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    posted a message on Need help on how to make identical units with different models

    Found the height change for the leviathan, =)

    However, I did what you said for both the other issues but got neither to work... Still get the normal tumor and the white blob model...

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Need help on how to make identical units with different models


    I'm making a map there I need heroes, and to make a successful map I think it is important to have a lot of choices, so I'm trying to create a total of 5 hero units with Exactly identical stats but with 5 different models (Kerrigan, Leviathan, Ultralisk, Brutalisk, Aberration) but I really cannot figure out how I would do this, so if anybody could please help me? I tried by using the same basics as when creating my first unit, Marinie, but failed miserably when setting a non-marine actor to Marinie...

    Also, when working with the Leviathan I need the model to not fly but rather just float just above the ground (but still being a ground unit) which is something else I have not managed successfully.

    Then the final problem I have, yes I know its nooby, but how do I make a unit Invincible? xD (InviNCible, not InviSible) Trying to make a creep tumours invincible and unclickable but haven't found neither...

    If anybody can give me a detailed subscriptions about how to do ANY of these things, then please respond here or PM me =) The more details the better please =D

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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