantages
    Choke Points
    Buildings are invulnerable, and kill zones around each base so that you cannot be easily camped
    20,000 of each resource type every 30 seconds is what is set for each player
    Entire map is revealed so that you can manage your armies for quickest points of contact

    Future Releases/

    Adding a computer AI for when players wish to test solo

    Feel free to add suggestions or comments here.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Data] Spawning additional Larva from a Hive w/o a Queen

    Will do, thanks. :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Spawning additional Larva from a Hive w/o a Queen

    Ah, thank you! This may solve some other dilemmas I was having too. Thanks a lot! Love solving many bird problems with one stone.

    Edit: (though it doesn't solve the dilemma of why the Queen won't see my hive prime as a hive for purposes of spawn larva, just in case they wanted to. :-/

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Spawning additional Larva from a Hive w/o a Queen

    Hmm, I don't see that. Maybe I'm not looking in the correct place?

    I clicked on my Hive (which is actually a custom Hive) and double clicked on Behaviors. I clicked on "Hatchery - Spawn Larvae" and then clicked on View and it brought me to the behaviors tab.

    There is a "Behavior - Requirements" but that's currently set to "none" with nothing named "Constant" in it.

    There's a "Requirements" in the Info Array, but, once again, nothing named Constant in that either. Needless to say, I'm quite confused! :-/

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Spawning additional Larva from a Hive w/o a Queen

    Which number is it? I changed count but that didn't actually change anything. :) Thanks

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Spawning additional Larva from a Hive w/o a Queen

    Is it possible to increase the maximum number of Larva allowed at a Hatchery at one time without the use of a Queen? I find that having only 3 Larva at a time in my micro-testing map is a bit limiting for quickly producing armies to test. It's a minor problem, but one nonetheless. Any advice would be most welcome. The map itself is, for the most part, done. But now I'm trying to make some minor improvements to functionality.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Nitro Packs Upgrade not Disappearing from Tech when Done?

    I have an interesting issue in my map where the Nitro Packs upgrade won't disappear from the Tech Lab when you've researched it, meaning you can click on it over and over again, though it provides nothing beyond the initial benefit. I've noticed that most upgrades disappear if you make "Learn <upgrade name>" a requirement. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a "Learn Nitro Pack", there's a "Use Reaper Speed" but that simply makes it required that you have the "Nitro Packs" upgrade before you can research it. >.>

    Help in this would be appreciated. This is pretty much the last thing I need to do before I publish my first map!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Getting a Custom Structure to Count as another Structure

    Here's what I'm referring to:

    If I delete that requirement, then the Ventral Sacs upgrade will not disappear once it is finished researching, like it normally does.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Getting a Custom Structure to Count as another Structure

    Switch them to what? Right now I've got the buildings in a corner, trying to hide them. I'd rather just have the abilities only require that the user not have the upgrade, so that it disappears when they research it. Unfortunately, in the current setup, the "not learned upgrade" is also tied in with the requirement of the building.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Getting a Custom Structure to Count as another Structure

    Hmm, if no one can answer those questions, can anyone at least tell me how to make buildings hidden? I could add Hives and a Lair if I can make it so the Player can't see them.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Getting a Custom Structure to Count as another Structure

    In the general sense, it would be good to know how to make a new, custom structure count as another structure for the purposes of unit requirements.

    In specific:

    I have made a Custom Hive structure for a map that I'm working on. This custom hive structure, however, does not count as a lair for everything that has a lair requirement, and doesn't count as a hive for t3 weapon and armor upgrades. How can I make this unit count as those structures for the purposes of requirements?

    Thanks in advance

    p.s. Another question if it can be answered: I knew a lot of zerg upgrades required the lair or hive to complete, so I removed their requirements. However, when I did that, the upgrades didn't disappear when researched. So, I had to go back and add all of their requirements. The problem is that the requirements are also what require you to have a lair or a hive. Is there a way to separate these requirements so that the upgrades disappear when learned, but don't require specific structures?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Setting Starting Supplies?

    @Shawn91210: Go That might be the key there. I will make the main building give 200 supplies. Thanks.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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