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    posted a message on Display cost on a button, but don't charge the cost.

    Don't suppose I could be nosey here and ask what the ability is? You've got me curious as to what kind of effect you're going for, since it's rather unusal the way your trying to do it.

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    posted a message on Help me please.

    @QMJ3: It's 6 of one half a dozen of the other, it'll be tricky no matter method i'm using. The idea about using a projectile was that I can change it's speed to add the travel time aswell as causing the arc effect to have the area bombarded from above. Although you're right, making an arcing projectile is high level stuff and a pain. And yeh i forgot to mention about making the tanks behavior passive, otherwise with a 300 range they would be shooting all over the place.

    As for the random factor that's a good idea about the spreading around a single point, which I can create when the player targets the area and destroy with when it's finished. But I wanted the damage to be spread aswell so as not to one shot whatever it hits, otherwise it'll become a cheap ability that gets over used. So I think i'll either go with an invisible projectile and forget about the arc, or rack my brains about getting it working. But i'll defenately use your spread idea. Which infact gave me another idea, How about having 4 normal siege tanks and one of the larger Merc models with a heavier damaging explosion and a slower travel time, so it peppers the area with small blasts then one big BOOM. It's all about the looks for me, I just want things to be fun to use and pleasing to the eye.

    @zeldarules28: Yeh that's pretty much what I want, although I want it for multi player. Do you think changing the players view to a camera shot and change the light settings for just the single camera would work? If I set the camera to track the unit it should act like normal and only effect the player who's unit it is, I haven't worked with cameras yet so i'm not sure if it can be done or not, I may be talking rubbish., but the idea is sound.

    As for the tutorial, that would be awsome to see it in effect. I'm mostly at the idea and planning stage and i'm not 100% on the editor itself yet, i've only done C level coding so until i'm used to the editor I won't get as far as I want very fast (Although the prinicples of it are easy enough, it's finding out where blizzard put everything). To see one of my ideas as a working model would make me really happy.

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    posted a message on Help me please.

    I've been thinking about the artilary strike... tell me if you think this will work.

    Leave the units as normal siege tanks, but extend the range to say 300 so they can target anywhere. This will also make them turn thier turrets as they do that to fire anyway. Put thier firing speed up to say 10 seconds. Change thier firing mode to include a projectile. Make the projectile arc so it disapears above the camera while traveling. This way it'll drop into view as it lands. Have a 5 second timer that cancels thier auto attack, this will start after the first shot. Making them fire only once. Link it all to an ability with a long cooldown. Customise the projectile damage.

    Only hard parts for me if all of that works is, creating an arcing projectile and i've still no idea about how to scatter the shots as they land. Does that sound like it would work how I intended?

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    posted a message on Help me please.

    Maybe bitten off more than I can chew here. I'm trying to create a few abilities for my map and some of them are giving me headaches. Any help on any of them would be great.

    Toggle ability - Thermal Vision: (it's basically a fancy detection that can be turned on and off) · I want the terrain to darken · All units and hidden/burrowed units to highlight with a red body heat tint.

    Target ability - artilary strike: (This one is giving me no end of headaches) · The shots come from 6 siege tanks that sit by the HQ, I want them to face the target and fire 1 shot each. · No missiles are needed here as the shots will be considered to have traveled upwards at a speed which makes them unseen. (think train artilary) · The shots should have air time, so the further they travel the longer it takes to reach the target. · When the shots drop from the air onto the location, I want them to scatter slightly to give them a random indirect fire look to them, and so they cover a larger area.

    More of a question for clarification this last one. Do hardened shields replace normal sields, if so can they be upgraded like normal shields, how does it effect them? I want to give terran units buyable shield generators and the possibilty of having a hardened shield upgrade for those. I'm not sure how it would work in game terms though, or if it would break the game.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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