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    posted a message on Integer Increase in Objective Event

    Hmmm i thought that might be the case, i guess the objective doesnt refresh itself when the variable increases, shame but i'll live.

    Thanks for the help :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Integer Increase in Objective Event

    I have an integer variable that increases on unit death.

    I have an event that displays a text message (using the combineing text function) saying "SCV's Killed" and the Integer, so when one unit is killed it reads

    "SCV's Killed 1" then "SCV's Killed 2" and so on....

    I have an Objective that, again does pretty much exactly the same thing as the text message but reads

    "SCV's Killed 0/4"

    This "should" increase when an SCV is killed, it uses exactly the same code as the text message except as an objective, but no matter how many SCV's i explode it never reads more than 0, while the text message displays the correct value.

    There is obviously something im missing here... i just cant wrap my poor feeble mind around it... do objectives not update maybe? so its not picking up the integer changes?

    Many thanks in advance!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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