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    posted a message on Need help with a resource transfer system

    @ Grogian

    I just got it working, thank you :)

    However, what are these variables below good for that are located at the "else" tab? The first two variables allready tracked the numbers written at 7,7 and 9,(length of (entered chat string). Is it really nessesary to have these numbers changed before the trigger closes each time it's triggered?

    Variable - Set ToPlayer = (Integer((Substring((Entered chat string), 7, 8))))

    Variable - Set Amount = (Substring((Entered chat string), 10, (Length of (Entered chat string))))

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need help with a resource transfer system
    Quote from Grogian: Go

    @Bjorne91: Go

    Give Gold


    Game - Player Any Player types a chat message containing "-give", matching Partially

    Local Variables

    toPlayer = 0 <Integer>

    amount = "" <String>


    (Position of "-give" within (Entered chat string) (Insensitive to case)) == 1


    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


    (Substring((Entered chat string), 8, 8)) == " "


    Variable - Set toPlayer = (Integer((Substring((Entered chat string), 7, 7))))

    Variable - Set amount = (Substring((Entered chat string), 9, (Length of (Entered chat string))))


    Variable - Set toPlayer = (Integer((Substring((Entered chat string), 7, 8))))

    Variable - Set amount = (Substring((Entered chat string), 10, (Length of (Entered chat string))))

    UI - Display (Combine ("Give ", (Text(amount)), " minerals to ", (Text(toPlayer)))) for (All players) to Subtitle area

    I'm going to lunch, this might need some error handling. You had the right idea, just need to use a few substring. I also made it so there'd only have to be one trigger.

    Thank you :) I will have a look on it.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need help with a resource transfer system

    I would like to create a system based on chat commands where a player can type something similar to "Give 1 10" where "1" is the player number as it appears in my Leaderboard and "10" is the number of resources sent. This function will give 10 minerals to player 1 and reduce the number of minerals for the triggering player by 10. The point with this system is to allow flexible resource transfers in game, with exact valutes, rather than clicking a unlimited amount of times on the original send button.

    I've not yet started or tried to create such a system, because i'm not sure if there is a Condition of some sort that can track the number written in in the chat window. I need something that tracks the number written in the spot where the "10" is, rather than creating 12,000 functions for a game with 12 players that allows each player to send 1-1000 minerals to one of the 12 players.

    I need something that can track a number that aren't visible in the event but still are applied in a chat message.



    Game - Player Any Player types a chat message containing "-Give 1(space)", matching Partially


    Pick each player in (all players) and do actions

    If, then, else

    If Conditions


    (Player (Triggering player) treats player (Picked player) as Ally (Mutual)) == true

    Picked player equal to Player 1

    (Epic track condition that doesn't only track "Give 1(space)" but also any possible number behind that line)


    Player - Modify player (Triggering player) Minerals: Set (Minerals of Triggering player - (Tracked number))

    Player - Modify player (Picked player) Minerals: Set (Minerals of Picked player + (Tracked number))

    Question: Is there any way to create such a number tracker from a text message?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Kick Players
    Quote from Hayena: Go

    @Bjorne91: Go

    There is a condition called "Get Relationship Between Players" where one would be the triggering player and the other the chosen player. Here you can check if they are allies, enemies etc. Hope this helps

    That's perfect, thanks a lot. I stared myself blind at this yesterday and still didn't find a solution, i used a team check condition and made a lot of advanced tracking systems just for this and it worked, however it requierd a duplicated trigger so i decided to skip it. I never realized it was that simple :D

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Kick Players
    Quote from Mogranlocky: Go

    You could add some triggers like 'player x sends chat message containing kick player 1' and then turn on a vote trigger which counts 'yes' or 'no' from each other player except the one that is going to be kicked and then checking how many yes or no's. Kick if yes > no by simply defeating the player you wish to kick?

    I used a similar system where the votekick system were based on chat commands and Variables (Int), the votekick "number" was based on the player position in my Leaderboard and this worked fine for a global votekick system where all players are in the same team.

    However, i'm creating a 8vs4 and i want to prevent the votekick feature to be used cross-team. I know there must be some excellent "Condition" for this but i've not been able to found one. I need something like "Votekick Player equal to allied with Triggering Player = True". Where Votekick Player is the player that the vote is all about, and triggering player are the player that started the vote. Without such a condition it's possible for the team with 8 players to kick all players in the opposite team since they have more player to vote. There is probably a simple answer to this, any ideas?

    Any help would be very appreciated.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Kick Players

    I am interested of a votekick system as well, i will start experimenting with it and return to you if i explore something interesting :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Invisibile energy/mineral cost

    I'm having a issue with my abilities where they cost energy, but the energy cost is not displayed in-game when i scroll over the ability buttons. I'm also having the same issue with a single one of my upgrades that doesn't display mineral cost.

    I've temporariy solved the problem by writting in the actual valutes in the description of my buttons, but that seems like a lame solution. What can this depend on?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Leaderboard] Why does this square appear?

    @Bjorne91: Go

    Nevermind i found the problem, i had a "show progress bar" added to that certain slot, i just missed it because it was at the buttom of the trigger right before "Show Leaderboard" and that progress bar created the mysterious square. I'm adding more squares, it feelt empty without it :(

    Thanks for the help! :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Leaderboard] Why does this square appear?


    Why does this square appear in my leaderboard around the text "Players"? Is that standard for a leaderboard to add that frame to each text in colum 1, row 1 or is there anything that i could have done in my trigger to add that? I think it looks kind of funny, i want to either remove it or add it to all colums in row 1.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Questions about locked maps. Please help :)

    I'm wondering how the locked system works for map publishing on battle net. I'm working on a map project and i released a locked alpha file to battle net for testing purpose, the map was marked as "locked" and "private". However after the testing, we tracked down a couple of bugs so i reopened the locked map file and fixed these bugs, then saved and re-uploaded the locked file to battle net.

    It supprises me that i'm able to upload a locked map with saved files to battle net and make the edits appear on battle net. Is this a bug? or is this just how the system works?

    But if i save a locked map file and then close the galaxy editor, restart the computer and then open the locked file, the last "save" is not included.

    This has been very confusing to me, and because of this i may have ruined my entire map. You see, i have "auto save" enabled and after i noticed that you can edit and publish locked files i became less careful and may have overwriten my backup file with a locked file (because of the auto save). And i can't even see if a file really is locked because there are no visible changes between locked and unlocked files (as far as i know, apart from the ones i mentioned allready).

    My questions are:

    1) Is there a way to see if a map file is marked as locked or unlocked? (Another way than the following: Editing the map, close it, restart computer, reopen it and see if the changes are "saved")

    2) If i've screwed up and managed to lock all my local map files, does this mean that i have to publish each change before i can safely close the galaxy editor? (Since the saves aren't stored when i close it, restart and reopen it)

    3) Is there a way to unlock a locked map file?

    4) Is it likely that Blizzard can unlock my locked map file if i contact them for support and explain my problem? Even if they don't usually assist with Galaxy editor issues?

    5) If all my map versions really appears as "locked" and i for some reason wouldn't be able to apply my latest changes when publishing, does this mean that i either have to recreate the entire map or leave in the current almost-done shape?

    Thanks for reading, i know this might be a little messy but i hope everyone understands my problems.

    Edit: I managed to find a unlocked backup file, but i would still like to recive answers on these questions :)

    Regards Infernium.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Lobby/Game modes] The complete guide/reference
    Quote from SquarelyCircle: Go

    @Kanaru: Go

    It is possible that I've set the lobby up wrong, but I believe I've done it right. So, what I'm about to ask, I believe is broken. However, if you know what might cause the problem, I'd love to know:

    Lobby players aren't transferred to the game properly. For example, if player 2 is moved to player 4, he is still player 2 in game, even if people join after him and fill up the spots (but it would be nice if it worked, imho, even when nobody else joins, so you can do a 1v1 game).

    Same problem, it is so frustating for me since i based most of my triggers on player numbers before i even realized that it wasn't a warcraft III like lobby where lobby slots matters :/

    I fear i need to create an advanced in-game lobby to avoid this problem :(

    If anyone find a good solution please let me know!

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Question: How do i edit the "Under Construction" animation for a building?

    I'm having problems to add a "Under Construction" animation for a custom made Forge, based on the barrack unit. Everything is working fine apart from under construction animation, i would like to add the original protoss construction animation. You know, that blue ball of energy that morphs into a Forge when it's completed :D

    Currently there are no build animation at all, only "Forge birth" like 1 second before the building is completed. Where can i edit the construction animations for a building?

    Thanks in Advance :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Question: How do i make a Forcefield selectable?

    I'm trying to make a forcefield effect model selectable by other units, i've attracted the model to a building and wish to make it selectable so you can attack click it and select it. Anyone know if this is possible, and where to find it in the Editor?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Question: How do i hide building shadows?

    I'm trying to either shrink or remove the shadow image of a building once it's stationary. I have managed to remove the shadow image while constructing the building, but when the building is constructed the shadow appears. How can i remove the shadow image from a completed structure? and where can i find it in the editor?

    I've already done the following:

    • Changed the "Shadow Radius" for all model files connected to my building to 0.
    • Changed the "Properties - Accepted Property Transfers" unmarked "Cast Shadows" for all Actors connected to my building. (However it does not seem to have any effect)

    What else can i do? :(

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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